Lowongan Kerja PT PLN Riau



Lowongan Kerja PT. PLN Riau

About PT PLN (Persero) Riau

PT PLN (Persero) Riau and Riau Islands, which has 4 branches, consisting of Pekanbaru Branch, Branch Dumai, Tanjung Pinang Branch and Branch Rengat is trying to realize the corporate vision of “Becoming a world-class companies tumbbuh, grow, excel and trusted “, through the implementation of two major missions. The first mission is “Doing Business-oriented Electrical customer satisfaction, employee, owner, and friendly environment”. While the second mission is “Making the power to improve the quality of community life and fostering economic growth”.


By implementing the above vision and mission, expected to PT PLN (Persero) Region Riau and Riau Islands to conduct the business of supplying electricity to the public interest in adequate quantity and quality as well as seeking profits and carry out assignments from the government in the electricity sector in order to support national development by applying the principles of limited liability companies.

PT PLN (Persero) Region Riau and Riau Islands carry a huge mandate for service kelistrikandi sassy yellow earth. Change for the better pelayananpun continue to do, among other organizations such amendment PLN in Riau, by the Presidential Decree. 139 1998 On 11 September 1998 on the Restructuring and Rehabilitation PT. State Electricity Company (Limited). PLN has issued Decree No. Directors. 113.K/010/DIR/2001 On May 25, 2001 to PLN Region III status changed to PT. PLN (Persero) Business Unit Riau Sumatra including the establishment of Riau Region. Then PT. PLN (Persero) Region was split into a PT Riau Sumatra. PLN (Persero) region of West Sumatra and PT. PLN (Persero) Riau region of an independent Board of Directors Decision No suit. 089.K/010/DIR/2002 On July 2, 2002 on Changes in Environmental Organizing Business Unit PT. PLN (Persero). And the latter issued Decree No. Directors. 300.K/010/DIR/2003 On 19 November 2003 on the organization of PT PLN (Persero) Region Riau and Riau Islands. Now PT PLN (Persero) Region Riau and Riau Islands has four offices, the Regional Office, Branch Office of Pekanbaru, Branch Office Tanjung Pinang, Dumai Branch Office and Branch Office Rengat.

With the establishment of the Organization of PT PLN (Persero) Region Riau and Riau Islands, the expected acceleration of the electrical service in the Lancang Yellow Earth is able to effectively and efficiently while still focusing on management systems based on customer satisfaction.

Company Contact


Jobs Available

PT PLN are seeking the best qualified candidates to join as position below :





Jobs Description

General requirement :

  • Gender: Position Position Mechanical: Male Position Position Non Technique: Female
  • Unmarried status and could not marry while undergoing training Pre-
  • Birth 1996 or thereafter; already 17 years old in August 2016
  • NEM / SKHUN value of at least 6.5.
  • For those who were still in grade 12, the average value of report cards at least 6.5.
  • If passed, the recruitment process at the time of signing the contract must show proof of graduation in the form of a diploma
  • Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind; by a medical certificate
  • Not tattooed and pierced (male)
  • Not tied to any institution working ties
  • Not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances and not involved criminal acts

Documents required :

  1. Photocopy of identity card / driving license is still valid
  2. Photocopy of a birth certificate has been legalized
  3. Photocopies of diplomas and NEM / SKHUN that have legalized (for those who were still in grade 12 can be followed when passed the selection test)
  4. Photocopying report cards from grade 10 s / d 12 classes that have legalized
  5. Passport photo size 4 x 6 cm 3 pieces
  6. Letter of application (form can be downloaded at http://www.pln.co.id/riau)
  7. A letter stating the applicant on the stamp that states that are not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances and not involved criminal acts (the form can be downloaded HERE)
  8. Resume / CV (a form can be downloaded at http://www.pln.co.id/riau) health certificate and not color blind from doctors

Sites Reference

  1. www.pln.co.id/riau

Submit Application

For those who are interested and meet the requirements, please file an application to be sent to the address:

PO BOX 1001 YKBS, Yogyakarta 55281


  • The entire application file is put into the folder, with at write: Name of Applicant and position of office. Then put in a brown envelope. And written as follows:
  • At the bottom right corner of Interest: LABOUR RECRUITMENT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PT PLN (Persero) AREA RIAU & Kepri, PO BOX 1001 YKBS, Yogyakarta 55281
  • On the Left Corner atasPengirim: Full Name Applicants Position Code Title Code Option Location TesContoh: AHMAD SALEH – KIT – PKU (Applicants Ahmad Saleh, applying majors plant, took a test in Pekanbaru) BUDI HARIADI – KIT – TPI (Applicants Budi Hariadi, applying majors Plant , take a test in Tanjungpinang)
  • Closing date : 30 April 2016
  • Schedule and location will be announced on May 4, 2016 via the website http://www.pln.co.id/riau and www.ecc.ft.ugm.ac.id
  • No correspondence.
  • Recruitment committee’s decision will be final.
  • No refund or replacement system transport and accommodation costs associated with the implementation of selection.
  • Participants are free of charge during the recruitment process.
  • Source

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