Lowongan Kerja PT. Telkomsel Divre Jabar



Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel Jabar

About PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel)

PT Telekomunikasi Selular – Telkomsel was established in 1995, manifesting the spirit of innovation to develop Indonesian telecommunications into a successful leader. To achieve this vision, Telkomsel continue accelerating its expansion of telecommunications network throughout Indonesia by simultaneously empowering the people. Telkomsel, a pioneer of various cellular communication technologies in Indonesia, was the first to launch international roaming and 3G services in Indonesia. Telkomsel was the first operator to undertake LTE broadband network trials. In Asia, Telkomsel pioneered the use of renewable energy for Base Transceiver Stations (BTS). The superior quality of our products and services has positioned Telkomsel as the first choice of customers all through Indonesia.

Entering the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) era, Telkomsel continues to optimize the development of services in Indonesia by leveraging potential synergies with our parent companies, namely PT Telkom (65%) and SingTel Mobile (35%). Telkomsel will continue to develop cellular telecommunication services to strengthen our position as the cellular provider of a truly mobile lifestyle.

Company Contact

Telkomsel OK
credit : www.telkomsel.com

Telkomsel very concerned about the ease and convenience of the customer in obtaining information or a consultation at any time and anywhere. Therefore, SingTel building access service called Caroline Call Center (Customer Care On-Line) – customer service by phone, as the form of 24-hour customer service that delivers nonstop service to the customer for all customers’ needs and problems.

Our Call Center access number:
a. Through kartuHALO: 133
b. Through simPATI cards and U.S. Card:

  • 155 for 24-hour customer service information (FREE)
  • 188 for 24 hours service Contact Center (Paid)

In accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information 9/PER/M.KOMINFO/06/2010 where the access code that begins with the 11x is only used for emergency services. Starting on February 1, 2012 access number and Call Center simPATI U.S. Card number changed to 155 116 (free of charge) and start date of 1 April 2012 Call Center kartuHALO access number with the number changed to 133 111 (free of charge).

c. Through mobile and fixed phone:

  • Nasional     : 08071811811
  • Jakarta        : (021) 21899811
  • Bandung     : (022) 2553811
  • Surabaya    : (031) 8403811
  • Medan         : (061) 4578811

Jobs Available

PT Telekomunikasi Selular currently is seeking highly qualified professional candidates who are willing to work in a team and challenging environtment for following positions and work under authorized agency (KISELTelkomsel’s employee cooperative) :

  1. Senior Programmer

Job Description


  • Minimum education of Diploma Degree (D3) in Informatics Engineering or equivalent.
  • Wide understanding on web programming languages ; PHP, Java, AJAX, JQuery, Android and MySQL database.
  • Experienced in developing web applications at least 5 applications.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in the related field.
  • Able to work in a team.
  • Honest, healthy physical and spiritual.
  • Willing and ready to work overtime and on target deadlines.
  • Status as a contract employee (Outsource).
  • Placement at PT Telkomsel Regional Jabar (Bandung).

Sites Reference

  1. www.telkomsel.com

Submit Application

Should you meet the qualifications required, please send your CV and copy of educational transcript to :

siti.smy83@gmail.com (Subject : Programmer).


  • Please ensure your detail PHP projects included in your CV.
  • Closing date 28 April 2015.
  • Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications will be notified for further selection.
  • Source

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