Lowongan Kerja RSUD Kota Tangerang Tahun 2013



Lowongan Kerja RSUD Kota Tangerang

About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah – RSUD Kota Tangerang

Construction of Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Kota Tangerang is located in the area of Modern Land, Village Coconut, Coconut Beautiful Village, Tangerang District, targeted operations in August 2013.

To meet the human resource (HR) such as nurses and doctors, the City Government (City Government) Tangerang require as many as 500 employees who will be employed at the medical center. “Number needed not only for the health portion only, including administrative staff,” said Deputy Mayor, Arief Wismansyah, after the plenary session of Parliament Tangerang City, Thursday (6/12) afternoon.

Arief also said it is now reviewing doctors who will move outside the city of Tangerang. Because, according to him, there are some doctors from other hospitals to join, one of the doctor-owned hospitals Tarakan city government. Questioning what will be different in terms of services between the city of Tangerang District Hospital with other hospitals in the area, Arief guarantee will be different. Therefore, Tangerang City Hospital prepared without class. “In fact, the mayor asked him the equivalent of a VIP lounge Sari Asih,” he said.

That is, the official continued, standard services and amenities unlike other hospitals. “Arguably, we will optimize,” he explained.

Arief is recognized, it is necessary for the construction of hospital costs reached Rp120 billion, plus equipment or medical facilities Rp80 billion.

“The total budget is nearly reached Rp200 billion. Complete with infrastructure like that, people no longer need to Tangerang City to Fatmawati and RSPN Cipto Mangunkusumo in Jakarta. But all of this takes the process,” he said.

Infrastructure facilities available in the hospital later that include intensive care unit (ICU) and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) with sub-sub-specialists, 23 polyclinics and the number of beds to 300.

“This hospital is designed as a hospital grade C, meaning that concentrates on four basic services that the mother, child, medicine and surgery,” beber deputy mayor.

According to him, Tangerang City Hospital targeted completion in July 2013 and the coming into operation in August 2013. “Currently 60 percent of the volume of work reached the stage of contract with tender winner PT Clairvoyant,” he said.

Added Arief, Tangerang City Hospital will be special for resident hospital free Tangerang who have ID cards and card families (KK). In contrast to users outside the city of Tangerang residents, Arief said, during an emergency condition will be accepted. “Did you later free for residents outside the city of Tangerang, we are preparing the system,” he added.

Tangerang City Council members, Sjaiffudin emphasized that local governments prioritize citizens become employees of hospitals. “In the next recruitment, Tangerang City residents should take precedence. Was our recommendation of the PAN faction,” said Sjaiffudin

Company Contact

Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Tangerang
Jl. Pajajaran No 101, Pamulang Barat

Jobs Available



In order to fill the vacancy formation employee at the General Hospital Tangerang City, as stipulated in Decree No. Tangerang Mayor: 800/242-BKPP/2013 dated April 26 regarding formation Variable Employee and Labor Contract Hospital Tangerang City, the City Government Tangerang opportunity for Indonesian citizens who are eligible to be Employee Variable (Non-Civil) in Tangerang City Government Environment.


