
Lowongan Kerja BUMN Virama Karya
About PT Virama Karya (Persero)
PT Virama Karya is Company Buildings owned by private Dutch named NV Cuypers Fermont Ingenieurs Architecten Bureau. The company was then nationalized the Government of Indonesia to the State Enterprise (PN) Virama Karya. The foundation is strengthened by the fusion of Government Regulation no. 56 in 1961, and P.N. Virama Karya auxiliaries placed under the Department of Public Works and Power.

With the Government Regulation no. 38 of 1970 on the transfer forms from the State Enterprise (PN) Virama Karya to liability company (Persero), further strengthened his aim as a company which is then contained in the Articles of Association Articles of the Company with Limited Liability Company (PT) Virama Karya on March 15, 1972 before the Notary Djojo Mulyadi SH, Certificate No. 60, dated March 15, 1972.
At the time of its establishment in 1972 the authorized capital of PT. Virama Karya set at Rp 45 million, – (forty five million rupiahs). After several times, most recently: With Ny Notary Act. Taher Yetty SH. 10 On August 27, 2008 the Company’s authorized capital is set at Rp 40 billion, – (forty billion dollars) while the paid-up capital of Rp 10 billion set to be, – (ten billion rupiahs).
- Vision and Mission, in accordance with the Articles of Association and the change-change and Decree of the Management Corporation No. PT Virama Karya. : 762/HK.01.02.06/08 On October 14, 2008.
- Being a Big Company and Leading in the field of Engineering & Management Consultancy Services are PROFESSIONAL and RELIABLE.
- Product quality Consulting Services, as well as innovative solutions for the resolution of Issues Management and Technology. By utilizing the optimal development of science and Latest Technology. Finding the Market has a wide range of Domestic and Abroad Reach Market opportunities. The focus of the service is CUSTOMER SATISFACTION through the Safety Investment and Added Value generated sound environment and Stake Holder Satisfaction. PT Virama Karya has achieved the quality certificate ISO 9001: 2000 in June 2005.
Company Contact
Kantor Pusat
Jl. Hangtuah No.26
Kebayoran Baru,Jakarta Selatan
phone: 021 7397545
fax: 021 720 4331
Jobs Available
PT Virama Karya (Persero) invites the best candidates to join as following position :
- Team Leader (code : TL)
- Construction Manager (code : CM)
- Engineering Manager (code : EM)
- TA K3 Konstruksi (code : K3)
- TA Sipil/Struktur Senior (code : SS)
- TA Sipil/Struktur (code : SP)
- TA Arsitektur Senior (code : AS)
- TA Arsitektur (code : SS)
- TA Arsitektur Greenship (code : AR-GP)
- TA Mekanikal Senior (code : MS)
- TA Mekanikal (code : MK)
- TA Mekanikal Greenship (code : MK-GP)
- TA Elektrikal Senior (code : ES)
- TA Elektrikal (code : EL)
- TA Elektrikal Greenship (code : EL-GP)
- TA Lansekap (code : EL)
- TA Lingkungan (code : LK)
- TA Quality Control (code : QC)
- TA Quantity Surveyor (code : QS)
- TA Building Information (code : BIM)
- Pengawas Struktur (code : IS)
- Pengawas Arsitektur (code : IA)
- Pengawas Mekanikal (code : IM)
- Pengawas Elektrikal (code : IE)
- Pengawas Lansekap (code : IL)
- Surveyor (code : SV)
- Office Manager (code : IS)
- Site Administration (code : SA)
- CAD Operator (code : CO)
Jobs Description
Team Leader (code: TL)
- S1 Civil Structural / S2 Project Management from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 6 years of experience as Team Leader / Project Manager Building.
- Preferably have SKA Manajemen Konstruksi (Madya).
Construction Manager (code: CM)
- S1 Civil Structural / S2 Project Management from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 6 years of experience as Team Leader / Construction Manager in Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Manajemen Konstruksi (Madya).
