Lowongan Kerja RS Pelabuhan
About PT. Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan
PT. Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan is one of the subsidiaries of PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II, which is a state that plays an important role in the Indonesian economy by ownership composition of 99.52% while the remaining 0.48% is owned by the Maritime Employees Cooperative Tanjung Priok. Originally there were three (3) Harbor Hospital with status as a part (divisions) of the Branch Pelabuhan Indonesia II Monument Hospital in Jakarta, Cirebon Harbor Hospital and the Hospital of New Boom with the purpose of serving the health Palembang port employees and families of employees, the company’s customers and also the general public.
In the framework of the efficiency and effectiveness of business that can be independent and develop professionalism, the Harbor Hospital is separated from the port business and used as a stand-alone subsidiary. Based on the letter of the Minister of State Owned Enterprises No. S-206 / M_PBUMN / 1999 dated 30 April 1999 and the Notarial Deed Ny.Nelly Elsye Tahamata, SH No. 2 dated May 1, 1999 and Amendment of Articles of Association of the Company, Number 52 dated August 11, 2008 made by and in the presence of Herdimansyah Chaidirsyah, SH Notary in Jakarta, Harbor Hospital officially became a subsidiary of PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II independent supervising (managing ) 3 (three) Hospital namely; Harbor Hospital Jakarta, Cirebon Harbor Hospital and the Hospital of the Port of Palembang.
Then Hospitals under Hospital PT.Rumah Port increased to 4 (four) because in 2001 founded Port Hospital Medical Center (PMC) located in the Tanjung Priok Enggano N0.10, to bring the service to the Port of Tanjung Priok.
Besides the charge of 4 (four) Hospital, Harbor Hospital PT.Rumah also manage unit BAPEL JPKM (Administering Agency Community Health Insurance). BAPEL JPKM was established on 19 July 2001 with the permission of the Minister of Health No. HK.
Currently the general public are familiar with Harbor Hospital as a hospital that serves patients and is one of the General Hospital of the objectives for treatment.
Contact PT Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan\

Kantor Pusat
Jl. Kramat Jaya, Tanjung Priok – Jakarta Utara
Telp. 021-44837582, 021-4403026 Fax. 021-44837581
RS Pelabuhan Cirebon:
Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Cirebon 451112
Telp: (0231) 204444, 230024
Fax. (0231) 23460
RS Pelabuhan Palembang:
Jl. Mayor Memet Sastrawirya, Palembang 30115
Telp: (0711) 712840, 719741
Fax. (0711) 717100
RS Port Medical Center:
Jl. Enggano No.10, Tanjung Priok – Jakarta Utara
Telp: (021) 43902350, 4390251
Fax. (021) 43902302
Bapel JKPM Jakarta:
Jl. Kramat Jaya, Tanjung Priok – Jakarta Utara 14260
Telp: (021) 448375820
Fax. (021) 44837581
Jobs Available
PT Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:
- General Manager
Job Description
Requirements :
- Indonesian Citizen.
- Previous experience as Director at reputable private hospital, both foreign or national hospital.
- Male, with a maximum age of 60 years old.
- Background in General Practitioner or Specialist Doctors and education MARS / Kes.
- Willing to be placed in all working unit of RS Pelabuhan.
- Not PNS.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Should you are interested and qualified, please send your complete application via email to :
- Closing date 30 April 2015.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
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