
Lowongan Kerja PT PLN
About PT PLN (Persero)
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara – PLN (Persero) is the largest Indonesian state-owned electricity power service company. The Company head quartered in Jakarta and supported by 48 business units in all over Indonesia and 11 subsidiaries company. Based on PLN Annual Reports 2010, the Company achieved electricity production of 16,786.21 GWh, an increase from 156,797.25 GWh in 2009, and electricity sales of 147,279.47 GWh, also increase from 134,581.98 GWh in 2009. Total number of customers increased to 42,435,387 from 40,117,685 customers in 2009. In 2010, a total of 3,184 potential new employees were recruited. Overall, the 2010 recruitment process had 32,646 participants and 11.06% of them passed the selection

Jobs Available
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) are currently seeking for the best Indonesian young people to fill the following positions :
Pengumuman Rekrutmen PLN Group Tingkat D3, D4, S1 Tahun 2019
Test location : Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta
Jobs Description
Lingkungan, K2, K3 dan Pembangkitan
- S1 K3 / K3 Fire Engineer (Surabaya)
Pemasaran dan Pelayanan Pelanggan
- D3 Management, Administration – Marketing Business, Company, Commerce, Office (Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta)
Administrasi SDM
- D3 Management, Administration – Marketing Business, Company, Commerce, Office (Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta)
- D3 Communication, Visual Communication Design (Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta)
General Requirements :
- Single/not married and willing to not get married during Pre-service Training period.
- Preferably Male.
- Graduated with S1/D4/D3 degree with an age limit:
- S1/D4 : born in 1993 and afterwards.
- D3 : born in 1995 and afterwards.
- Cumulative grade point average (GPA) = 3.00 : K3, Management, Administration (Marketing Business, Company, Commerce, Office),
- Communication, Visual Communication Design.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please register yourself to PT PLN (Persero) e-recruitment website with link as follow :
Notes :
- Closing date : 14 February 2019.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be followed up
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