Lowongan Kerja PT Yodya Karya Semarang


Yodya Karya

Lowongan PT Yodya Karya Semarang

About PT Yodya Karya

PT Yodya Karya (Persero) – Yodya Karya or commonly known as YOKA is a reputable state-owned company in Indonesia that deals with architects, engineering and management consultant, headquartered in Jakarta. Originally registered in 1948 as a Dutch company under the name of N.V. Job & Sprey. In 1958 the company was nationalized by the Government of Indonesia and operated as a State Owned Company under the name of PN Yodya Karya. The name of PT Yodya Karya (Persero) was launched in 1972. The Company is supported by 3 bureau, namely Bureau of Production Control, Marketing and Business Development (BP4U), Bureau of Finance and Accounting, and Bureau of Human Resources Development, and General (PSDMU). Yodya Karya also supported by 3 division units, namely Construction Services Division-I, Construction Services Division-II, and Non Construction Services Division.

Yodya Karya

PT . Yodya Karya (Limited) is a planning consulting SEO company, which is the result of the nationalization of companies engaged in consulting services for planning and building control. It was founded in 1948 by Mr. Sprey, a Dutch national whose office was in Jalan Cikini Raya No. 1 – Central Jakarta. In 1958, based on Government Decree No. 23/1958, N.V. Job & Sprey was nationalized by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Later, with the Government Decree No 39, it was confirmed in 1970 to become a state-owned company, with the official name of P.N. Yodya Karya. In 1972, it turned into a liability company (PT ), which was confirmed by the Notary Djojo Muljadi, SH. No. 62 on March 15, 1972. This step was taken to further develop itself in the field of planning consultancy services.

PT . Yodya Karya (Limited) started its business with a working capital of Rp. 12,000,000 (twelve million rupiahs). The sole shareholder of this company was the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia with the technical advisor of the Ministry of Public Work of the Republic of Indonesia. To coincide with, Ir. Machmud Ali was appointed as the President Director to replace Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Roosseno (The President Director of PN Yodya Karya). Under the leadership of Ir. Machmud Ali, PT Yodya Karya (Limited) successfully grew and added assets in the forms of a plot of land and established the company’s office in Jalan DI Panjaitan Kav. 8, Cawang – East Jakarta. The company made some progress over time, starting from the leadership of Ir. Machmud Ali, Ir. Wonargo Martowirono (1991), Ir. Soebianto Imam Rahayu (1996), until the leadership of Aries Sirait SE . MBA (2002). Since July 14, 2003 the management of PT Yodya Karya (Limited) was taken over by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SEO ). In 2008, the Minister of SOE s appointed Ir. Muhammad Basir, MM as the President Director of PT .Yodya Karya (Limited) assisted by Jusarwanto, SE , Ak. as the Director of Finance and Ir. Yudi Yudi Wahyono, IAI as the Director of Operations.

Since 1980, the company decided to expand its business in the fields of engineering which has broader prospects. With professional management from the management and fully supported by reliable experts, PT . Yodya Karya (Persero) becomes one of the well-known and qualified consultants in the country. The progress of the company is supported by a condition of a good working relationship with a number of Employers, along with the technical and the professional administrative. This is evident with the increasing reliability of PT . Yodya Karya (Limited) to handle some monumental projects, either government projects or private projects.

In performing its duties, the company is working either alone or in collaboration with foreign companies, both as a “leading firm” and as an “associated firm”. Some foreign companies come from Germany, the Netherlands, United States, Korea, Australia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Switzerland, New Zealand, Japan, France, Britain, Italy and Denmark.

PT . Yodya Karya (Limited) continues to grow by sticking to the core of business, namely Consultancy Services to begin Work Survey, Design and Planning, Project Management, Construction Management, and Supervision in the Field of Engineering and Non-Engineering Sector. It is also supported by the Professional Experts who keep abreast with the technology equipment and who are reliable and committed to providing the best service and satisfaction.

Company Contact

Kantor Pusat Cabang Utama DKI Jakarta:
Jln. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 8, Cawang, Jakarta Timur (Gedung-II)
Phone: (021) 819 3519
Fax: (021) 819 7883
Email: yodyajakarta@yodyakarya.co.id
Email Ka Cabang Utama: teddy@yodyakarya.co.id

Cabang Utama Semarang:
Jln. Sriwijaya No. 41, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Phone/Fax: (024) 8412833
Email: cab.satu@yodyakarya.co.id
Email Cabang: yodyakarya_semarang@yodyakarya.co.id
Email Kepala Cabang Utama: delta@yodyakarya.co.id
Email Kepala Bagian Produksi Cab Utama: prihanto.susiawan@yodyakarya.co.id

Cabang Utama Makassar:
Jl. AP. Pettarani No. 74, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Phone/Fax: (0411) 452510
Email: yodya_karya@yahoo.com

Cabang Utama Pekanbaru:
Jl. Bitan No. 14, Gobah, Pekan Baru, Kepulauan Riau
Phone/Fax: (0761) 47488,
Email: yokariau@yahoo.com

Cabang Utama Palembang:
Jl. Mayor Salim Batu Bara, SKIP Ujung No. 104 A, Palembang- Sumatera Selatan
Phone/Fax: (0711) 356163
Email: yoka6plg@yahoo.com

Cabang Bandung:
Jl. Sekar Tonggeret No. 16, Buah Batu, Bandung – Jawa Barat
Phone/Fax: (022) 7317395
Email: cab.lima@yodyakarya.co.id / yodyakarya_bandung@yodyakarya.co.id

Cabang Surabaya:
Perum Delta Sari Indah Blok AJ No. 4, Waru, Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur
Phone/Fax: (0411) 452510
Email: yodyakarya_surabaya@yodyakarya.co.id

Cabang Samarinda:
Jln. AW. Syahrani Perum Ratindo Griya Permai VII Blok R1 No. 36 RT. 27, Kel. Air Hitam, Samarinda – Kalimantan Timur
Phone/Fax: (0541) 7777325,
Email: yoka87_smd@yahoo.co.id

Cabang Manado:
Jln. Ticoalu Mandagi No. 18 Malalayang 1 Lingkungan 1 Manado Sulawesi Utara
Phone/Fax: (0431) 3335295
Email: yodyakarya_mdo@yahoo.co.id

Cabang Kendari:
Jln. Bunga Kolosua No. 25 Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara – 93121
Phone/Fax: (0401) 3122844
Email: yk_kdi@yahoo.com

Jobs Available

PT Yodya Karya (Persero) require professional with complate dedication and high motivation to fill the position for :

  1. Tenaga Ahli Struktur
  2. Tenaga Ahli Arsitektur
  3. Tenaga Ahli Mekanikal
  4. Tenaga Ahli Elektrikal
  5. Administrasi Proyek
  6. Drafter

Jobs Description

General Requirements :

  • Education background in SMK / D3 / S1
  • Department of Civil Engineering / Architectural Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Irrigation Engineering / Image Engineering.
  • Maximum age of 35 years old
  • Mastering Autocad & MS Office
  • Able to read shop drawing.
  • Willing to be placed in the entire operational area of the company

Sites Reference

  1. www.yoka.co.id

Submit Application

If your qualification is matched with the requirement above, please send your CV, application letter, copy of diploma and transcript (legalized), copy of ID Card, photograph 4×6 (2 sheet), copy working reference (if any) and other supporting certificate(s) to :

PT Yodya Karya (Persero) Wilayah I
Jl Sriwijaya No 41 Semarang.

Notes :

  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Info Lowongan PT Yodya Karya Semarang brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com