Lowongan Kerja RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi
About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD Dr Soeroto)
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah – RSUD Dr. Soeroto Ngawi is a government-owned hospitals Ngawi regency. Until the end of 2015, the building area is 19739.92 m2 of land area of 51 410 m2 (38.40% of the available land). Appropriate Minister of Health Decree No. HK.02.03 / I / 1077/2013 on Stipulation of Class Hospital, Hospital Dr. Soeroto Ngawi in East Java Provinsiinsi defined as a hospital grade C.
Hospital Dr. Soeroto Ngawi its existence has been started since the Dutch colonial era in 1915 as an infirmary. Then in 1944, rehabilitated into a hospital initiated by Dr. Soeroto.
The composition of the director of the Hospital Dr. Soeroto Ngawi since established a clinic to date from an existing record is as follows:
- Dr. Jemblug (1915-1919)
- Dr. Hoege Ride (1919-1922)
- Dr. Luiter (1922-1925)
- Dr. Dicky M (1925-1927)
- Dr. Moch Anwar (1927-1932)
- Dr. Johnker (1932-1934)
- Dr. Budi Songkosoemo (1934-1937)
- Dr. Marsetyo (1937-1940)
- Dr. Hardadi (1940-1944)
- Dr. Soeroto (1944-1949, Didirikan sebagai rumah sakit umum daerah)
- Dr. Soemarsono (1951-1955)
- Dr. Margen Telle (1955-1956)
- Dr. Kwee Tik Yu (1956-1957)
- Dr. Tedjo Wibowo (1957-1963)
- Dr. Wijono Soetardjo (1963-1966)
- Dr. Roesman (1966-1970)
- Dr. Tanadi Mapulu (1970-1975)
- Dr. Ismoehadi (1975-1978)
- Dr. Bambang Soetjipto (1978-1979)
- Dr. Soepartono (1979-1981)
- Dr. Soetardjo (1981-1985)
- Dr. Soebekti (1985-1987)
- Dr. Soedarsono (1988-1994)
- Dr. Siradjul Munir (1994-1999)
- Dr. Maryo Miharya Saputra, MS (1999-2004)
- Drg. H. Hendro Wahyudiono (2004 s/d Agustus 2011)
- Dr. Gani Supadman, Sp.THT (Plt. September s/d Desember 2011)
- Dr. Puji Rusdiarto Adi (Januari s/d September 2012)
- Dr. Pujiono (Oktober 2012 s/d sekarang)
Kontak RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi
Jl. Dr. Wahidin No. 27, Ngawi, Jawa Timur. Kode Pos : 63211
Telepon : (0351) 749023, Faximile : (0351) 744774
Website :
Jobs Available
RSUD Dr. Soeroto Kabupaten Ngawi is seeking the best candidates to join as :
- Perawat (26 positions available)
- Asisten Apoteker (5 positions available)
- Analis Kesehatan (3 positions available)
- Radiografer (2 positions available)
- Teknisi Elektromedis (2 positions available)
Jobs Description
General requirement
- Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia (citizen)
- Maximum age 35 years
- Education:
- Nurse: Nursing minimal D3
- Assistant Pharmacist: minimal D3 pharmacy
- Analysts Health: D3 minimal health analyst
- Radiographers: D3 minimal radiological techniques
- Technicians Elektromedis: minimal D3 technicians elektromedis
- Not being tied to their employment status with other institutions, evidenced by a letter from the relevant revelation stamped
- Willing to comply with all regulations applicable to dr Soeroto district Ngawi
Required application documents:
- Application letter (handwritten in Latin letters with black ink), addressed to Direktur RSUD Dr Soeroto Kabupaten Ngawi.
- Legalized copies of diploma and transcripts;
- Legalized copies of valid STR;
- Medical certificate;
- Copy of working reference letter (if any);
- Copy of BCLS/GELS/ATLS certificates (if any) for Perawat positions;
- Copy of Indonesian KTP;
- Latest color photograph 4×6 (2 sheets).
Sites Reference
Submit Application
You could come and directly submit all required application documents above to :
Sub Bagian Kepegawaian RSUD Dr Soeroto Kabupaten Ngawi
Jl. Dr Wahidin No 27 Ngawi on 3-8 October 2016 (09.00 – 13.00 WIB).
- Closing date : 08 October 2016
- All applications will be treated confidentially.
- Only short listed candidates will be notified.
- Source
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