
Lowongan Kerja Universal Tekno Reksajaya
About PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya (UTR)
PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya – UTR is a remanufacturing company of old or worn-out heavy equipment components, which serves as the rejuvenator of them. This company makes such components reusable with their quality of similar standing and in equilibrium with newly-produced products, to the effect that they will help to hold down the operating expenditures of the present company’s customers (in this case, the users of such heavy equipments).
PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya was formerly one Service Division/Department of PT United Tractors Tbk. located on its first (and second) plant sites, Pekanbaru and Jakarta, where these two plants were then built, herein referred to, respectively as Pekanbaru Plant and Jakarta Plant. At the onset of its operation, PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya went by the name of “UT Reman”, and it has now been in operation since the year 2006. With its primary policy, it has been engaged in remanufacturing of such components of small- and medium-size machines.
While it was going through a number of processes, in July, 2011, PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya (“UTR”) was built, which served and serves as a “Remanufacturing company that applies high technology, buckling down to coping with various kinds of heavy equipment products, to principally maintain cooperation mutually beneficial amongst producers, customers, and stakeholders”.
Long before the official inauguration of UTR that took place in November 2009, the UTR had satisfied the ISO 9001:2008 standard, and up to this day it has had 7 (seven) plant sites and 6 (six) support sites. This proves that the UTR has applied its good quality management system and is committed to its customers, and these have made the UTR capable of solving the various problems undergone its customers as the owners of heavy equipment.
Company Contact

Contact PT. Universal Tekno Reksajaya
Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 22, Cakung
Jakarta 13910 – Indonesia
Tel. +62 21 2457 6818
Fax. +62 21 4682 2748
Jobs Available
PT Universal Tekno Reksajaya is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities
- Administration Supervisor
- Design Engineer
- Part Analyst
Jobs Description
General Requirements :
- Diploma Degree (D3) with major study in
- Accounting, Business Administration (Administration Supervisor).
- Mechanical Engineering (Design Engineer/Part Analyst).
- Male with the maximum age of 26 years old.
- minimum height of 160 cm with a weight proportional.
- Wlling tobe placed throughout Indonesia.
- Good computer literacy (minimum Ms Word, MS Excell and MS Power Point).
- English proficiency.
- Graduate from a reputable university with accreditation A and a minimum GPA of 2.90.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
If your qualification is matched with the requirement above, please submit your CV and academic transcript at the very latest by 31 December 2015, via email and address it to :
- Your application will be kept as strictly confidential.
- Only short-listed candidates will be invited for selection and interview.
- Source
Lowongan Kerja Universal Tekno Reksajaya brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn