Lowongan Kerja RSUD A.M. Parikesit



Lowongan Kerja RSUD Parikesit

About RSUD A.M. Parikesit Tenggarong

Inception, hospitals Aji Muhammad Parikshit is a clinic belonging to the kingdom of Kutai. When it was set up with a view to serving the needs of health services Among the Palace and present health services free of charge to the public at large Kutai. At that time, the clinic is located on the road Pattimura or more known by the public Kutai as Mount Educators Tenggarong.

In the days of the Dutch later named Parikshit Hospital were taken from the name of Raja Kutai who ruled in 1920 – 1960. After Independence, the Royal Hospital was submitted to the Regional Government by Raja Kutai Kutai who reigned at the time. In a further development was transferred to the Hospital Major General Panjaitan Tenggarong beside Toraga West. But with the progress of development in Kutai, Hospital in road Maj Panjaitan considered incompatible with again with the needs of public health services of various aspects addressed by the district kutai including improvements Hospital ranging from infrastructure to the adjustment of the organizational structure in order to house pain in can be optimized presenting quality health services affordable to all Kutai

Finally, on 12 November 1983, the New Hospital by means of adequate infrastructure that is much more in the way of Imam Bonjol was inaugurated by the Governor of East Kalimantan H. Soewandi. The hospital was named RSU Aji Muhammad Parikshit, named Raja Kutai Sultan Aji Muhammad Parikshit when the RSU AM. Parikshit is the only hospital in the region of Kutai.

Gradually over time leadership in RSU AM Parikshit has implemented various strategic programs to achieve Healthy Kutai community. Several important milestones of the historical development of the RSU AM Parikshit ie when in 2004 turned into a Health Services Agency Regional General Hospital AM Parikshit according to the Regional Regulation No. 6 2002.

Subsequently in 2004, the class’s Hospital who had risen to the type D type C. This transformation is possible because during the period from 1999 to 2004 hospitals which initially only had a surgeon and obstetrics successfully added to a variety of other specialist doctors. Subsequently in 2009 hospitals A.M. Parikshit expand again into type B and during the period 2004 – 2013 started menginisasi focus on the patient through the application of excellent service.

Since then, the number of patients more along with increasing public awareness of the importance of health. This led to public demand for quality health care is also getting bigger. Realizing that the hospital facilities with a capacity of 200 beds in the Imam Bonjol no longer sufficient to accommodate the needs of the community, the Government of Kutai Regency to build a new building in the district hospital Tenggarong Seberang with a capacity of 400 beds. Direction of the development of the hospital continues to move in accordance with the dynamics of the strategic environment. To answer the challenges of the times, hospitals A.M. Parikshit develop a strategic plan that is aligned with the needs of the community.

Currently, the strategic outcomes expected hospitals AM Parikshit was to create a healthy and prosperous society Kutai equitably. To achieve these conditions, a strategic plan in the period 2014-2018 will be directed to three strategic focus. First, is the development of several centers include infections, allergies, cancer, and burns including private development wing. Second, the development of comprehensive health care professional international standard service efforts include preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative including strengthening management and continuous quality development. Third, expand networking and collaboration with universities, industry / private, public, and work units (SKPD) others. With the synergic cooperation with all stakeholders, the management of hospitals AM Parikshit is committed to “getting better now”.

RSUD Parikesit

Contact RSUD A.M. Parikesit

Alamat Tenggarong:
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 68, Kel. Melayu
Tenggarong 75512, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara
Kalimantan Timur – INDONESIA

Alamat Tenggarong Seberang:
Jl. Ratu Agung No.1
Tenggarong Seberang 75572, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara
Kalimantan Timur – INDONESIA
Telp: 0813 4711 1119

Jobs Available

RSUD A.M. Parikesit Tenggarong will open the recruitment of employees with a minimum educational qualification of SMK / STM, D3 to S1 as follows :

  1. S1/DIV Gizi ( Kode : GZI )
  2. D3 / IV Anastesi ( Kode :ANS)
  3. D3 Radiografer ( Kode : RAD )
  4. S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat ( Kode : SKM )
  5. D3 Terapi Wicara ( Kode : FIS)
  6. S1 Psikologi ( Kode : PSI)
  7. S1 Manajemen ( Kode : MAN)
  8. S1 Teknik Elektro ( Kode : ELK)
  9. S1 Teknik Mesin ( Kode : MES)
  10. S1 Teknik Sipil ( Kode : SIPIL)
  11. D3 Sekretaris ( Kode : SEK)
  12. D3 Akutansi ( Kode : AKN)
  13. D3 / IV Informatika Komputer ( Kode : INF)
  14. STM/SMK Bangunan ( Kode : STM)
  15. D3 Teknik Elektro ( Kode : D3ELK)
  16. D3 Teknik Mesin ( Kode : D3MSN )
  17. D3 Elektro Medik (Kode : ATEM)
  18. S1/D IV Fisikawan Medi/Radioterapi ( Kode : RADIO)
  19. D3 Rekam Medik ( Kode : RM )

Jobs Desciption

Requirements :

  • Indonesian citizen
  • Male and female
  • Fill out the registration form (form can be downloaded Click Here)
  • A copy of the identity card 1 Sheet
  • (2 sheets) Photograph 3 x 4
  • Copy of diploma and transcript Value legalized by the competent authority
  • A minimum cumulative grade point Min GPA 2.75
  • Maximum age of 37 years
  • Has a list of good medical history (Original Health Certificate from Doctor Government)
  • Not bound of drug trafficking (Drug Free Original Certificate of General Hospital or Psychiatric Hospital)
  • Well-behaved (Certificate SKCK)
  • Experience would be an advantage

Sites Reference

  1. www.rsamp.id

Submit Application

For candidates who are interested please send your application file and supporters through the registration procedure as follows :

  1. File your application please enter it into the folder and do not forget Write code in the top left corner position
  2. Filing Takan we give from 14 to 15 September 2015
  3. Test execution computer assisted test (CAT) and the interview was conducted on 17 s / d 22 September 2015 were conducted in a room next CAT Kutai Regent’s Office and the Hall Hospital AM Parikshit Tenggarong
  4. Test for the announcement of the CAT will biberitakan on September 26, 2015 can be seen on the info boards AM Parikshit hospitals or on the official website rsamp.id
  5. Orientation dated 28 to 30 September 2015
  6. For questions and anything else that is not clear can be asked directly to hospitals AM Parikshit recruitment committee or viewed through the official website www.rsamp.id


  • All files delivered straight to address general hospital area hospitals AM Parikshit Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 68Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara
  • Only candidates who have the complete requirements will be processed in the next stage of selection
  • Files that have already entered will be the general hospital area hospitals AM Parikshit and can not be restored and which already incorporate application immediately fill out the criteria that have been determined
  • All recruitment and selection process carried out free of charge or no charge.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja RSUD Parikesit brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com.