Lowongan Kerja RSUD Dr Moewardi



Lowongan RSUD Dr Moewardi

About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dokter Moewardi Surakarta

Sakit Umum Daerah Dokter Moewardi Surakarta – RSUD Moewardi an hospitals are managed by local governments (Surakarta). The hospital in Jalan Colonel Sutarto belokasi 132, Surakarta.

Hospital Jebres called Hospital Complex C, specifically for maternity services and content disease, childhood and family planning. Hospital located in Kampung Jebres, Kalurahan Jebres, District Jebres, Surakarta has a land area of 49 622 m2 and a building area of 15 868 m2. Especially for Hospital Jebres (Complex C) in accordance with the decision of the Governor of the Province of Central Java dated August 12, 1973 Number: G Law 171/1973 was named Complex Hospital Dr. Moewardi. Given Kadipolo Hospital (Complex A) on the development inefficient and no longer qualify for use as a hospital, then in September 1976 on the opinion of dr. R. Hirlan Saparno Widagdo, as Director General Hospital “Solo” with the approval of the Superintendent of Public Health Dati province of Central Java in Semarang, the Hospital Kadipolo along with medical equipment and supplies was later transferred to Hospital Mangkubumen. While the transfer of patients from hospital to hospital Kadipolo new Mangkubumen completed in mid-January 1977. With the completion of the transfer of these patients since that time Kadipolo Hospitals no longer function as a health care institution, for selanjutnyagedung former hospital were used as Campus School of Nursing Education (SPK). In recognition of heroes Dr. Moewardi, which was originally only used his name to the Hospital Complex Jebres, then the Decree of the Governor of Central Java region dated October 24, 1988 Number: 445/29684 predetermined naming the original hospital Dati Class B Central Java province in Surakarta (KompleksMangkubumen and Jebres) into Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta. This name change was inaugurated on 10 November 1988 in conjunction with hero days.


Contact RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Telp: (0271)-634634
Fax: (0271)-637412
Email: rsmoewardi@jatengprov.go.id

Jobs Available

RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities :

Formasi Tenaga Kesehatan:

  1. Dokter Spesialis Jantung
  2. Dokter Spesialis Orthopedi
  3. Dokter Spesialis Obsgin
  4. Dokter Spesialis Anak
  5. Sokter Spesialis Mata
  6. Dokter Umum
  7. Apoteker
  8. Fisikawan Medis
  9. Perawat Ahli
  10. Pembimbing Kesehatan Kerja
  11. Nutrisionis
  12. Asisten Apoteker
  13. Pranata Laboratorium
  14. Radiografer
  15. Perawat Terampil
  16. Teknisi Kardiovascular
  17. Teknisi Elektromedik
  18. Perekam Medis

Formasi Tenaga Teknis / Administrasi :

  1. Programmer
  2. Pengadministrasi Keuangan
  3. Teknisi Mesin
  4. Teknisi Bangunan
  5. Pramu Boga / Pramu Saji

Jobs Description

General requirement :

  • Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • On December 31, 2016 aged as low as 18 (eighteen) years as high as 30 (thirty) years of education high school, Diploma III and Tier 1 or equivalent and a maximum of 46 (forty six) years for education Strata 2 or equivalent.
  • Have the educational qualifications, skills, expertise and skills required
  • Never be dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as a civil servant / TNI / police or dishonorably dismissed as private employees.
  • Never sentenced to prison or jail is based on Order of the Court who already have permanent legal force, because of a criminal act.
  • Never engage in an activity / movement against Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the State and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Good character as evidenced by Police Notes (SKCK) of Police Resort (Police) District / Municipality.

Special Requirements:

  • Have the final diploma and transcripts for graduates D.III, S.1 and professions with a minimum GPA criteria 3:00, (three point zero zero) shall be certified by a competent authority. (Not a certificate of graduation and not the result of the scan)
  • Having a high school diploma with majors or competence caterers for caterers or Pramu Pramu formation fast with an average value of at least 7:00. (Seven point zero zero)
  • Applicants for the formation of general practitioners, specialist doctors, nurses, pharmacists, assistant pharmacists, nutritionists, medical recorder, pranats medical laboratories, medical physicists, radiographers, technicians cardiovascular, and technicians elektromedik must attach a copy of Certificate of Registration (STR) is still valid and shall be certified by the competent authority, not a letter ketersngan STR is still in the process, will follow the letter or certification exam schedules and other similar certificate and not the result of the scan.
  • For specialist doctors must receive the original letter of recommendation from the Chief of Medical Staff Group (KSM) Hospital Dr. Moewardi.
  • Applicants for the formation of a general practitioner must attach a copy of ATLS certificate is still valid. No need to be legalized but shows the original certificate.
  • All applicants must attach the original certificate of able-bodied from the government hospital or health center. Not a health certificate from a private hospital, private practice physician or practice independently.
  • Applicants for a married woman, at the time of application is not in a state of pregnancy proven by laboratory results or certificate of results of a pregnancy test.
  • Applicants for the formation of nurses required to attach a copy of the certificate is PPGD or BTCLS valid, but do not need legalized original shows.
  • For the formation of nurses dressed and meet the following requirements: Formation nurse, minimum height 155 cm (women) and 160 cm (men); Ideal Body Weight / proportionate

Sites Reference

  1. www.rsmoewardi

Submit Applicaton

For those of you who are interested and meet the requirements, then please register online through the following steps:

  1. Registration is done online (24 hours) via the website : http://rsmoewardi.jatengprov.go.id starting on 4 November 2016 from 08.00 pm and will end on 10 November 2016 at 23:59 pm.
  2. Further to the Registration Procedures Activation via online and requirements of the application file can be downloaded at : Click Here


  • Registration opened on 4 November 2016 from 08.00 pm and will end on 10 November 2016 at 23:59 pm.
  • The entire process of recruitment BLUDs Hospital Dr. Moewardi is free of corruption, collusion and nepotism. Trust me …!
  • Employee Recruitment BLUDs Hospital Dr. This Moewardi dupungut no cost at all, except on the implementation of health checks and inspection psikolologi will be charged to participants who have already qualified Ability Test Field
  • All documents that have been submitted become the property of the Procurement Officer Tim BLUDs Variable and non-refundable
  • Source

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