Lowongan Kerja PTKP – PT. Kertas Padalarang (Persero)



Lowongan Kerja Kertas Padalarang

About PT Kertas Padalarang (Persero)

PT Kertas Padalarang (Persero) – PTKP is the oldest state-owned paper manufacturing company in Indonesia. PT. Kertas Padalarang (PTKP) was established on May 22, 1922 under the name NV Papier Fabriek Padalarang which is a branch of the NV. Papier Fabriek Nijmegen in the Netherlands. This plant is the first paper mill in Indonesia. In 1939 a paper mill was established in Probolinggo Leces – East Java, which is a branch of the NV. Papier Fabriek Padalarang

PTKP in business development leads to environmental industry specializing in producing security paper.

PTKP main products are paper securities. Of the three units of its engines, two of which are securities of the paper machine. Armed with the Minister of Finance Decree No.. S – 1334 / MK 013/1990 dated October 30, 1990 which states that the taxable income that are oligopolies have the opportunity to compete on the world stage. Although PTKP not produce paper money, but taxable income has the authority of the government of Indonesia to be able to produce paper money and paper securities.

Company Contact

PT. Kertas Padalarang (Persero)
Jl. Cihaliwung No.181, Padalarang, Jawa Barat
Telp. (022) 6809315 – 6809393
Fax. (022) 6809284
Email : office@kertas-padalarang.co.id

Jobs Available

PT Kertas Padalarang (Persero) invites the best candidates to join as positions below :

lowongan kertas padalarang

Jobs Description

General Requirements

  1. The age limit of applicants
    1. S1 at least 21 years maximum 27 years
    2. D3 minimum 21 years and maximum 27 years except for Pulp Paper Technology Academy graduates who have had experience in the Pulp Paper Industry
    3. SMA minimum 18 years and maximum 25 years
  2. Fresh graduate or experienced
  3. Has the required educational qualifications
  4. Minimum GPA of 2.75 (on a 4.00 scale) for D3 and S1
  5. 7 average report cards for high school graduates
  6. Never sentenced
  7. Never dishonorably discharged
  8. Good behavior by local police records
  9. Sound mind and body based on the testimony Physicians Health Center or State Hospital
  10. Never use drugs evidenced by a Certificate of Non-Drug of RS Government or Police

Sites Reference

  1. www.kertas-padalarang.co.id

Submit Application

For those interested, all documents sent application letters to:

PT Kertas Padalarang
Jl. Cihaliwung No. 181 Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat
Jawa Barat – 40533

Closing date

  • 30 November 2012


Lowongan Kerja Kertas Padalarang provided by lokercpnsbumn