Lowongan Kerja PT Semen Padang


PT Semen Padang

Lowongan Kerja PT Semen Padang

About PT Semen Padang

PT Semen Padang is the oldest cement manufacturer in Indonesia which was established in March 18, 1910 under the name NV Nederlandsch-Indische Maatschappij or NIPCM Portland Cement. PT Semen Padang was established on March 18, 1910 under the name NV Nederlandsch Indische Portland Cement Maatschappij (NV NIPCM) which is the first cement plant in Indonesia. Then on July 5, 1958, the company was nationalized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia from the Dutch government. During this period, the company experienced a renaissance through the process of rehabilitation and capacity development Indarung I plant to 330,000 tonnes / year. Furthermore, the plant transformation of plant capacity expansion of wet process technology becomes dry process with the construction of the factory Indarung II, III, and IV.

PT Semen Padang

In 1995, the government transferred its shares in PT Semen Padang to Semen Gresik Group in conjunction with the development of the factory Indarung V.

On December 20, 2012, the General Meeting Extraordinary Shareholders (EGM) of the Company, PT Semen Padang, PT Semen Gresik, PT Semen Tonasa and Thang Long Cement joined under PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is owned majority by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia amounting to 51.01%. Other shareholders amounted to 48.09% owned by the public. PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. is a company whose shares are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

Product profile

Portland Cement Type I
Used for general construction purposes that do not wear the special requirements of the heat of hydration and early compressive strength. Suitable for use on land and water containing sulfate 0.0% – 0.10% and can be used for building residential homes, high-rise buildings, and others.

Portland Cement Type II
Used for the construction of a concrete mass that requires endurance sulfate (the location of the land and water containing sulphate between 0.10 to 0.20%) and the heat of hydration medium, such as building sea lane, building dibekas marshland, irrigation, concrete mass for dams and bridges runway.

Portland Cement Type III
Used for the construction of buildings that require a high initial compressive strength in the initial phase after binding occurs, for example for the manufacture of concrete roads, high-level buildings, the buildings in the water that does not require resistance to sulphate attack.

Portland Cement Type V
Used for the construction of the buildings on the land / water containing sulfate exceed 0.20% and is particularly suitable for the installation of sewage treatment plant, the construction of water, bridges, tunnels, ports and nuclear power plants.

Super Masonry Cement
This cement can be used for residential construction of buildings, roads and irrigation structures maximum betonnya K 225. Can also be used as raw material for the manufacture of concrete roof tiles, hollow brick, Block Paving, tiles and other building materials.

Oil Well Cement (OWC), Class G-HSR (High Sulfate Resistance)
A special cement used in well construction, oil and natural gas with the construction of oil wells under the sea and earth, OWC which has been produced is a class G, HSR (High Sulfate Resistance) is also known as “BASIC OWC”. Adaptive materials can be added for use in a variety of depths and temperatures.

Portland Composite Cement (PCC)
This cement meets the quality requirements of Portland Composite Cement SNI 15-7064-2004. Can be widely used for general construction at all concrete. The structure of multi-storey buildings, bridge structures, structural concrete roads, building materials, concrete pre-press and pre-press, masonry, stucco and acian, concrete panels, paving block, hollow brick, brick, tile, pieces of tiles, more tractable, the temperature of the concrete lower so it is not easy to crack, more resistant to sulphate, more waterproof and more acian smooth surface.

Super “Pozzolan Portland Cement” (PPC)
Cement to meet the quality requirements of Portland cement Pozzoland SNI 15-0302-2004 and ASTM C 595 M-05 s. Can be widely used such as:

  • Mass concrete construction (dams, dam and irrigation)
  • Construction of concrete that require resistance to sulphate attack (building waterfront, wetlands).
  • Buildings / installations that require higher kekedapan.
  • Couples and plastering jobs.

Contact PT Semen Padang

Indarung Padang 25237 Sumatera Barat
Telp. : (0751) 815250 (hunting), 08126611910 (gsm)
Fax. : 0751-815590
Fax. Marketing : 0751-815001

Jobs Available

PT Semen Padang is seeking the qualified candidates to join as position below :

  • Program Technical Trainee (Non Manajerial)

Jobs Description

General requirement

  • Indonesian citizens (WNI)
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Good behavior and not involved in drugs
  • Willing to be placed in any work unit and the working area of PT Semen Padang

Special Requirements

  • Age per December 1, 2016
    • A maximum of 25 years for the inexperienced
    • A maximum of 30 years for people who experienced at least 2 years in the field of science
  • Minimal education D3
  • Value: GPA = 2.75 (Scale 4)
  • Department / Code
    • Teknik Mesin/TTM
    • Teknik Industri/TTI
    • Teknik Kimia/TTK
    • Teknik Elektro – Arus Kuat/TLK
    • Teknik Elektro – Arus Lemah/Instrumentasi/TLL
    • Teknik Tambang/TTB
    • Teknik Sipil/TTS
    • Kimia Analis/TKA
    • Ekonomi Manajemen/TEM
    • Ekonomi Akuntansi/TEA

Sites Reference

  1. www.semenpadang.co.id

Submit Application

For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please register online via the official website of the following:


  • Closing date : January 7th, 2017
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.

Info Lowongan Kerja PT Semen Padang brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com