Lowongan Kerja RSUD Dr R Sosodoro Bojonegoro



Lowongan Kerja RSUD Sosodoro Bojonegoro

About RSUD Dr R Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro

Starting around 1928, during the Dutch Colonial with Zendingnya care of the house for the poor combined with Polyclinic Zending, subsequently developed into a hospital that continues to grow and alternated directors from both the Dutch and native of Indonesia and many doctors are in charge of one of them is Dr , R.Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo hereinafter in the period 1949 – 1966 was appointed director of the hospital. And during the hospital leadership is growing rapidly in the service, although still constrained financing and the severity of the struggle for independence at that time.

During the reign of Dr. Hadi Purwanto (Director to 13) are thought to provide the name of the hospital and agreed to name Dr. R.Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo 1990. Furthermore, the hospital when it was set into a hospital grade C with financial management unit Local self-financing. Furthermore, in the era of Directors Dr. Sudat Hadi Utomo, M.Pd.I hospital established by MOH Ri (Menkes) into hospital grade B Non Education (2006). Furthermore, in 2008 when the leadership of Dr. Sunhadi, M.Kes designated hospital financial management into the Finance Management Pattern of Regional Public Service Board (PPK-BLUD)

rsud sosodoro bojonegoro

Contact RSUD Dr R Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro
Website RSUD : www.rsudsosodoro.com
Alamat RSUD Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro Jln. Dr. Wahidin No. 40 Bojonegoro
Alamat Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro Jln. Mas Tumapel No. 1 Bojonegoro

Jobs Available

RSUD Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro are seeking the best candidates to join as :

  1. Administrator Kesehatan
  2. Pengolah Data Pelavanan
  3. Pengolah Data Kepegawaian
  4. Penyusun Rancangan Produk Hukum
  5. Perekam Medik Radioqrafer
  6. Pranata Laboratorium
  7. Fisioterapis
  8. Terapi Wicara
  9. Apoteker
  10. Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian
  11. Perawat
  12. Perawat Gizi
  13. Bidan
  14. Analis Program/ Proqramer
  15. Teknisi Hardware
  16. Teknisi Elektromedik
  17. Sanitarian
  18. Pemelihara / Perbaikan Gedung
  19. Mekanik dan Teknisi Listrik
  20. Pencuci Linen
  21. Pelaksana Sterilisasi / CSSD
  22. Pengadministrasi Umum

Jobs Description


  1. A cover letter addressed to : Direktur RSUD Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro, shall state the number of Hp and an email address that can be contacted;
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Copy of ID (lCfP / SIM) is still valid;
  4. Maximum age 35 years per 12 September 2015. For applicants who never internships (work) at the Hospital Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro maximum age of 50 years per 12 September 2015;
  5. Copy ljazah / STTB latest education appropriate educational qualifications in the formation, which has been legalized wet 1 sheet;
  6. Copy of the latest educational transcripts that have been legalized wet 1 sheet;
  7. Copy of certificate of accreditation of educational institution where the latter is still valid and has been legalized wet 1 sheet (especially for applicants with minimal education D3);
  8. Recent color photographs (one last year). red background color, size 4X6 4 pieces;
  9. A letter stating the authenticity of the application documents were stamped and signed by the applicant.


  1. All health workers (Code Formation: AK, PMK, RM, RD, LB, FS. TW, APT, TF-1, TF-2, PR, PG, BD, EL, SN-1, SN-2) must attach a copy STR / SIP / SIB / SIK is still valid;
  2. Formation Nurses (PR) and nurse cigi (PG) attach a copy of the certificate of training BLS / PPGD is still valid;
  3. Formation Midwives (BD) APN attach a copy of the certificate is still valid;
  4. Formation Program Analyst / Programmer (IT-1) shall:
  5. Mastering the Java programming language, PHP, Visual Basic, C ++;
  6. Master database SQL, MySQL, Oracle;
  7. Master and attach a CISCO certificate are preferred.
  8. Implementing formation Sterilization / CSSD (CS) and General Pengadministrasi (AU) attach a copy of the certificate of com puter skills;
  9. Copy of certificate of work experience in their field / fit formations;
  10. For applicants who never internships (work) at the Hospital Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro must attach a certificate of apprenticeship (work) .of the Hospital Director Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro.

Sites Reference

  1. www.rsudsosodoro.com

Submit Application

All included in the application file with a brown envelope on the Formation Code lists the top right corner of the brown envelope and sent through the Post Office to:

PO BOX 6106 SBSG 6O27LA (for applicants who do not include the formation of the code will not be processed for the selection and administration);


  • Non-civil servant recruitment BLUD Hospital Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro is free of charge;
  • Application file is sent directly to the Hospital Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro will not be processed;
  • The deadline for sending the application file dated 23 September 2015 (postmark).
  • Source

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