Lowongan Kerja RSUD Caruban Kab Madiun


RSUD Caruban

Lowongan RSUD Caruban

About RSUD Caruban Kab Madiun

Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Caruban – RSUD Caruban is one of the local general hospitals (Hospital), Madiun district government property is located in the region caruban Madiun district, East Java. Caruban Hospital is a public health care units for the whole society and receive patient referrals from various clinics, health centers, and other service units.

RSUD Caruban

Hospital human resource Caruban have medical or non-medical experienced including doctors, midwives, nurses and other non-medical experts. The role of hospitals Caruban currently known as the best health service by prioritizing the needs of patients, especially in the health field.

Contact RSUD Caruban
Jl. A Yani Km 2 Caruban Madiun, 63153
Jawa Timur, Kabupaten Madiun

Jobs Available

Pemerintah Kabupaten Madiun will hold an Employee Recruitment BLUDs Non-Civil in Madison County General Hospital Caruban 2016, with the following conditions:

  1. Apoteker (APT) : S-1 Farmasi dan Profesi Apoteker
  2. Perawat (PRE) : D-III Keperawatan
  3. Bidan (BDA) : D-III Kebidanan
  4. Asisten Apoteker (AAF) : D-III Farmasi
  5. Pranata Laboratorium (LAK) : D-III Analis Kesehatan
  6. Akunting (AKT) : S-1 Akutansi
  7. Administrasi Keuangan (ADM) : S-1/D-III (Umum)
  8. Terapi Okupasi (TRO) : D-III Terapi Okupasi
  9. Terapi Wicara (TRW) : D-III Terapi Wicara
  10. Perekam Medis (PRM) : D-III Rekam Medis

Jobs Description

General requirement :

  • Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia (citizen)
  • Well-behaved, never convicted criminal and did not wear / use of illicit narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (evidenced by attaching a certificate after passed the final stage or interviews).
  • Maximum age 35 years per October 1, 2016.
  • Pesyaratan grades:
    • a. For applicants from peguruan domestic high grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 (two point seven five) with a 4:00 scale.
    • b. For applicants from the private college grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (three point zero) with a 4:00 scale.
  • College applicants not including universities that are disabled by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.
  • The study program is accredited applicants BAN-PT (not accredited campus).
  • Competence as required education, evidenced by a diploma (Certificate of Graduation / SKL, and diploma meantime can not be used to apply).
  • Each applicant is required to have one (1) e-mail address is still active.
  • Employees are willing to comply with the Contract Selection Public Service Agency (BLUD) non-civil servants in Caruban Madison County General Hospital.

Special Requirements:

  • All health workers (formation Pharmacists, Nurses, Midwives, Assistant Pharmacists, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Medical Records and Health Laboratory Institution) must attach a Certificate of Registration (STR) is still valid.
  • Nurses must attach a special formation BLS and PPGD training certificates are still valid.
  • Midwives must attach a special formation APN certificate is still valid.
  • Especially for Nurses and Midwives applicants height (evidenced by attaching a health certificate):
  • a. At least 155 cm, for female applicants Nurses and Midwives,
  • b. At least 160 cm, for a male nurse applicants.
  • Accounting Specialty formations shall be certified by the accounting profession (evidenced by attaching a copy of the certificate of professional accountants).
  • Accounting and Administration special formations which have TOEFL certificate with a minimum score of 400 required to attach proof certificate.

Sites Reference

  1. www.madiunkab.go.id

Submit Application

For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please carry out the online registration through the following pages:


  • Closing date : 03 November 2016.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.

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