Lowongan Kerja RSUD Prambanan Kab Sleman



Lowongan RSUD Prambanan

About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Prambanan (RSUD Prambanan)

Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Prambanan – RSUD Prambanan located in Jl.Prambanan-Piyungan Km.7 Delegan Hamlet, Village Sumberharjo, District Prambanan of Sleman. Prambanan District General Hospital was established in late 2009 by Sleman Regent Permit No. 503/2316 / DKS / 2009 on Operation Permit While the General Hospital of Prambanan. Then reinforced by the issuance of Sleman District Regulation No. 9 of 2009 on the Organization of Local Government of Sleman. Execution of tasks, functions and working procedures regulated in Sleman Regent Regulation No. 49 of 2009 on Duties, Functions, and Work Procedure of the General Hospital of Prambanan.


As the legal recognition of the founding hospitals Prambanan do the maintenance of operating licenses later issue a Certificate Code hospitals Prambanan 3404168 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the Secretary of the Directorate General of Medical Services, the new building is constructed using Special Allocation Funds and Budgets of 2012 and 2013, which The building consists IGD and child-care spaces and spatial arrangement in hospitals Prambanan. The new building is a building that was built by using the Special Allocation Funds and Budgets of 2012 and 2013, consisting IGD Building and child-care spaces and spatial arrangement in hospitals Prambanan.Pada dated December 29, 2011 in accordance with the Sleman Regent Decree No. 362 / Kep.KDH / A / 2011 Hospital Prambanan implementing a financial management BLUDs gradually based on the legislation in force.

Prambanan hospitals have obtained ISO 9001-2008 certificate issued by SGS on October 14, 2014. With the implementation of ISO, all services are provided in accordance to generate customer satisfaction and excellent service.

Based on the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number: HK 2:03 / I / 0503/2015 dated March 2, 2015 on the application of the General Hospital of Prambanan of Sleman District General Hospital as Class C.

Accredited hospitals Prambanan has “plenary” by the Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (KARS) with certificate number Number: KARS-SERT / 199/1/2016 is based assessment on 10-12 December 2015.

Contact RSUD Prambanan
Jl. Prambanan-Piyungan Km.7 Delegan Sumberharjo Prambanan
Telepon: 0274-4398357 (IGD) , 0274-4398356, 0274 4398794 . Fax: 0274 4398570
Email: rsud.prambanan@slemankab.go.id

Jobs Available

Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Prambanan Kabupaten Sleman will conduct selection procurement of non-civil servants under the following conditions:

  1. Dokter Umum
  2. Apoteker
  3. Pengadministrasi Obat
  4. Bidan
  5. Radiografer
  6. Verifikator Jaminan Kesehatan
  7. Pengadministrasi Keuangan
  8. Perawat Bangsal Klas III Candi Barong
  9. Perawat Bangsal Bdeah Klas III Candi Ijo
  10. Perawat Kamar ICU
  11. Perawat Unit Haemodialisa
  12. Perawat Poli Mata
  13. Pranata Laboratorium
  14. Teknisi Elektro Medis
  15. Pengadministrasi Pasien 24 Jam

Jobs Description

Rerquirements :

  • Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia;
  • Fear God;
  • Have a degree issued by a State or Private Education Institution with accreditation status with a minimum B cumulative grade point (GPA) of at least 3;
  • For the formation of the high school / equivalent and D3 maximum age 30 years, and for the formation of Doctors and Pharmacists maximum age of 35 years, commencing on 1 November 2016;
  • Holds appropriate educational qualifications required;
  • Good behavior, evidenced by copies of valid photo (legalized) Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid;
  • The certificate of work experience, preferably in a hospital and / or health care;
  • General Practitioner required for the formation of competent ACLS, nurses are required to have a valid PPGD competence, competence Haemodialisa Haemodialisa Nurses, midwives are required to have competence APN;
  • STR has for the formation of a health profession;
  • Graduated in all stages of the selection includes a selection of files, written exam, health, practices and interviews;
  • Physically and mentally healthy, evidenced by a health certificate from a doctor or health center Sleman District Government Hospital.
  • Affidavit never dishonorably discharged as civil servants and private sectors;
  • A statement prepared under contract not work with other parties;
  • A statement does not claim he was appointed as a permanent employee or candidate and civil servants;
  • Willing to work shift;
  • Ready to comply with all existing regulations in Prambanan of Sleman District General Hospital;
  • Equipment provided letters l, m, n, o, p, signed with the stamp of each Rp.6.000, – (affidavit provided at the time of enrollment, participants completed the seal 2)

Sites Reference

  1. http://rsudprambanan.slemankab.go.id

Submit Application

For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please come and submit the application file directly to hospitals Prambanan of Sleman, consisting of:

  1. Own hand-written cover letter with black ink addressed to the Director of Hospital Prambanan of Sleman;
  2. Curriculum Vitae (signed);
  3. Photocopies of the qualifying certificate of competence and transcripts legalized;
  4. Photocopy of certificate of accreditation of education legalized;
  5. Photocopy of valid ID and legalized;
  6. Pas recent color Photo size 4 x 6 as much as two (2) pieces;
  7. Health certificate from a health center or hospital doctor Sleman district government;
  8. Police Notes (SKCK);
  9. Photocopies of STR legalized;
  10. Certificate of work experience;
  11. Affidavit not been dishonorably discharged as civil servants or private;
  12. Affidavit willing not tied to a contract with another party;
  13. Affidavit not demanding appointed as a permanent employee or prospective civil servants;
  14. Willing to work shift;
  15. Willing to obey all the rules in Prambanan of Sleman District General Hospital;
  16. Completeness requirement letters k, l, m, n, o signed with the stamp of each Rp.6.000, – (form prepared by the committee at the time of registration)
  17. All files included in succession in batik stofmap to write down the serial number, the type of formation and the identity of the registrant disampul front;


  • Each participant is required to follow all stages of selection. Failing to follow will be disqualified.
  • Announcement of selection results are final and can not be contested.
  • Format announcement form and more information, please see the page: Source

Info Lowongan RSUD Prambanan brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com