Lowongan Kerja RS JIH Yogya
About Rumah Sakit Jogja International Hospital
Rumah Sakit Jogja International Hospital or Hospital ” JIH ” was originally called Jogja International Hospital , is under the management of PT Unisia Medika Farma ( PT UMF ) , which was established by Deed PT UMF No: 33 dated February 24, 2005 , and has received approval from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights No. C – 17298 HT.01201.TH 2005 dated June 22, 2005 , and was published in the State Gazette No. 84 of 2005 Gazette No. 11273 , including the Jogja International Hospital as a Business Unit of PT UMF .
Jogja International Hospital began operations by February 5, 2007 , by Operation Permit No. While the Hospital : 503/0393/DKS/2007 . On 12 Rabi al-Awwal 1928 H ( March 31, 2007 ) grand opening Jogja International Hospital .
Jogja International Hospital remains operational obtain permission from the Provincial Health Office Yogyakarta on April 28, 2008 , the Hospital Operation Permit No. : 445/3282/IV.2 . On May 20, 2010 Jogja International Hospital successfully obtained ISO 9001:2008 certificate . Based on the letter of the Director General of Medical Services Ministry of Health No. : YM.02.10/III/2743/10 and Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number : 659/Menkes/Per/VIII/2009 , dated August 14, 2009 , on Indonesian Hospital Grade world , chapter 15 , then as of August 1, 2010 the name was changed to Jogja International Hospital HOSPITAL ” JIH ” .
JIH Hospital is a hospital in Yogyakarta, which developed the excellent service with a focus on patients’ needs . In operation since 2007, the Hospital sought to build institutions JIH sharia in the field of health care.
Rumah Sakit Jogja International Hospital
Jl.Ringroad Utara no.160
Condong Catur Sleman
P: (0274) 446 3535
Jobs Available
Rumah Sakit JIH invites the best candidates to join as position below :
- Staff Department Layanan Gizi Boga dan Binatu
- Staff Fisioterapi
Jobs Description
Staff Department Layanan Gizi Boga dan Binatu
- Male or female, aged 22-30 years
- Minimum D3 Nutrition / Hospitality / Catering
- D3 work experience for at least 2 years work experience of at least 1 year for S1
- Able to perform logistics management, able to assess food ingredients, has the science of food and nutrition
- Fluent in English and proficient with computers
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Able to work in a team, honest, disciplined and can follow the rules in the scope of work
Staff Fisioterapi
- Male or female, aged 22-30 years
- Minimum D3 Physiotherapy
- Able to perform physiotherapy service management
- Mastering the practice of physiotherapy
- Mastering the tools physiotherapy
- Mastering Microsoft Office
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Able to apply therapeutic communication
- Having MLDV certificate (preferred)
- Have a minimum of 1 year work experience in the field of physiotherapy
- Having a certificate SIF / SIPF
- Able to work in a team, honest, disciplined and can follow the rules in the scope of work
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please submit your application to :
Bagian SDM & Hukum – Rumah Sakit JIH
Jl.Ringroad Utara no.160
Condong Catur Sleman
Email :
Closing date
- Staff Department Layanan Gizi Boga dan Binatu : 29 April 2014
- Staff Fisioterapi : 4 May 2014
- All applications will be treated as strictly confidential.
- Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment
- Source
Lowongan Kerja RS JIH Yogya brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn