Lowongan Kerja PT Telkom Kediri



Lowongan Kerja PT Telkom Wilayah Kediri

About PT. TELKOM Indonesia Tbk

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk – PT. Telkom as a leading telecommunication company in Indonesia that provides a new service with the latest technology that is CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). CDMA is the technology of voice and data access, where each user uses their own unique code to access the same frequency channel in a system.

On CDMA, the signal at the transmitter dicoding information and spread with a bandwidth of 1.25 MHz (spread spectrum), then on the side of the receiver do the decoding to obtain the required information signal.

PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. through the Division will utilize Telkom Flexi CDMA fixed wireless phones are used as digital home phone (landline) and mobile phones (mobility). CDMA-based fixed wireless service, given the brand “TELKOMFlexi” as mobile phones are limited in the area code, it is possible because “TELKOMFlexi” have limited mobility features.

The experts agree that mobile phone technology sophistication far beyond GSM CDMA are now widely used by mobile phone operators in Indonesia. The businessman cellular phone (hand phone) estimates that “TELKOMFlexi” got positive response considering the tariff is much below the GSM as investment cost is very cheap.

Of course, the presence of “TELKOMFlexi” make relief prospect who has long craved a phone call or saving mobile customers who crave an alternative mobile phone.

Company Contact

Telkom Indonesia
credit : www.telkom.co.id
  • www.telkom.co.id

Jobs Available

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk – PT Telkom Kediri is looking for extraordinarily talented individuals to fill in the following positions :


Job Description


  • Male / Female age 18-35 years,
  • Minimum high school education / equivalent,
  • Attractive,
  • Able to communicate well,
  • Able to work based on a target,
  • Has Motorcycles and SIM C


  • Fee, Incentive, Money Transport, insurance, uniforms, and other bonuses.

Work location options:

  1. The entire sub-district in the Region Kab Nganjuk
  2. The entire sub-district in the Region Kab Kediri
  3. The entire sub-district in the Region Kota Kediri
  4. The entire sub-district in the Region Kab Blitar
  5. The entire sub-district in the Region Kota Blitar
  6. The entire sub-district in the Region Kab Tulungagung
  7. The entire sub-district in the Region Kab Trenggalek

Sites Reference

  1. www.telkom.co.id

Submit Application

For those of you who are interested and meet the above requirements, please send your application be sent to:

Manager HR Telkom Wilayah Kediri
Jl. Hayam Wuruk 45-47 Kediri tlp. 0354-680942
or taken directly to the nearest Telkom office se-eks Karesidenan Kediri (Nganjuk, Kediri, Blitar, TulungAgung dan Trenggalek).


  • Closing date : 29 October 2015.
  • PT Telkom recruitment is Free of charge.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja Telkom Kediri brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn