Lowongan Kerja RSUD Hasan Basry
About RSUD Hasan Basry Kandangan
RSUD Brigjend H Hasan Basry Kandangan ia a district general hospitals Hulu Sungai Selatan district government and act as health services Kandangan area residents. Hospital Hasan Basry has the vision and mission to become the national standard hospitals to improve health care quality and support medical facilities complete.
Hospital Brigjend H Hasan Basry Kandangan want to provide health services that reach all levels of society with adequate health medical personnel.
Jobs Hospital Hasan Basri – – Brigadier General Hasan Basry (born in Kandangan, June 17, 1923 – died in Jakarta, July 15, 1984 at the age of 61 years) was a military leader and National Hero of Indonesia. He was buried in Simpang Empat, Liang Anggang, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. Awarded the title of National Hero of Indonesia by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 110 / TK / 2001 dated November 3, 2001
After prolamasi independence, Hasan Basry active in a youth organization based in Surabaya Borneo. From here he started his career as a fighter. On October 30, 1945, Hasan Basry managed to infiltrate back into South Kalimantan aboard The Tulen Star, which departed from the port of Surabaya Kalimas. Arriving in London, met Basry H. Abdurrahman Hasan Sidik in Pekapuran, to send pamphlets and posters about the independence of Indonesia. In addition, through AA. Hamidhan, also sent pamphlets to Amuntai with Ahmad Kaderi, while to Kandangan sent by H. Ismail.
In Haruyan on May 5, 1946 the fighters set up Lasykar Syaifullah. The main program is the organization of military exercises, as leader Hassan Basry instituted. On September 24, 1946 while the market shows a lot of character charity night Lasykar Syaifullah arrested and imprisoned Netherlands. Therefore Hassan Basry reorganized the remaining members by forming, Fortress Indonesia
Hassan Basry, with fellow Unity Indonesian Army Division Mangkurat, fighters and community leaders, formed the Council Mangkurat on 3-10 March 1957. One of the working plan was to establish a college in Borneo. In the mid 1958 established the Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the University Mangkurat chaired by Hassan Basry.
On September 21, 1958, the committee succeeded in establishing the University Mangkurat with the composition of leadership: President of the University: Lt. Col. H. Hasan Basry; Vice President: Major Abdul Wahab Syahranie; and Secretary: Drs. Aspul Anwar. At its inception, the university consists of four faculties, namely the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, and the Faculty of Islamilogi. On November 1, 1960, University of Mangkurat official as state universities (PTN)
Contact RSUD Hasan Basry
RSU Brigjen H Hasan Basry
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 29 Kandangan
Jobs Available
RSUD Brigjend H. Hasan Basry Kandangan is seeking employment opportunities for formation as follows:
1 | Perawat | Minimal DIII Keperawatan | 50 orang | PRW |
2 | Bidan | Minimal DIII Kebidanan | 10 orang | BDN |
3 | Perekam Medis | DIII Rekam Medis | 6 orang | MR |
4 | Apoteker | S1 + Apoteker | 2 orang | APT |
5 | Asisten Apoteker | DIII Farmasi | 6 orang | AA |
6 | Teknisi Alat Kesehatan | Minimal DIII Teknik Elektromedis | 2 orang | TAK |
7 | Refraksionis Optisien | DIII RefraksiOptisi | 1 orang | RO |
8 | StafBidang Keperawatan | S1 Keperawatan | 1 orang | ADM-PRW |
9 | StafBidang Pelayanan Medik | S1 KesehatanMasyarakat | 1 orang | ADM-YM |
10 | Staf Penunjang Non Medik | S1 TeknikLingkungan | 1 orang | ADM-PNM |
11 | Staf Penunjang Medik | Minimal SMA/Sederajat | 1 orang | ADM-PM |
12 | Administrasi Ruangan | Minimal SMA/Sederajat | 2 orang | ADM-RG |
13 | Pengelola Tabung Oksigen | Minimal SMA/Sederajat | 2 orang | PTO |
14 | Laundry | Minimal SMA/Sederajat | 1 orang | DRY |
15 | Petugas Kebersihan | Minimal SMA/Sederajat | 6 orang | CS |
16 | Loper | Minimal SMA/Sederajat | 3 orang | LOP |
17 | Tenaga IT | Minimal DIII Komputer | 1 orang | IT |
TOTAL | 96 orang |
Jobs Description
- Citizen of the Republic Indonesiaberdomisili in Hulu Sungai Selatan.
- Minimum age 18 and maks 30 years (per 12 September 2015).
Special Requirements:
- Cover letter written tanganpada foolscap striped with black ink, addressed to the Director of Hospital Brigjend H. Hasan Basry Kandangan with writing position proposed position and affix signatures (application format provided).
- Affidavit did not demand to be appointed as civil servants stamped 6000 (blank provided).
- Specification includes a curriculum vitae (blank provided):
- 1) Identity
- 2) RiwayatPendidikan
- 3) RiwayatOrganisasi
- 4) RiwayatPekerjaan
- 5) history of achievement that ever existed (with attachments)
- 6) Contact Person
- The original copy of diploma and transcripts last 1 sheet approved / certified with minimal IndeksPrestasiKumulatif (GPA 2.5) for DIII and S1.
- Color photograph size 4 x 6 sebanyak4 sheet.
- Photocopy of ID card / ID card Temporary / License Domicile with address of residence in the district of Hulu Sungai Selatan issued by Dukcapil Hulu Sungai Selatan sebanyak1 sheet (showing the original).
- Certificate of Healthy body of government doctors (government hospitals / health centers).
- Photocopy of Certificate of Good behavior (SKCK) of Police are still valid.
- Specific to the type of workforce No. 1 s / d 5 attach STR / STR Certificate Process of MTKP / Provincial Assembly of Health Workers.
- Letter work experience that supports the position of application if any.
- Sheet pregnancy test results from laboratories government hospitals / health centers (especially women).
- Drug Exemption Certificate (if already passed the final stage of selection).
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Application file submitted to the admissions committee held at:
Gedung RSUD Brigjend. H. Hasan Basry Kandangan (Hamalau-Kandangan) lt.2 dari tanggal 7 September 2015 s/d tanggal 12 September 2015 dengan biaya pendaftaran Rp.5.000,- dan diberikan fomulir isian besrta map.
Hari : Senin – Selasa – Rabu – Kamis : Jam 09.00 s/d Jam 13.00 WITA
Jum’at : Jam 08.00 s/d Jam 11.00 WITA
Sabtu : Jam 08.00 s/d Jam 12.00 WITA
- Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment.
- Source
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