Lowongan United Tractors Semen Gresik
About PT. United Tractors Semen Gresik (UTSG)
PT. United Tractors Semen Gresik – UTSG located in Tuban, East Java. PT United Tractors Semen Gresik (UTSG) is a subsidiary of the PT Semen Gresik (PT Semen Indonesia) which is engaged in mining, trade and services. UTSG is the PT Semen Indonesia’s shareholders by 55% and PT United Tractors Tbk. by 45%.
To support its operations UTSG has 69 units of major equipment (heavy vehicles). UTSG main activities intended to support the PT Semen Indonesia’s production activities, particularly in terms of providing raw materials of cement.
To support the implementation of quality management systems, UTSG has obtained ISO 9002 certification on June 11, 1998 of the Quality Assurance Service Indonesia.
Contact UTSG
Kantor Penambangan : Desa Sumberarum, Kec. Kerek Tuban
Telp : (0356) 711800 (hunting)
Faks : (0356) 711600
Email :
Web :
Jobs Available
PT United Tractors Semen Gresik currently is seeking highly qualified professional candidates who are willing to work in a team and challenging environtment for following positions :
- Rekrutmen Karyawan PT. United Tractors Semen Gresik
Job Description
Education requirements:
- Graduates of PTN / PTS accredited majors:
- S1 Teknik Tambang
- S1 Teknik Industri
- S1 Teknik Mesin
- S1 Teknik Sipil (Konstruksi)
- S1 Teknik Kimia
- S1 Teknik Geologi
- S1 Teknik Mesin (Pendidikan)
- S1 Psikologi
- S1 Akuntansi
- D3 Akuntansi
- D3 Teknik Industri
- D3 Teknik Listrik
- D3 Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja
- D3 Teknik Mesin A2B (Polman)
General requirement :
- Indonesian citizen (citizen)
- A minimum GPA of 2.75 (scale 4)
- Male, except for the points 8
- Maximum age 35 years
- English active
- Physically healthy and spirited
- Hardworking, tenacious and honest
- Would be placed in the working area of PT United Tractors Semen Gresik
- With a certificate of good conduct from the police
- Experienced in their respective fields are preferred
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For job seekers who are interested and happen to meet the above qualifications, then please immediately send a cover letter and your curiculum vitae to:
Mangga Dua Square blok A8 no 18
Jl. Jagir Wonokromo no. 100 Surabaya, 081234663477
Email :
- Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up.
- Closing date : 25 October 2015
- Source
Lowongan United Tractors Semen Gresik brought to you by lokercpnsbumn