Lowongan Kerja RS Unair
About Rumah Sakit Unair
Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga – RS Unair is a hospital run by the University of Airlangga.
With the completion of the erection of pile Airlangga University Teaching Hospital in late 2007, it began to be built Airlangga University Teaching Hospital. Construction of Airlangga University Teaching Hospital guided by a strong desire Airlangga University to devote to the nation through the development of health in line with the vision of the mission of the University of Airlangga.
At the end of 2010, building Airlangga University Teaching Hospital in macro as many as eight floors have been completed, although some floors are in micro can be operated.
At the beginning of 2011, was published by the Rector on the appointment of the leadership at Airlangga University Teaching Hospital, so that from then began intensive activities and integrated to prepare Airlangga University Teaching Hospital was opened in the early stages about June 2011.
On March 9th 2011 terbitlah Permit Chief Medical Officer of city officials on construction permit Airlangga University Teaching Hospital and the temporary holding Airlangga University Teaching Hospital.
From then on, the name of Airlangga University Teaching Hospital renamed Airlangga University Hospital.
With the provision of Permit Chief Medical Officer of Surabaya City Government conducted promotion Airlangga University Teaching Hospital and simulations of patient care that results are quite satisfactory.
Therefore, on the basis of the above background will ditetapkanlah planned date of June 14, 2011 as the day of “The inauguration of Airlangga University Hospital Early Stage (Soft Opening)”.
Contact RS Unair
Alamat : Kampus C Mulyorejo
Kota : Surabaya
Provinsi : Jawa Timur
Negara : Indonesia
Kodepos : 60115
Website :
Tlp/Fax : 031.5916291
Email :
Jobs Available
Rumah Sakit UNAIR provides an opportunity for Indonesian citizens to become Power Variable at Airlangga University Hospital in 2015 with the terms and conditions as the Director of the Hospital annex Announcement No. 1744 / UN3.24 / KP / 2015 dated September 7, 2015 on Admission Selection power Variable Airlangga University Hospital in 2015 as follows :
Job Description
- Indonesian citizen (citizens);
- Devoted to God Almighty;
- It has high integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia;
- Physically and mentally healthy;
- Well behaved and never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement under a court decision which has the legal power (as evidenced by an affidavit);
- Never was honorably discharged at his own request or not with respect to civil / military / police or dishonorably discharged as a Private Employees (evidenced by an affidavit);
- Not incorporated as a civil servant or civil servant (PNS) and / or not under agreement / contract employment / contract to another agency, both institutions within and outside the Ministry of Education and Culture (evidenced by an affidavit);
- Education, skills, expertise and skills required;
- Up to thirty (30) years for classification D3, S1, S1 + Bd obstetrics, nurses and a maximum of 22 (twenty two) years for the classification of high school science education, vocational, D1 per 1 January 2015;
- Not incorporated as a member or manager of Political Parties;
- Point 5 Kopertis 7 proved by an affidavit which can be downloaded at Airlangga University website
Sites Reference
Submit Application
1. Applicants submitting application file and get a registration card
2. Application documents are arranged in the following order:
a. Photocopy of identity card (KTP) is still valid;
b. Cover Letters written by hand in black ink without the stamp addressed to the Director of the Hospital University Press;
c. Photocopy of diploma and transcripts that have been legalized;
d. Affidavit required by the general requirements, can be downloaded on the website;
e. Recent photograph 3×4 size color red background three (3) copies of the applicants name inscribed on the back of the photo.
3. Application file inserted into the stop with a yellow folder with upper corner coded proposed educational qualifications;
4. Next stop was sent to the address Subit folder. Personnel Management Office Campus C Airlangga Jl. Mulyorejo Surabaya by stating:
Diplomas: ……….
NO PHONE : ……….
to stop the front top right map. File addressed to Direktur Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga at the latest on 14 September 2015 at 15.00 pm;
5. The application that does not meet the requirements as described above disqualified.
- Only shortlisted candidate will be proceed on the next step.
- Source
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