
Lowongan Kerja RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie
About RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie (RSUD AWS)
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Abdul Wahab Sjaranie – RSUD AWS is a government-owned hospital located in the city of Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The hospital is located at Jalan Red Cross Indonesia, Samarinda Ulu. The hospital was originally founded in 1933 in Emma Straat (now Jalan carp), Samarinda. Doctors who lead is Dr. Gober, a Dutch physician. At that time, the Dutch called Landschaap Hospital or could be interpreted by the Royal Hospital. Most of the buildings and land landschaap hospital building now is occupied Islamic Hospital (RSI) Samarinda, although the shape and size is no longer exactly the same as the initial building landschaap hospital was established. Service capacity is different when compared to the RSU A Wahab Sjahranie present. In addition to modernizing factor, factor of population also helped contribute changes.

In the process of his journey, Landschaap Hospital led the first native Indonesia in 1938. Physicians were very meritorious it is dr Soewardji Prawiro Hardjo (1938-1945). Soewardji be the only doctor in the hospital at the time and should be responsible for serving the health of society at that time. Cause, doctors Netherlands go back to his country, following an increasingly hot political tension related to the struggle for independence of the people of Indonesia and the Netherlands face Japan muddle.
In 1974, East Kalimantan provincial government when it was led by Governor Abdel Wahab Sjahranie start thinking to build a hospital that is more appropriate for the improvement of health services for the community. The times and the growth of society that increasingly large additional demand better health facilities. 1977, the majority of medical equipment ranging from Landschaap Hospital was transferred to the new hospital building, which is now the RSU A Wahab Sjahranie.
On 12 November 1977, the new hospital use was finally inaugurated by Governor Brigjend H Abdul Wahab Sjahranie and named Hospital Segiri. Overall, the equipment of the new Hospital Landschaap be transferred on July 21, 1984. And two years later, on February 22, 1986, the hospital was again renamed General Hospital A Wahab Sjahranie. This change is intended to remember and appreciate the efforts and struggle of the Governor Abdul Wahab Sjahranie hospitals realize a more viable for the community.
Contact Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Abdul Wahab Sjaranie
Jl. Palang Merah Indonesia No. 01 RT.42
Kelurahan Sidodadi, Kecamatan Samarinda Ulu
Samarinda 75123
Kalimantan Timur
Telp : (0541) 738118 – 744978 – 738080
Website :
Jobs Available
RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie is seeking the best candidates to join as positiion below :
- Dokter Spesialis
- S I Keperawatan
- D 3 Keperawatan
- Radiografer
- Teknik Elektromedik
Jobs Description
General Requirements :
- Indonesian citizen (WNI)
- Male / Female Sex
- Look attractive, have competence
- Age Limit maximum 28 years
- Mastering computer applications, at least MS. Office
- Willing to work full time and or shift
- Preferably have Certificate Toefl = 450
- Passed in all stages of selection including administrative selection, written test, interview, competency test, psychological test and health test.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Put the map into a brown envelope, and write the POWER and EDUCATION TYPE on the left corner of the envelope and the destination address is addressed to : DIREKTUR RSUD. ABDUL WAHAB SJAHRANIE SAMARINDA
or email : dalam format PDF
Notes :
- Write the full name of the education and the type of energy proposed on the front of the map.
- Closing date : 10 July 2017
- Source
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