Lowongan Kerja PT PLN Jawa Timur



Lowongan Kerja PLN Jatim


PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) – PT PLN is the national electricity power company of Indonesia and is fully-owned by the Government of Indonesia. PLN performing business in the field of electricity power services, including electricity power generation, transmision and distribution. Headquartered in Jakarta, the national electricity company now operates 48 business unit offices throughout Indonesia and also supported by 11 directly owned subsidiaries.



Business area of PT. PLN (Persero) Distribution of East Java is divided into several service areas that serve the East Java provincial administration

  • Service Area & South Surabaya Network
  • Service Area & North Surabaya Network
  • Service Area & West Surabaya Network

Third Area of the above services serving the city of Surabaya

  • Area Services & Network serves Malang Malang, Batu and Malang Regency.
  • Service & Makati Area Network serving Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Pasuruan and Probolinggo.
  • Area Services & Network serves Kediri Kediri, Blitar City, Kediri, Tulungagung and Blitar district.
  • Service Area and Network Mojokerto serve Mojokerto, Jombang District, County and District Nganjuk Mojokerto.
  • Service & Network Madison Area serves Madiun, Magetan, Ngawi District and Madison County.
  • Area Services & Network serves Jember Jember and Lumajang.
  • Service Area and Network Bojonegoro serve Bojonegoro, Lamongan and Tuban.
  • Area Services & Network Banyuwangi Banyuwangi serve.
  • Service Area and Network Pamekasan serve Pamekasan, Sampang district, Sumenep and Bangkalan.
  • Service Area and Network Situbondo serve Situbondo and Bondowoso.
  • Area Network Services & Gresik Gresik regency to serve District Bawean.
  • Area Services & Network serves Sidoarjo regency of Sidoarjo.
  • Service & Roxburgh Area Network serving Ponorogo, Race and Pacitan.

Total floor area of East Java province has 229 islands with a land area of 47130.15 km2 and sea area of  110,764.28 km2, 29 District, 9 City, District 658, 8497 Village

The amount of PLN customers in East Java until June 2011 is 7,671,007 11,331,554 MVA with power connected, with an average sale of 1,970,727 MWH per month, and average income per month of 1.3 trillion.

Electrification ratio in East Java at 73.66%, of the 9,862,111 total number of households that have a total of 7,264,607 PLN customers. While the ratio of electrified villages is 99.53%, of the village as much as 8501, the village has been electrified as many as 8461, and which have not been as many as 40 villages electrified.

The length of High Voltage Air Line Network is 5081.32 Kms, Air Line Voltage Network Extra Height is 1354.47 Kms, is 31829.81 Kms Medium Voltage, Low Voltage Network is the length of 59159.10 Kms, the number of transformers installed as many as 42 635 units, with 5,456,484.50 KVA capacity, number as many as 113 pieces of substation, the substation transformer as many as 223 pieces, with a capacity of 8244 MVA. Number of distribution substation / transformer as many as 42 635 with a capacity of 5456 MVA fruit. The number of feeders as much as 945 pieces. The highest load is 3916 MW with Java the highest average load per feeders of 3.50 MW.

Company Contact


Jobs Available

PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Timur is calling young smart Indonesian Citizen (WNI) to seize theese career opportunities :

Rekrutmen Terbuka PT PLN (Persero)
Distribusi Jawa Timur Tingkat SMA/SMK tahun 2016

  1. Operator Pembangkitan (Code : OPT-KIT)
  2. Operator Transmisi (Code : OPT-TRS)
  3. Teknisi Transmisi (Code : TKS-TRS)
  4. Operator Distribusi (Code : OPT-DIS)
  5. Teknisi Distribusi/PDKB (Code : TKS-DIS)
  6. Administrasi (Code : ADM)

Jobs Description

General Requriements for OPT-KIT, OPT-TRS, TKS-TRS, OPT-DIS, TKS-DIS

  • Male.
  • Single/Unmarried and willing not to get married during the “Diklat Prajabatan” training program.
  • A maximum of births in 1996, already 17 years old in August 2016.
  • Graduated from accredited SMA/SMK, majoring in SMA IPA, SMK Mechanical Engineering, SMK Electricity Engineering.
  • Minimum average report cards value of 6.5 on the 1st semester grade 10 to 2nd semester grade 12. For last year stundents grade 12 in 2016 and has not had a diploma are welcome to apply with minimum average report cards value of 6.5 on on the 1st semester grade 10 to 1st semester grade 12. The participants will be disqualified if did not pass the national exam (UAN).

General Requriements for ADM

  • Male/Female.
  • Single/Unmarried and willing not to get married during the “Diklat Prajabatan” training program.
  • A maximum of births in 1996, already 17 years old in August 2016.
  • Graduated from accredited SMA/SMK, majoring in SMA IPS, SMK Administration.
  • Minimum average report cards value of 6.5 on the 1st semester grade 10 to 2nd semester grade 12. For last year stundents grade 12 in 2016 and has not had a diploma are welcome to apply with minimum average report cards value of 6.5 on on the 1st semester grade 10 to 1st semester grade 12. The participants will be disqualified if did not pass the national exam (UAN).

Personal Requirements:

  • Born in 1996 and thereafter.
  • Minimum height 155 cm (160 cm for PDKB).
  • Weight proportional.
  • Physical and Spiritual Health.
  • Do not color blind, do not suffer from nearsightedness hours and epilepsy.
  • Drug-free.
  • No glasses / soft lens.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Not tattooed and pierced / marks piercing in the body.
  • Never involved a criminal act.
  • Not afraid of heights.

Special requirements

  • Preferably local resident of East Java province and proven by KTP.

Required application documents:

  1. Copy of ID card (for those who do not have ID Card must attach a Certificate of the Village Offic);
  2. Application letter;
  3. Curriculum Vitae (CV), please ensure your contact telephone number and email address included in your CV;
  4. Legalized copy of SMA/SMK diploma;
  5. Legalized copy of SKHUN;
  6. Copy of birth certificate/surat kenal lahir;
  7. Color photograph 4×6 cm (4 sheets, please write your name on the backside of photograph);
  8. Legalized copies of report card grade 10 (1st semester) to grade 12 (1st semester);
  9. For last year stundents grade 12 in 2016 and has not had a diploma are welcome to apply with minimum average report cards value of 6.5 on on the 1st semester grade 10 to 1st semester grade 12.

Note : please put all required files above in Red Folder for IPA SMA / SMK MECHANICAL / ELECTRICAL and Blue Folder for IPS SMA / SMK ADMINISTRATION. The the folder must be put in brown envelope.

Sites Reference

  1. www.pln.co.id/disjatim

Submit Application

Interested in this opportunity, please send all required documents above to :

Panitia Rekrutmen PLN Tingkat SMA/SMK 2016 PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Timur
PO BOX 6105 SBSG 60271A (11 – 23 April 2016).


  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be followed up.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja PLN Jatim brougth to you by http://lokercpnsbumn.com