Lowongan Kerja RSUD Brebes
About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Brebes (RSUD Brebes)
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Brebes – RSUD Brebes is a government-owned hospitals Brebes regency which is an area of ??the border between Central Java and West Java, and was founded in 1954. Brebes Regional Hospital has a land area of ??3.99 hectares or 39.900 m2, with a building area of 14 114 m2. At its inception has only two wards, namely general ward and the maternity ward. In which there are 25 beds. In addition to 2 Brebes Regional Hospital ward was equipped with a polyclinic time and space medicine. Based Brebes District Head Decree No: 061/02611/1983 on the organizational structure and working procedures included in the category Brebes Regional Hospital Hospital type D. As performance improvement services, ten years later by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia On January 9, 1993 No: 009-H / SKI / 1993. Hospital Brebes has qualified to become the C-class hospitals, and in 1998 obtained the certificate of full accreditation from the Ministry of Health.
As a hospital-type C, Brebes Regional Hospital have facilities and service types as follows: 1) The ministry full time for four specialist basic (medicine, surgery, children, obstetrics and gynecology), 2) four other specialists (ENT, eyes, skin, sex and nerves) and plus ICU facilities. Thus there are eight specialist services for outpatient and inpatient. In addition there are support services (pharmacy, clinical laboratory, radiology, physiotherapy, blood bank), as well as other support services (nutrition, IPSRS, laundry, environmental health, canteens, cooperative, security, information, parking and ambulance). In 2001 hospitals Brebes obtain a certificate of advanced accreditation of 12 services.
Brebes District Hospital is committed to further improve service quality, particularly in the context of the era of global market competition. In order to improve service quality and win this competition, Brebes district hospitals should be able to reduce red tape in providing services through the application of Financial Management Public Service Board (PPK-BLUD). According to Regulation 23 of 2005 on the financial management of BLU and Regulation 61 of 2007 on Technical Guidelines for Financial Management BLUDs, stated that the purpose of the BLU is to provide public services such as the provision of goods or services sold without profitability, and in carrying out its activities based on the principles of efficiency and productivity. As a follow up Brebes Regional Hospital has been set to implement the KDP-SKPD BLUDs based Regent Decree No. 445/473, dated December 21 2010, the agency hopes will be a more professional and accountable in providing services to the customers so that customer satisfaction is maintained.
As a public hospital, Hospital Brebes should keep and improve the quality of services in order to survive in the midst of the development of private hospitals fastest in Brebes and the surrounding area. Based Health profile data in 2011 there were 5 units RSU ownership Brebes district government and private sector, including hospitals Brebes. The existence of Brebes District Hospital during this highly needed by the community and surrounding Brebes. Since the last five years, until now characterized by an increased number of visits of patients significantly. On the other hand the availability of human resources and existing facilities should be managed with a contemporary management system with more capacity and adequate quality.
In order to meet the needs of a more optimal management arrangements, the management Brebes Regional Hospital is committed to accelerate efforts to improve the status of the hospital from type C to type B. In February of 2012, the accreditation certificate for a complete level 16 service areas of the Commission on Accreditation Home pain (KARS) MOH has been successfully achieved by hospitals Brebes with certificate number KARS / -SERT / 432 / II / 2012 ladder February 24, 2012 and must diperbahari again before the date of February 24, 2015.
The next step Hospital RS filed a class increase from class C to class B in accordance with the predicate accreditation stipulated by the Ministry of Health of Indonesia, and in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Health the number HK.03.05 / I / 2231/12 dated September 10, 2012, hospitals Brebes has been designated as the General Hospital of class B.
With the rise and development of health services, hospitals Brebes also determined by the Ministry of Health as Health for Health Inspection Service Candidate of Indonesian Workers (CTKI) who will work overseas with a number HK.03.05 / I / 1733/2012 dated September 10 2012.
Another impact of the rising class of the hospital, the organization of hospitals also experienced change and development and has been designated organizations Hospital by District Regulation Brebes Number 8 Year 2012 concerning the Second Amendment District Regulation Brebes No. 7 of 2008 on the Organization and Work Procedure of the Regional Technical Institute , Inspectorate, Municipal Police Units and Other Agencies Brebes.
Contact RSUD Brebes
Jl Jend.Sudirman No 181 Kabupaten Brebes 52122
Telp : (0283) 671431 /Fax. (0283) 671095
Email :
Jobs Available
RSUD Kab Brebes will implement the Employee Non civil servant at the Public Service RSUD Brebes, with the following conditions:
Formasi Tenaga Kesehatan :
- Dokter Umum
- Farmasi Klinis
- Apoteker
- Kesehatan Masyarakat
- Pelaksana Gizi
- Perawat
- Penata Anestesi
- Fisioterapi
- Radiografer
- Bidan
- Teknisi Kefarmasian
- Perekam Medis
- Analis Kesehatan
- Teknisi Elektromedik
Formasi Tenaga Teknis / Administrasi :
- Pranata Keuangan
- Pranata Komputer
- Kehumasan
- Kerokhanian
- Teknik Boga
- Pustakawan
- Pengadministrasi
- Tenaga Pos (Pengantar Orang Sakit) Laki-laki
- Satpam
- Teknisi
- Juru Masak
- Pramusaji
- Supir
- Petugas Loundry
- Petugas Kesling/Tenaga Teknis
- Pemulasaran Jenazah
Jobs Description
General requirement :
- Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Aged as low as 18 (eighteen) years and a maximum age of 30 (thirty) years of age on 1 November 2016 except for the formation Pemulasaran Kerokhaniaan corpse and maximal age of 40 (forty) years.
