Lowongan Kerja PT WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi Via UGM Yogya


WIKA Rekon 3

Lowongan Kerja WIKA Rekon

About PT Wijaya Karya Rekayasa Konstruksi (WRK)

PT Wijaya Karya Rekayasa Konstruksi – WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi is a subsidiary of WIKA, resulted from the acquisition of shares of PT Catur Insan Pertiwi on November 2008. WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi specializes in the installation of mechanical electrical industrial and power plant projects. With WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi, WIKA’s experience in civil construction becomes fully equipped for undertaking EPC projects, industrial projects, oil and gas as well as power plant projects through the Department of Utility and Department of Energy.

WIKA Rekon 3

Recently, Wijaya Karya Rekayasa Konstruksi has been entering into one of the respectable Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies in Indonesia and Southeast Asia regions.Recently, Wijaya Karya Rekayasa Konstruksi has been entering into one of the respectable Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies in Indonesia and Southeast Asia regions.

In anticipating the operation of the power plants that are part of the 35,000 MW program, owned by both PLN and Independent Power Producer (IPP), as well as the growth of investment in the fields of industry, oil & gas and mining, WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi which has been quite active in providing labor supply for industrial maintenance needs, is also developing its business toward the Operation and Maintenance ofr industries and power generation.

The synergy of the Company’s marketing and procurement and the additional experience of large and complex project management, will further accelerate the growth of WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi in achieving its mission to become a pioneer in the development of engineering and mechanical and electrical construction services, and provide the operation and maintenance services. All of these services take into account the aspects of competitiveness, security, quality, timeliness and the environment.

In addition to WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi’s projects within WIKA, it also undertakes projects outside of WIKA, from repeat customers as well as new customers, which continue to be developed. Projects being carried out by WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi in 2009 include: Batakan Diessel Engine Power Plant, Bontang Diessel Engine Power Plant, Chipper mill and Medco Merauke Diesel Engine Power Plant, KCM Conveyor, Indominco Conveyor, and Asam-asam Conveyor, Indocement Grinding Mill, Mechanical Installation at the SPV 4 expansion (South Pacific Viscouse), one of the largest rayon factory in Indonesia. While in 2010, WIKA Insan Pertiwi aims to carry out several Coal Fired Power Plant and Biomass, Diesel Engine Power Plant, tank farm, palm oil mill, oil and gas pipeline, aviation fuel supply system pipeline and mechanical electrical of mining industrial projects.

Contact PT Wijaya Karya Rekayasa Konstruksi
Jl. MT.Haryono Kav.23,
Jakarta 12820,
P: +62.21 83782491-93

Jobs Available

PT Wijaya Karya Rekayasa Konstruksi invites qualified candidates to fullfill the positions as follows :

  1. Estimator
  2. Commercial Staff
  3. Electrical Engineering
  4. Marketing Staff
  5. Civil Engineer
  6. Mechanical Engineer
  7. Lead Civil Engineer
  8. Lead Electrical Engineer
  9. Lead Mechanical Engineer

Jobs Description



  • Minimum Diploma in the field of Mechanical/Electrical – Intrument Control/Civil.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in the same field.
  • Mastering in computer software applications.
  • Strong analytical thinking.
  • Able to work with tight deadline.
  • Good leadership and problem solving skills.

Commercial Staff


  • Minimum Bachelor in the field of Electrical/Mechanical/Civil/Industrial.
  • Fresh graduate or have 1-3 years of experience in the same field.
  • Mastering in computer software applications.
  • Strong analytical thinking.
  • Able to work with tight deadline.
  • Good leadership and problem solving skills.

Electrical Engineering


  • Minimum Diploma in the field of Electro/Instrument Control.
  • Fresh graduate or have 1-3 years of experience in the same field.
  • Mastering in computer software applications related to electical design/image or 3D model.
  • Have a good understanding about the design, installation, pre – commissioning, commissioning and startup instrumentation controls on power plant
  • Have a good understanding about specifications for materials, improvement or design change
  • Able to work with tight deadline.
  • Good leadership and problem solving skills.

Marketing Staff


  • Minimum Bachelor in the field of Mechanical/Electrical.
  • Fresh graduate or have 1-3 years of experience in the same field.
  • Mastering in computer software applications
  • Have a good understanding about market reseach and competitor analysis.
  • Strong communication skill and have a wide information.
  • Have a good knowledge about the projects of power plant, factory or building.
  • Able to work with tight deadline.

Civil Engineer


  • Minimum Diploma in the field of Civil.
  • Fresh graduate or have 1-3 years of experience in the same field.
  • Mastering in computer software applications related to civil design/image or 3D model.
  • Have a good understanding about specifications for materials, improvement or design change.
  • Able to work with tight deadline.

Mechanical Engineer


  • Minimum Diploma in the field of Mechanical.
  • Fresh graduate or have 1-3 years of experience in the same field.
  • Mastering in computer software applications related to mechanical design/image or 3D model.
  • Have a good understanding about specifications for materials, improvement or design change.
  • Able to work with tight deadline.

Lead Civil Engineer


  • Minimum Bachelor in the field of Civil.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the field of EPC, both power plant or oil and gas projects.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in the same position.
  • Mastering in computer software applications related to civil design/image or 3D model.
  • Have a good understanding about specifications for materials, improvement or design change.
  • Good leadership and problem solving skills.
  • Able to work with tight deadline.

Lead Electrical Engineer


  • Minimum Bachelor in the field of Electro/Instrument Control.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the field of EPC, both power plant or oil and gas projects.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in the same position.
  • Mastering in computer software applications related to electrical design/image or 3D model.
  • Have experience in the field of design, installation, pre – commissioning, commissioning and startup instrumentation controls on power plant.
  • Have a good understanding about specifications for materials, improvement or design change.
  • Good leadership and problem solving skills.
  • Able to work with tight deadline.

Lead Mechanical Engineer


  • Minimum Bachelor in the field of Mechanical.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the field of EPC, both power plant or oil and gas projects.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in the same position.
  • Mastering in computer software applications related to mechanical design/image or 3D model.
  • Have a good understanding about specifications for materials, improvement or design change.
  • Good leadership and problem solving skills.
  • Able to work with tight deadline.

Sites Reference

  1. www.wikarekon.co.id

Submit Application

Please bring your application along :

the 20th Career Days UGM 2016 that will held on 27-28 August 2-16 at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.


  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja WIKA Rekon brought to you by lokercpnsbumn.com