Lowongan Kerja PTPN VIII
About PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero) – PTPN VIII is the Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises engaged in the tea plantations, rubber, quinine, cocoa, palm oil, and gutta-percha. The corporate headquarters are in London with operations in West Java. Its headquarters is located in Jalan Sindangsirna no. 4 Bandung, West Java.
State-owned plantation companies in West Java and Banten derived from the Dutch government-owned plantation companies, which automatically when the handover of sovereignty to the government of the Republic of Indonesia, which was then known as the State Plantation Company (VAT) Lama. Between the years 1957 – 1960 in order to nationalization of the former plantation companies owned by private Dutch / Foreign (including: English, French and Belgian) VAT-formed New West Java branch.
In the period 1960 – 1963 occurred within the scope of the merger of VAT and VAT-Old New-be: I VAT Unity West Java, West Java II Unity VAT, VAT Unity III West Java, West Java, IV Unity VAT and VAT Unity West Java V.
Furthermore, during the period 1963 – 1968 was held reorganization with the aim of more efficient management of plantations, established VAT Assorted Plants VII, VIII Plant Assorted VAT, VAT and VAT Assorted Plants Miscellaneous Plants IX X, which manages the plant tea and quinine, as well as VAT Assorted Plants XI Miscellaneous Plants and VAT XII that manages the rubber plant. In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the company, in the period 1968 – 1971, VAT was reduced to three West Java State Oil Company (PNP) includes 68 gardens, namely:
- PNP XI based in Jakarta (24 plantations), includes plantations ex VAT Assorted Plant X, and XI VAT Assorted Plants;
- PNP XII based in London (24 plantations), includes several plantations ex VAT Assorted Plants XI, XII VAT Assorted Plants, mostly ex VAT Assorted Plants VII, VIII and VAT Assorted Plants;
- PNP XIII based in London (20 plantations), includes several former plantations VAT Assorted Plants XII, ex VAT Assorted Plants IX, and X. VAT Assorted Plants
Since 1971, the PNP XI, XII and PNP PNP XIII changed its status to a Limited Liability Company Plantation (Persero). SOE restructuring Plantation from 1 April 1994 until the date of March 10, 1996, the management of PT Plantation XI, XII Plantation PT, and PT Plantation XIII incorporated under the management of the PTP Group Jabar.
Furthermore, since the date of March 11, 1996, PT Plantation XI, PT Plantation XII, XIII and PT Plantation Plantation merged into PT Nusantara VIII (Persero).
PT PTPN VIII is the companies involved in the plantation sector with business activities include the cultivation, processing, and sale of plantation commodities such as tea, rubber and palm oil as its main commodities, cocoa and quinine as well as supporting commodity.
To date, PT PTPN VIII manages 41 gardens and 1 unit of a hospital. spread over 11 districts / cities in West Java and two districts in Banten Province.
PTPN VIII manages 24 tea estates in the upper area of 25905.3 hectares of productive land and it is quite extensive plantations in 6 districts namely Sukabumi (2 plantations), Bogor (2 plantations), Cianjur (3 plantations), Subang (2 plantations), Kab . Bandung and West Kab.Bandung (12 plantations) and Kab.Garut (3 plantations).
The resulting tea production is always kept menigkat from year to year. This happens because of the efforts of good management by PTPN VIII, for example in terms of cultivation, harvesting and processing means in order to meet the demand of the buyers. Other things, the involvement of the Research Center for Tea and Quinine (PPTK) Gambung to conduct research that contributes in increasing the production and quality.
Rubber plantations are managed by PTPN VIII covering 25 536 hectares spread over 14 gardens. The number of factories that produce RSS there are 13 plants with 2 TPC, 3 concentrated latex, with its capacity installed 35,750 tons. Production of rubber is marketed in the country is 80% while the remaining 20% is exported to Asia, Europe and America.
Oil palm
PTPN VIII develop oil palm cultivation diperkebunan Bojong Datar, Cikasungka, Tambaksari, New Cisalaak, and Kertajaya with an area of 18843.63 ha. Palm oil is sold in the form of CPO and Kernel for domestic interests.
Cultivation of Cacao (chocolate) was developed in an area of 1,343 hectares spread over 12 estates and produces 173 tons of cocoa beans per year. Chocolate is sold in the form of dry cocoa beans which are generally sold domestically.
Kina plants managed by PTPN VIII is an area of 3004.29 hectares spread over 13 estates. Cinchona bark is processed into dried SQ-7 that quinine salts containing quinine sulphate, quinine bisulphate, and other content. Now the production is done by PT. Sinkona Indonesia Lestari (PT.SIL) as a subsidiary of PTPN VIII. The company’s products are exported to Europe, Canada and America.
Contact PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero)

Kantor Pusat
Jl. Sindangsirna No. 4
Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 40153
Telepon: +62-22-2038966
Fax: +62-22-2031455
Jobs Available
PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero) is seeking highly qualified professional candidates who are willing to work in a team and challenging environtment for following positions :
- Recruitment PTPN 8 August 2014
Jobs Description
General Requirements
- Minimum requirement of Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in
- Agriculture : Agriculture/Plantation, Social and Economics, Soil Science, HPT, Forestry / Forest Products Technology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding / Biotech / Tissue Culture, Food Technology / Agricultural Products Processing Technology, Animal Husbandry (Code : TAN)
- Economics : Accounting, Management (Code : EKO)
- Engineering : Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Interior Design, Informatics Engineering, Environmental Engineering (Code : TEK)
- Law : Legal Studies (Code : SOS I)
- Tourism : Tourism Management, Room Division Management (Code : SOS II)
- Psychology : Industrial & Organizational Psychology (Code : SOS III)
- Social Sciences : Filing, Mass Communication, Assets Management (Code : SOS IV)
- Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (PTS) and 2.75 (PTN) on a 4-point scale.
- Maximum age of 28 years old as of December 2014.
- Willing to be placed in all corners of West Java and Banten.
- Preferably Male for TAN, TEK, SOS I.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
If you meet the above requirements, please send your application letter, CV, recent photograph, copies of diploma, transcript, and other supporting documents by quoting the position code on top right of your envelope to :
PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero)
Jl. Sindang Sirna No 4 Bandung.
- Closing date : 20 August 2014 (post stamps)
- Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
- Source
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