- Never sanctioned by imprisonment or confinement Court decision that already has permanent legal force for committing a criminal act.
- Never dishonorably discharged as a government employee, temporary employee, or as private employees.
- Have the education, skills, expertise and skills required.
- Photocopy of academic transcript with a minimum GPA of 2.75 for State Universities and Colleges 3.00 for legalized by the competent authority for the educated, general practitioners, S2, Pharmacists, S1, and DIII DIV.
- Photocopy of the average value of at least 7.00 for Formation diploma Pengadministrasi, Postal Workers, Security Guard, Technician, Chef, Waiter, Driver, Loundry Officers and Officers of environmental health.
- Photocopy of diploma the average value of at least 6.5 for the least junior secondary education / equal to Pemulasaran Formation corpse.
- Curriculum Vitae (DRH).
- Photocopy of ID card.
- Police Notes (SKCK).
- Job Seeker card (AK.I).
- Two color photos 4 x 6 cm 2 pieces.
- Medical Certificate of Foreign Government Hospital.
- Height and weight proportional.
- Can operate a computer.
- Other requirements in terms of office.
- Have work experience.
- Besedia work shif.
- Will not prosecute a civil servant (Civil Servants).
- Not located as specified Governing Political Parties.
The specific requirements of each formation can be seen in the source ..
Registration Procedures
- A cover letter addressed to the Director of Hospital Brebes Brebes to address Jl. Sudirman 181 Brebes and file an application submitted directly to the Committee hospitals Brebes Brebes (Hall Brebes Regional Hospital).
- Cover letter handwritten in black ink, the Indonesian language, stating no. HP and signed.
- Application documents in a sealed envelope brown size 35 x 25 cm (according to the example in appendix I) that has been defined which contains:
- a. Letter of application (as in the example in appendix II);
- b. Curriculum Vitae;
- c. Photocopy of diploma and list of values ??/ transcripts that have been legalized by the competent authority with the original signature, stamp wet authorized institution as much as 1 (one);
- d. Photocopy of ID card which has been legalized from the village or district as much as 1 (one);
- e. Photocopy of Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid and has been legalized from the Police / Police 1 (one);
- f. Photocopy of Job Seeker Card (AK.I);
- g. First Health Certificate from Doctors Hospital of the Government;
- h. Color photographs size 4 x 6 cm by 2 (two) pieces;
- i. Other requirements required;
- j. Affidavit (as in the example in annex III) stamped Rp. 6000, – which states:
- Willing to be placed in all work units in Brebes Regional Hospital.
- Never dishonorably discharged as a government employee, temporary employee, or as private employees.
- Not bound by employment status in other institutions and not joining education.
- Willing to reimburse if not one (1) year working period resign.
- Willing declared ineligible / autumn and did not raise objections / complaints if there are files that are incomplete / does not comply with the specified requirements.
- Willing to be dismissed before the contract expires, because after the performance is evaluated not in accordance with their competence.
- Willing to obey all rules and regulations that exist in hospitals Brebes.
- Willing is not in a state of pregnancy during the first year of the contract.
- Besedia work shif.
- Will not prosecute a civil servant (Civil Servants).
- Not located as specified Governing Political Parties.
- Willing is not smoked.
- Willing expressed Autumn, if all required documents are not in the original.
- Registrants specifying the appropriate specialization existing formations.
- Bring stopmap corresponding predetermined Color:
- a. Medicals stopmap Yellow (General Practitioners, Nurses, stylist Anesthesia, and midwives);
- b. Other Health Workers stopmap Red color (Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Public Health, Managing Nutrition, Physiotherapy, technologist, Pharmacy Technician, Medical Record, Health Analyst and Technician Elektromedik);
- c. Administrative Staff stopmap Green color (Computer Personnel, Computer Personnel, Public Relations, Kerokhanian, Mechanical Boga, Librarian, Pengadministrasi, Electric POS, Security Guard, Technician, Cook, Chef, Waiter, Driver, Officer Loundry, Officer Kesling and Pemulasaran’s body).
- For applicants who submit an application prior to the date of registration was opened declared invalid / invalid / void.
- Less administrative records / incomplete or do not meet the requirements (TMS) did not pass the administration and the committee did not receive supplementary file completeness;
- Letter of application received at the latest on November 4, 2016 At 11:00 pm.
- Applicants who passed the selection will be announced dipapan administration or through the website announcement Brebes Regional Hospital (
- Download Form : Click Here
- Registration opens October 31, 2016 s / d November 4, 2016 (Working Hours 08.00 s / d 14:00 pm except Friday Hours 8:00 pm s / d 11:30 GMT)
- The whole process Employee Networking Non civil servant at the Public Service Board Regional General Hospital Brebes Brebes start of the registration process / applying, the implementation of the selection until the determination of graduation no charge and free of corruption, collusion, nepotism and falsification of documents.
- For applicants who are convicted of perjokian or give Remarks FALSE otherwise not PASS / FALL and will be subject to applicable law.
- All documents that have been submitted, become the property of the Committee and shall not be refunded unless STR Doctors and Pharmacists.
- When the selection stage, participants must dress neatly, air-collar shirt and shoes (not to be wearing a shirt and sandals).
- When the implementation of written tests First please carry ID cards.
- When the implementation of a written test carries stationery and ironing board.
- Graduation announcement each stage of the selection can be seen on the notice board and website Brebes Regional Hospital ( the date that has been scheduled.
- For participants who passed the selection of administrative and written are required to show the original document, attach a certificate of free drugs and free Hepatitis from Brebes Regional Hospital.
- And if it can not attach a letter that in point 8 (eight) then declared FALL.
- Source
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