Lowongan Kerja RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo
About Rumash Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo)
Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat – RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo is a hospital located in Makassar, South Sulawesi province. The hospital was founded in 2006 and its location on Jl. Pioneer Independence, not far from the campus of the University of Hasanuddin. This hospital has a specialist clinic. In 2011, Safira successfully removing the nail in the hospital. The name is taken from the hospital wahidin soedirohoesodo name, an Indonesian national hero.
In 1947 the Hospital was founded by borrowing two (2) Mental Hospital ward that has been established since 1942 as a surgical ward and diseases in which is the forerunner of the founding of General Hospital (RSU) Dadi.
In 1957 RSU Dadi located on the street Lanto Dg. Pasewang No. 43 Makassar as Hospital Regional Government of South Sulawesi and in 1993 became the Hospital with the classification B. Development of RSU moved to Jl. Pioneer Independence Km. 11 Makassar, adjacent to the Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University.
In 1994 RSU Dadi turns into a vertical-owned Hospital Department of Health under the name General Hospital Center (Dr) dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo by the Minister of Health R.I. No. 540 / SK / VI / 1994 as the Hospital of class A and as a teaching hospital as well as the highest Referral Hospital in eastern Indonesia.
On December 10, 1995 Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo set to Hospital Swadana units and in 1998 issued Law No. 30, 1997 turned into a User Unit Non-Tax Revenue (non-tax).
With the issuance of the government regulation R.I. No. 125 2000 Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo switch the institutional status of a departmental agency (Testament), which lasts for five years and ended in 2005. Then, based on Government Regulation No. 23 of 2005 on pengelolaaan finances Public Service Agency (BLU), Minister of Health Decree No. 1243 / Menkes / SK / VII / 2005 dated 11 August 2005 on the establishment of 13 ex Hospital PERJAN be UPT Department of Health with the application of a PPK-BLU, and Decree of the Minister of Health No. 1677 / Menkes / Per / XII / 2005 on the organization and working procedures of the department Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, then since January 2006 RSWS institutional turned into a Technical Implementation Unit of the MOH with Pola Financial Administration of the Public Service.
2014 RSWS obtained two important Accreditation, the Accreditation KARS plenary and JCI accreditation. On October 17, 2014 the Ministry of Health of Indonesia issued Decree no. HK.02.02 / Menkes / 390/2014 regarding the determination of the status of the department Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo into national referral hospital.
On December 10, 1995 Hospital Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital is set to be a self-financing unit and in 1998 issued Law – Law No. 30 of 1997 turned into the User unit Non-Tax Revenue (non-tax). With the publication of government regulations R.I. No. 125 2000 Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo switch the institutional status of a departmental agency (PERJAN)
Contact RSUP Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 11, Tamalanrea
Makassar – Sulawesi Selatan -Indonesia
Customer service : 0411 – 592222, 581773
Telp. 62 – 0411 – 583333 ext. 8224
Fax. 62 – 0411 – 587676
Jobs Available
RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo open career opportunities in the health world by joining as:
- Perawat : NERS, DIII Keperawatan
- Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian : TKK, Kurir Obat
- Perekam Medis
- Analis Kesehatan : Analis Sampling
- Radiologi : Radiografer
- Akuntan
- Pengadministrasi Kepegawaian : Administrasi, Arsiparis
- Pemelihara Sarana Rumah Sakit : Elektromedik, Teknisi Listril, Teknisi Mesin, Teknisi Bangunan
- CSSD & Laundry : Staf Sterilisasi, Staf Laundry
- Sopir : SMU Sederajat
Jobs Description
General requirement:
- Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia
- Male Female
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Attractive, ideal body weight / proportion.
- Especially those who have special competence certificate.
- Maximum age 25 years or a maximum of 30 years for those who have at least 2 years work experience as evidenced by a certificate from a long task.
- Mastering computer programs (MS Office)
- Beredia follow the official schedule shifts and comply with all regulations in the hospital.
- Grin did not smoke during the work and are in the neighborhood Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar.
- For applicants when applying for a woman is not in a state of pregnancy, evidenced by the results of laboratory tests.
- Willing is not pregnant in the first trial period of 1 year
- Not going to college and not under contract with another institution.
- Each stage is a test of the system fall. Participant selection should be passed all stages of selection includes the selection and administration, a written test, skill test, psychological test, interview and passed a medical at the final stage of selection conducted by a team of health inspectors Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar.
- There was never sentenced to prison or jail by a court decision and not involved in an activity or movement against Pancasila, the Constitution of 1945, the State and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
Terms of application file
- A cover letter addressed to the Director of Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, may be handwritten or typed on paper folio her computer by attaching a stamp Rp. 6000, – is required to include the correspondence address and No, HP / contact phone
- FC Registration Certificate (STR) and or STRTTK which has been legalized and is still valid at least until July 1st, 2018
- FC diploma and transcripts legalized
- State graduate GPA of at least 2.75, PTS min 3:00
- FC valid identification card (or cards for the family and marriage certificate applicants Driver)
- FC SKCK legalized
- Recent photograph size 4×6 cm 3 pieces with red background
- FC sesusi skills competency certificates and valid
- FC work experience of a long work (for those who have work experience)
- For PTS graduates must attach a certificate of accreditation FC minimum C of BAN-OT or Lam-PTKes
- Affidavit in accordance with the attached form on registration page
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please submit your application by online through :
The mechanism of registration:
- Files and Application letter sent to PO Box 1148 addressed to the Director of RSUP.Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar.
- File inserted began on 10 – 21 April 2017
- Files received at the latest on 21 April 2017 at 16.00 pm (postmark).
- Before being sent to be examined again all the fittings according to the requirements because there is no mechanism rnenyusul file completeness.
- Files that have been added to complete the specified folder before entering into a brown envelope with writing code types of energy (the position) on the Left Corner on the envelope
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
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