Lowongan Kerja RSUD Bendan Pekalongan
About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Bendan Kota Pekalongan (RSUD Bendan)
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) “Bendan” Kota Pekalongan – RSUD Bendan is the Regional Technical Institute established under Regulation Pekalongan No. 5 In 2008, on the Organizational Structure and Work Procedure General Hospital (Hospital) “Bendan” Pekalongan. In an effort to improve service to the public, starting in 2009, Hospital Bendan Pekalongan implementing Financial Management Pattern Public Service Board (BLUD) which is a pattern of financial management which provide flexibility in the form of flexibility to implement business practices are healthy.
The need to immediately be able to have a Government General Hospital itself felt to be something quite important. This is in line with one of the mission performed by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Pekalongan peride Position 2005 – 2010 in the field of health, namely Improving the quality and range of Health Services for the city of Pekalongan. Pekalongan is one of the regions in Central Java that do not have hospitals.
In determining the location of experiencing some fairly lengthy discussion. Some locations were proposed, among others, SMP 13, the former terminal, health centers and last BLK Bendan to occupy the land is still vacant. This location is considered strategic enough, but there are several problems, among others: the land is less extensive; there are several buildings on the west facing Jl. Sriwijaya were actually better suited to serve as front / front of building hospitals.
On determination and sincere intention and strong faith of Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the purpose is submitted to the DPRD Pekalongan. Several meetings were held both internally and invite the community to get feedback, suggestions and opinions about the Government’s plans to build hospitals. And the resulting conclusion of the meeting that the community supports the Government’s efforts to build hospitals Pekalongan. On the basis that the Council approve the plan and set forth in the Decision of the Regional Representatives Council Pekalongan No. 08 / Parliament / IV / 2007 dated April 11, 2007 on Approval Letter of the Mayor of Pekalongan No. 050/0198 Date January 17, 2007 regarding Budget Plan (RAB ) Activity Increased Bendan Health Center (Hospital Development) Pekalongan. And to realize more of the Hospital Development Plan, it has been agreed that the construction will be carried out in Multi- Years for 3 (three) years starting in 2007, 2008 and 2009
Hospital Construction Site Pekalongan occupy vacant land UPTD BLK which covers ± 1 ha plus the land that is now occupied by the Village Office Bendan, Golkar Building, Meeting Hall and the Home Office of Health Workers, so that the total area of ??± 1.35 ha located in Jalan Sriwijaya No. 2 Pekalongan are included in the Village area Bendan Pekalongan District of West and within 300 m of the City of Pekalongan.
- The building area of ??the main building and supporting is ± 12,000 m2 building consists of 4 floors plus 1 basement floor. The details of the building consists of:
- Basement floor is used for the installation of kitchen / Nutrition, the installation Laundry / CSSD, Radiology, Laboratory, Physiotherapy and Office.
- Floor 1 is used for Outpatient Installation, Haemodialysis and ER.
- Level 2 is used for the Installation of Central Surgery / Surgery, ICU, Labor and Inpatient Class III.
- The 3rd floor is used for Inpatient Class II, Class I, and First Class.
- The 4th floor is used for Inpatient VIP and Hall.
- Building support among others: Pemulasaran Bodies, Space Genset, WWTP, and others.
Contact RSUD Bendan Kota Pekalongan
Jl. Sriwijaya No. 2 Kota Pekalongan
Telp/Fax : (0285) 437222
Jobs Available
RSUD Bendan is seeking the qualified candidates to join and fill the position below :
- Dokter Spesialis Anak
- Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin
- Dokter Spesialis Anestesi
- Apoteker Klinis
- Asisten Apoteker
- Teknisi Elektromedik
- Terapis Wicara
- Analis Kesehatan
- Refraksi Optisi
- Perawat Anestesi
- Perekam Medis
- Petugas Administrasi
- Pramusaji
- Teknisi Bangunan
- Resepsionis
- Petugas IT
- Petugas Laundry/ CSSD
- Pemulasaran Jenazah
Jobs Description
- Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia;
- Have the educational qualifications, skills, expertise and skills appropriate to the needs of formation;
- Good character as evidenced by Police Notes (SKCK) of Police (Police) local, which is still valid;
- Physically and mentally healthy evidenced by the Certificate of Government Health Care Agencies (PHC / Hospital), which is still valid (Minimum per August 1, 2015);
- Never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as a civil servant / members of the TNI / police or dishonorably dismissed as private employees;
- Never consume or use of narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursors and other addictive substances evidenced by the Certificate of government health care units;
- Willing is not submitting a resignation before has a service life of at least 2 (two) years since the appointment of candidates Power Non PNS, evidenced by the Statement of the stamp Rp. 6000, -.
- For general requirements on number 5 (five) s.d. 7 (seven) attached after passing all stages of selection / Exam Candidates Bendan Power Non PNS Hospital Pekalongan in the filing.
- Age as low as 18 (eighteen) years and a maximum of 30 (thirty) years of age on October 1, 2015;
- Especially for the old Specialist Doctor Formation Applicants maximum of 45 (forty-five) years of age on October 1, 2015.
- Graduates of Universities or Colleges are accredited study program of at least “B” by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education.
- Grade Point Average (GPA):
- Universities graduates with a GPA of at least 3.00.
- Colleges graduates with a GPA of at least 3.00.
- Having a Diploma / STTB with educational qualifications in accordance with the provisions of the proposed formation: Diploma / STTB issued by the Institute of Education which has been accredited or have operating licenses operasional.Surat Description Pass / Diploma while declared invalid to register.
- The average value for the minimum diploma SMA / SMK is 7.0.
- Applicants for Women when registering is not in a state of containing / pregnant.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
1. Applicants who meet the above requirements and meet the educational qualifications required in the formation / the proposed position, can enroll with the application file directly (not represented / not through Postal services / other delivery services) to the Executive Committee of Power Supply Non PNS Hospital Bendan jl. Sriwijaya No. 2 Pekalongan.
2. Time and Place:
Date : Saturday – Wednesday / 27 – 28 October 2015
Time : 09.00 s.d 14.00 WIB
Venue : Selasar Basement RSUD Bendan Kota Pekalongan
Notes :
- The committee will not process the registration file that is sent through the Postal Service or other delivery services.
- For Applicants who have already submitted an application file to hospitals Bendan Pekalongan before the publication of this announcement to Registration Return accordance with the provisions set forth, based on educational qualifications required in the formation / position.
- For applicants who are convicted of perjokian and or give Remarks / data FALSE otherwise NOT PASS / Fall and will be subject to lawful sanctions.
- All documents have been submitted, become the property of the Executive Committee of Power Supply Non PNS Hospital Bendan Pekalongan City in 2015 and is not refundable.
- For applicants who passed the selection Non Power Supply PNS Hospital Prospective Bendan Pekalongan willing to comply with the applicable regulations in hospitals Bendan Pekalongan.
- Decision of the Executive Committee of Power Supply Non PNS Bendan Pekalongan City Hospital in 2015 can not be contested.
- For example the form of statements and announcements more information, please go to link :
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