No Kode Formasi Nama Profesi/Jabatan Kualifikasi Pendidikan Jumlah
Jenjang Pendidikan Nama Program Studi
1 11 Dokter Umum S1 + Profesi Dokter Kedokteran Umum 26
2 12 Dokter Sp Bedah S2 Spesialis bedah 3
3 13 Dokter Sp Obstetri Ginekologi S2 Sp Obstetri Ginekologi 2
4 14 Dokter Sp Anestesi S2 Spesialis Anestesi 3
5 15 Dokter Sp Penyakit Dalam S2 Spesialis Penyakit Dalam 2
6 16 Dokter Sp Anak S2 Spesialis Anak 5
7 17 Dokter Sp Radiologi S2 Spesialis Radiologi 2
8 18 Dokter Sp Patologi Klinik S2 Spesialis Patologi Klinik 2
9 19 Dokter Sp Mata S2 Spesialis Mata 1
10 20 Dokter Sp Kulit dan Kelamin S2 Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin 1
11 21 Dokter Sp THT S2 Spesialis THT 2
12 22 Dokter Sp Jantung S2 Spesialis Jantung 2
13 23 Dokter Sp Paru S2 Spesialis Paru 1
14 24 Dokter Sp Syaraf S2 Spesialis Syaraf 2
15 25 Dokter Sp Bedah Mulut S2 Spesialis Bedah Mulut 2
16 26 Dokter Sp Jiwa / Psikiater S2 Spesialis Jiwa / Psikiater 2
17 27 Psikologi S2 Psikologi Klinis 3
18 28 Bidan DIII Kebidanan 30
19 29 Perawat Terlatih DIII + Sertifikasi PPGD/ BTCLS Keperawatan 76
20 30 Perawat (D.IV/S1) D.IV/S1 Keperawatan 20
21 31 Perawat (DIII) DIII Keperawatan 104
22 32 Perawat Anastesi DIII Anastesi 6
23 33 Perawat Gigi (DIII) DIII Keperawatan Gigi 10
24 34 Perawat Gigi (SPRG) SPRG SPRG 2
25 35 Asisten Perawat SMK SMK Kesehatan/SPK 74
26 36 Apoteker S1 + Profesi Apoteker 3
27 37 Asisten Apoteker DIII Farmasi 15
28 38 Ahli Gizi S1 Ilmu Gizi 2
29 39 Asisten Ahli Gizi DIII Ilmu Gizi 6
30 40 Analis Laboratorium Kesehatan DIII Analis Kesehatan 10
31 41 Tenaga Elektromedik DIII ATEM 5
32 42 Radiografer DIII ATRO 4
33 43 Fisioterapis DIII Fisioterapis 4
34 44 Petugas Proteksi Radiasi DIII Atro + Sertifikat PPR 2
35 45 Sanitarian DIII Kesehatan Lingkungan 4
36 46 Perekam Medik DIII Rekam Medik 9
37 47 Terapi Wicara DIII Terapi Wicara 2
38 48 Okupasi Terapis DIII Okupasi Terapi 2
39 49 Prosthetist DIII Ortotik Prostetik 2

Jobs Description



  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
  • Devoted to God Almighty.
  • Have fidelity / high loyalty to the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Not located as Candidate / Civil, Candidate / Member army / police.
  • Not located as members / board Political Parties.
  • Never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as a Civil Servant / Private.
  • Not been sentenced to imprisonment by a court having binding legal force.
  • Applicants who have already submitted your application file before the announcement of the opening of Variable Selection Recruitment and Employment Contract (Non-Civil) Hospital Tangerang City is required to register online.


  • Age Minimum age of 19 (nineteen) years and a maximum of 35 (thirty five) years per January 1, 2013.
  • Qualifications Education:
  • Preferably with work experience in Hospital / Health Services Agency.
  • Appropriate educational qualifications required for the formation of vacant positions, as with the above.
  • Applicants whose diplomas are not in accordance with the required educational qualifications and not fill properly and complete the online registration form applicants declared ineligible to participate in the selection and disqualified.


  • Selection registration must be done on line through the website http://bkpptangerangkota.unpad.ac.id stages:
  • Participants perform Registration.
  • Participants upload documents consist of:
    1. Last diploma with a maximum file size of 800 kb
    2. 4X6 color photo fit with a maximum file size of 100 kb
    3. ID cards with a maximum file size of 100 kb
    4. Participants do print test Participant Card


  • Applicants submit the application file directly on the test when the supervisor.
  • Application file consists of:
    1. Application letter handwritten and signed stamped Rp. 6000
    2. Legal Photocopy of diploma which has been legalized by the competent authority (diploma while information / certificate of graduation is not allowed);
    3. Legal Copy of academic transcript legalized by the original stamp and signature of authorized officer;
    4. Health Certificate from the Government Doctors;
    5. Photo copy of valid ID card;
    6. 4×6 recent photograph (color); 3 pieces;
  • For those applicants who passed the test Selection and accepted as the PTT / Labor Contract shall submit Tangerang District Hospital Files Police Notes (SKCK).

Sites Reference

Submit Application

Please register by online through :


  • Variable Selection Recruitment Hospital Tangerang City is free of charge.
  • Recruitment Selection Committee Variable Tangerang District Hospital is not responsible for charges and or a bid by any person in the name of the Committee to excuse / reason whatsoever.
  • Official information regarding selection Variable Selection Recruitment and Employment Contracts Tangerang District Hospital can be seen / accessed in Tangerang City BKPP website with http://bkpptangerangkota.unpad.ac.id address.

Lowongan PDAM Kota Tangerang brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn