Lowongan Kerja PNM Venture
About PT PNM Venture Capital – PT PNM VC
PT PNM Venture Capital – PT PNM VC is a rapidly growing business entity in venture capital business. The Company is a part subsidiary company of PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero), a reputable state-owned financial company in Indonesia. The Company was established in 1999 and headquartered in Jakarta. Based on PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Annual Report 2012, during 2012, PT PNM VC again recorded increased operational performance with maintained positive equity. PT PNM Venture Capital reported total income reached Rp17.075 billion in 2012, growth by 45% from 2011 amounting to Rp11.737 billion. PT PNM Venture Capital recorded total net profit worth of Rp6.7 billion for the end of 2012.
PT PNM Venture Capital – PNM VC which was established on October 28, 1999 with the task of entrepreneurship with one mission, which is to create new businesses and the use of technology that requires capital investment. PNM VC was established specifically to deal with venture capital financing and strengthen alliances with potential business partners PNM. business scope of PNM general VC is Pioneering and Revitalization.
About PT PNM
PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) – PNM is a wholly Government-owned Corporation founded in Jakarta pursuant to MPR Decree XVI/MPR/1998, IMF Letter of Intent dated 16 March 1999, Government Regulation No. 38/99 dated 25 May 1999 and Notary Deed No. 1 dated 1 June 1999 validated by the Minister of Justice in Decree No. C-11.609.HT.01.01.TH 99 dated 23 June 1999. The authorised capital of the entity is Rp 1.2 trillion, with subscribed and fully paid up capital at Rp 300 billion.
PNM’s principal tasks are to provide financing solutions to MSMEs and co-operatives using existing capacity according to business feasibility and market economics. Through the development of alternative financing models, PNM’s financing schemes will seek to minimise collateral approaches and profiteering. PNM will also provide management assistance packages as an integral part of capital finance. These policies will be put into operation through a range of financial institutions: venture capital firms, syariah banks, savings and loans co-operatives and rural banks. Some will be established for this specific purpose, while PNM will also utilise existing financial institutions with their nation-wide coverage.
Areas of immediate priority for business development include food crop agribusiness, estates, fisheries, livestock farming, forestry and export-oriented, labour-intensive cottage industries generating added value, in addition to service industries such as developers, tourism and human resources. This added value is defined as a combination of commercial feasibility, technology utilisation and product quality.
PNM’s financing operations will draw on funds from government equity, the national budget and domestic and foreign soft loan. The PNM Investment Management unit will also manage funds from local and foreign investors.
Under Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 487/KMK.017/1999 dated 13 October 1999, PNM as a state enterprise has been designated Distribution Co-ordinator for Program Credit originating from Bank Indonesia Liquidity Credit (KLBI).
With the support of the Government and people from all over Indonesia, PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero), under professional and transparent management is fully geared to launch itself into the new era of the building of Indonesia’s long-awaited civil society. Ref :
Company Contact
PT PNM Venture Capital
Gedung Arthaloka Lt. 10
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav-2
Jakarta 10220
Telp : (021) 2511 545
Fax : (021) 2511 546
Jobs Available
PT PNM Venture Capital require professional and fresh graduate with complate dedication and high motivation to fill the position for :
- Venture Capital Officer (VCO)
- Legal
- Reviewer
- Driver
- OB
Job Description
General Requirements
- Male/Female with the maximum age of 32 years old.
- Education
- Minimum D3 (VCO).
- Minimum S1 from all majors (Reviewer).
- Minimum SMA with the maximum age of 30 years old (Driver & OB).
- Experience
- Have experience in the field of marketing or credit at banking or financial institutions (VCO).
- Have experience as a staff at notary/PPAT (legal).
- Have experience in the field of analyst at at banking or financial institutions (Reviewer).
- Like the job on the field, strong communication skills and have a wide relationship (VCO).
- Have personal vehicle (SIM A/C).
- Mastering Microsoft Office (Word and Excel).
- Placement at Banjarmasin.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
If you strong confindence you meet the requirement above, please send your application not later than 2 February 2016 to :
PT PNM Venture Capital Kantor Perwakilan Banjarmasin
Jl. A Yani KM 6 LT 2 No 549 RT 01 Pemurus Luar Banjarmasin 70249,
email :
- An attractive renumeration and competitive benefit package is offered.
- All application will kept strictly confidential and only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
- Source
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