Lowongan Kerja PT Propernas Griya Utama (Perumnas)



Lowongan Kerja Propernas Balikpapan

About PT Propernas Griya Utama

PT Propernas Griya Utama – Propernas is a subsidiary of PERUM PERUMNAS, who started his business in 2009.

Engaged in the provision of housing services for the middle segment / middle-upper, Building Management services / apartments and Construction services / supply of material.

Supported by an experienced and committed human resources that, PROPERNAS managed to record significant gains in closing the books in 2009 and 2010, and consecutive gain an Unqualified Opinion / Unqualified of Public Accounting Firm.

Ongoing projects currently very interested in the community, and provide cash in a very significant growth for the company, spread among others in:

  • East Jakarta: Housing New Eramas Residence
  • Bekasi: Ruko Sentra Niaga and Proper Botania Residence, one cluster in Housing Enchantment Metropolotan
  • East Kalimantan: Batu Ampar Sustainable Housing in Balikpapan
  • South Kalimantan: Proper Housing Green Village in Cape town, Tabalong capital, a city that is growing rapidly with the coal industry, petroleum, oil, rubber, and other commodities in preparation, such as cement and marble industry.

PROPERNAS currently partnering with several agencies / companies in various fields of business, banking (Bank Mandiri, Bank BRI, Bank BTN / BTN Syariah, Bank Syariah Mandiri, CIMB Niaga), the members of REI Developer, Construction Services, Manufacturers of building materials and others.

PROPERNAS committed to serving our partners, users and other stakeholders with a sincere heart, to achieve mutual benefits, which Insha Allah always blessed by God Almighty.

Company Contact

Head Office
PT. Propernas Griya Utama
Gedung Graha Pratama 16th floor
MT. Haryono Kav.15
Jakarta 12810
Phone : +62.21.8379.07.44
Fax : +62.21.8379.07.46

Jobs Available

PT Propernas Griya Utama requires a reliable and innovative professionals to fill the following positions:

Staff Teknik (ST )

Jobs Description


  • Male / Female
  • Minimum education D3 Civil Engineering
  • Age Max.25 Year.
  • In priority experience 1-2 years (field supervision).
  • Mastering Autocad, 3D, and Structure Calculation
  • Communicative, able to negotiate and works just as well.

Sites Reference

  1. http://propernas.co.id

Submit Application

Please send your application to :

Komplek Ruko batu ampar Lestari
Jl.Pattimura Blok.D.08 No.04
Balikpapan – Kalimantan Timur
Tlp : 0542 – 861111
Email : ptpropernaskaltim@yahoo.com


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