Lowongan Kerja RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi


RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi OK

Lowongan Kerja RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi

About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD Dr Soeroto)

Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah – RSUD Dr. Soeroto Ngawi is a government-owned hospitals Ngawi regency. Until the end of 2015, the building area is 19739.92 m2 of land area of 51 410 m2 (38.40% of the available land). Appropriate Minister of Health Decree No. HK.02.03 / I / 1077/2013 on Stipulation of Class Hospital, Hospital Dr. Soeroto Ngawi in East Java Provinsiinsi defined as a hospital grade C.

RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi OK

Hospital Dr. Soeroto Ngawi its existence has been started since the Dutch colonial era in 1915 as an infirmary. Then in 1944, rehabilitated into a hospital initiated by Dr. Soeroto.

The composition of the director of the Hospital Dr. Soeroto Ngawi since established a clinic to date from an existing record is as follows:

  1. Dr. Jemblug (1915-1919)
  2. Dr. Hoege Ride (1919-1922)
  3. Dr. Luiter (1922-1925)
  4. Dr. Dicky M (1925-1927)
  5. Dr. Moch Anwar (1927-1932)
  6. Dr. Johnker (1932-1934)
  7. Dr. Budi Songkosoemo (1934-1937)
  8. Dr. Marsetyo (1937-1940)
  9. Dr. Hardadi (1940-1944)
  10. Dr. Soeroto (1944-1949, Didirikan sebagai rumah sakit umum daerah)
  11. Dr. Soemarsono (1951-1955)
  12. Dr. Margen Telle (1955-1956)
  13. Dr. Kwee Tik Yu (1956-1957)
  14. Dr. Tedjo Wibowo (1957-1963)
  15. Dr. Wijono Soetardjo (1963-1966)
  16. Dr. Roesman (1966-1970)
  17. Dr. Tanadi Mapulu (1970-1975)
  18. Dr. Ismoehadi (1975-1978)
  19. Dr. Bambang Soetjipto (1978-1979)
  20. Dr. Soepartono (1979-1981)
  21. Dr. Soetardjo (1981-1985)
  22. Dr. Soebekti (1985-1987)
  23. Dr. Soedarsono (1988-1994)
  24. Dr. Siradjul Munir (1994-1999)
  25. Dr. Maryo Miharya Saputra, MS (1999-2004)
  26. Drg. H. Hendro Wahyudiono (2004 s/d Agustus 2011)
  27. Dr. Gani Supadman, Sp.THT (Plt. September s/d Desember 2011)
  28. Dr. Puji Rusdiarto Adi (Januari s/d September 2012)
  29. Dr. Pujiono (Oktober 2012 s/d sekarang)

Kontak RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi
Jl. Dr. Wahidin No. 27, Ngawi, Jawa Timur. Kode Pos : 63211
Telepon : (0351) 749023, Faximile : (0351) 744774
Website : www.rsuddrsoerotongawi.com

Jobs Available

RSUD Dr. Soeroto Kabupaten Ngawi is seeking the best candidates to join as :

  • Perawat (26 positions available)
  • Asisten Apoteker (5 positions available)
  • Analis Kesehatan (3 positions available)
  • Radiografer (2 positions available)
  • Teknisi Elektromedis (2 positions available)

Jobs Description

General requirement

  • Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia (citizen)
  • Maximum age 35 years
  • Education:
    • Nurse: Nursing minimal D3
    • Assistant Pharmacist: minimal D3 pharmacy
    • Analysts Health: D3 minimal health analyst
    • Radiographers: D3 minimal radiological techniques
    • Technicians Elektromedis: minimal D3 technicians elektromedis
  • Not being tied to their employment status with other institutions, evidenced by a letter from the relevant revelation stamped
  • Willing to comply with all regulations applicable to dr Soeroto district Ngawi

Required application documents:

  1. Application letter (handwritten in Latin letters with black ink), addressed to Direktur RSUD Dr Soeroto Kabupaten Ngawi.
  2. Legalized copies of diploma and transcripts;
  3. Legalized copies of valid STR;
  4. Medical certificate;
  5. Copy of working reference letter (if any);
  6. Copy of BCLS/GELS/ATLS certificates (if any) for Perawat positions;
  7. Copy of Indonesian KTP;
  8. Latest color photograph 4×6 (2 sheets).

Sites Reference

  1. www.rsuddrsoerotongawi.com

Submit Application

You could come and directly submit all required application documents above to :

Sub Bagian Kepegawaian RSUD Dr Soeroto Kabupaten Ngawi
Jl. Dr Wahidin No 27 Ngawi on 3-8 October 2016 (09.00 – 13.00 WIB).


  • Closing date : 08 October 2016
  • All applications will be treated confidentially.
  • Only short listed candidates will be notified.
  • Source

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