Engineering Manager (code : EM)
- S1 Civil Architecture from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 6 years of experience as Engineering Manager in Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Bangunan (Madya).
TA K3 Konstruksi (code : K3)
- S1 Civil Engineering from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 6 years of experience as Senior Officer in Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli K3 Konstruksi (Muda).
TA Sipil/Struktur Senior (code : SS)
- S1 Civil Structure from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 6 years of experience as Structure Engineer in Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Bangunan (Madya).
TA Sipil/Struktur (code : SP)
- S1 Civil Structure from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 6 years of experience as Structure Engineer in Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Bangunan (Madya).
TA Arsitektur Senior (code : AS)
- S1 Architecture from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 6 years of experience as Structure Engineer in Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Manajemen (Muda).
TA Arsitektur (code : SS)
- S1 Architecture from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Architect in Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Manajemen (Muda).
TA Arsitektur Greenship (code : AR-GP)
- S1 Architecture from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Architect in Green Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Manajemen (Muda).
TA Mekanikal Senior (code : MS)
- S1 Mechanical from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 6 years of experience as Mechanical Engineer in project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Plumbing (Madya).
TA Mekanikal (code : MK)
- S1 Mechanical from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Mechanical Engineer in project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Plumbing (Madya).
TA Mekanikal Greenship (code : MK-GP)
- S1 Mechanical from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Mechanical Engineer in project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Plumbing (Madya).
TA Elektrikal Senior (code : ES)
- S1 Electrical from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 6 years of experience as Electrical Engineer in project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Tenaga (Madya).
TA Elektrikal (code : EL)
- S1 Electrical from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Electrical Engineer in project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Tenaga (Madya).
TA Elektrikal Greenship (code : EL-GP)
- S1 Electrical from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Electrical Engineer in project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Tenaga (Madya).
TA Lansekap (code : EL)
- S1 Architecture/Landscape from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Landscape Engineer.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Arsitektur (Muda).
TA Lingkungan (code : LK)
- S1 Environmental from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Environmental Engineer in project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Teknik Lingkungan (Muda).
TA Quality Control (code : QC)
- S1 Engineering from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as QA/QC in Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Sistem Manajemen Mutu (Muda).
TA Quantity Surveyor (code : QS)
- S1 Architecture/Civil/Mechanical from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Quantity Surveyor/Estimator in Building project.
- Preferably have SKA Ahli Manajemen (Muda).
TA Building Information (code : BIM)
- S1 Engineering from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as BIM Engineer in project.
Pengawas Struktur (code : IS)
- D3/S1 Civil Structure from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Supervisor / Inspector.
Pengawas Arsitektur (code : IA)
- D3/S1 Civil Architecture from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Supervisor / Inspector.
Pengawas Mekanikal (code : IM)
- D3/S1 Mechanical Structure from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Supervisor / Inspector.
Pengawas Elektrikal (code : IE)
- D3/S1 Mechanical/Electrical Structure from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Supervisor / Inspector.
Pengawas Lansekap (code : IL)
- D3/S1 Architecture/Structure Landscape from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Supervisor / Inspector.
Surveyor (code : SV)
- D3/S1 Civil/Structure Geodesy from a Leading and Accredited College.
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Surveyor.
Office Manager (code : IS)
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Office Manager in building project.
Site Administration (code : SA)
- Minimum 3 years of experience as Secretary/Administration in building project.
CAD Operator (code : CO)
- Minimum 3 years of experience as CAD in building project.
General Requirements
- Male/Female.
- have experience in the field of Planning / Supervision / MK in Building Construction.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please send your application letter with updated Curriculum Vitae, Scan diploma, ID Card, NPWP, SKA (if any), and other supporting certificate(s) working reference (if any) to :
Kepala Biro SDMU&TI PT Virama Karya (Persero)
email :
Notes :
- Please quote applied position code in the “subject” line.
- Closing date 14 May 2019.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
Info Lowongan Kerja BUMN Virama Karya brougth to you by