Rekrutment Karyawan PT Rolas Nusantara Medika
About PT Rolas Nusantara Medika
PT Rolas Nusantara Medika was established on February 1, 2012 which is a subsidiary of PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII engaged in health.
PT Rolas Nusantara Medika was established based on Notarial Deed No. 2 dated February 1, 2012 of Habib Adjie, SH, M. Hum, approved by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. AHU-31482.AH.01.01. Year 2012 is located at Jalan Gajahmada no. 15 Jember.
With the vision of Becoming a leading Health Services Company, PT Rolas Nusantara Medika is expected to be:
- Notable: including professional, independent, highly competitive, growing and developing, becoming a market leader (by means and infrastructure, human resources, services, marketing)
- Mandiri: includes financial, administration, human resources system (HR)
- High competitiveness: includes tariffs, quality of human resources, up to date infrastructure facilities, services, marketing.
Jalan Gajahmada No.15 Jember
(0331) 485926
Rumah Sakit Umum Kaliwates
Jalan Gajahmada No.15 Jember (68131)
(0331) 485967
Rumah Sakit Bhakti Husada
Jl. Krikilan – Glenmore Desa Tegalharjo, Glenmore, Banyuwangi (68466)
(0333) 821575
Jobs Available
PT. Rolas Nusantara Medika offer opportunities to highly talented people to build their professional career in health as :
Formasi Jabatan Tenaga Kesehatan
- Dokter Umum
- Dokter Gigi
- Apoteker
- Perawat ICU
- Bidan
- Radiografer
- Pemelihara Alat Medis
- Perawat Anastesi
- Perawat di Ambulance
- Asisten Apoteker (TTK)
- Analis Kesehatan
- Analis Gizi
- Rekam Medis
Formasi Jabatan Tenaga Non Kesehatan
- Tenaga Teknisi Komputer
- Analis Bisnis Perencanaan
- Account Officer
- Administrasi Pegawai
- Administrasi Pengaduan
Jobs Description
General requirement :
- Indonesian citizen (WNI)
- Minimum age 18 years and maximum 30 years per May 1, 2017
- Physically and mentally healthy based on a certificate from a government doctor
- Never consume drugs, psychotropic drugs, precursors and other addictive substances, based on government doctor certificate
- Never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement based on a court decision that has had permanent legal force for committing a criminal offense
- Have never been dismissed with respect due to their own request or dismissed with disrespect as civil servants / members of the TNI / Members of the State Police and as private employees
- Not positioned as CPNS / PNS / TNI / POLRI
- Not a member or caretaker of PARPOL
- Have the necessary education, skills, skills and skills
- Graduated from PTN / PTS accredited by BAN-PT
- Have the ability to operate the computer
- Not in a condition of being pregnant
Registration requirements
- Fill out the online form
- Latest color photos
- ID card
- Diploma
- Trasnkrip
- STR (Registration Letters) for medical personnel
- Training Certificate (PPGD, BCLS, BCL, etc.)
- GPA of Health Workforce of at least 3.00
- GPA Non-Health Personnel Minimum 3.00 (PTN0, 3.25 (PTS)
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those interested and qualified, please register online through the following pages:
Notes :
- The Passive Letters letter can not be accepted in the registration.
- Selection and Recruitment of PT Rolas Nusantara Medika employees is free of charge.
- Only applicants who meet the requirements will be included in the selection process.
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