Lowongan Kerja PTPN VII
About PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (Persero)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (Persero) – PTPN VII – PTPN 7 is one of the Indonesia’s state-owned company in plantation sectors, which was founded in 1996. PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (Persero) is one of the State-Owned Enterprises ( SOE ) sector Indonesian plantation . The Company is headquartered in Bandar Lampung , Lampung Province , which was established by Government Regulation No. 12 of 1996 dated February 14, 1996 and Notary Act Aaron Kamil , SH 40 dated March 11, 1996 . PTPN VII ( Persero ) is a merger of PT Plantation X ( Persero ) , PT Plantation XXXI ( Persero ) , PT Plantation Development Project XI ( Persero ) in Lahat regency and Plantation Development Project XXIII PT ( Persero ) in the province of Bengkulu .
Establishment Deed by Notary Aaron Kamil , SH was amended by Deed No. 08 dated October 11, 20 02 by Notary Sri Rahayu Hadi Prasetyo , SH , and has been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights with Letter No. C – 20863 HT.01.04 2002 dated October 25, 20 02 . The above certificate of incorporation was amended by Deed No. 34 dated August 13, 20 08 , by Nur Muhammad Dipo Nusantara Notary Pua Upa , SH , and has been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU – 55963.AH.01.02 . 08 and 20 years with a change in Article 11 paragraph ( 12 ) as outlined in the Deed No. 11 dated 14 September 20 09 , approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU – AH.01.10 -18 412 dated October 22, 20 09 . The incorporation of a number of estates in PT PTPN VII provides a record of its own history . Prior to joining to PT Nusantara Plantation VII ( Persero ) , PT Plantation X ( Persero ) is a State Owned Enterprise ( SOE ) engaged in agribusiness plantations with working area in the province of Lampung and South Sumatra . Plantation X PT ( Persero ) originated from a Dutch -owned plantation company located in South Sumatra and Lampung . Through the process of nationalization , the estate was taken over by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 1957 . The company has also had to follow various forms of government policies in the areas of reorganization and restructuring of the company before it finally became a Limited Liability Company in 1980 .
XXXI Plantation course of history PT ( Persero ) has started etched following the government policy in the development of the sugar industry outside of Java in 1978 . The plantation company was originally a development project by PT Plantation XXI – XXII ( Persero ) , headquartered in Surabaya . In 1989 the company was established as its own entity under the name of PT Plantation XXXI ( Persero ) with headquarters in Palembang , South Sumatra .
Meanwhile PT Plantation Development Project XI ( Persero ) in Lahat Regency , South Sumatra, which is headquartered in Jakarta and Plantation Development Project XXIII PT ( Persero ) Bengkulu is headquartered in Surabaya is the Nucleus Estate Smallholders Project since 1980 . Considerable span of control is causing the low efficiency of project management , in addition to the severity of the conditions that lead to high costs topography exploitation projects , which in turn makes the management of the project is less than optimal .
Currently , the Company’s working area includes three (3 ) of the province composed of 10 business units in Lampung Province , 14 Business Unit in South Sumatra Province , and three Business Units in the province of Bengkulu . Since its inception , the Company established to take part in implementing and supporting government policies and programs in the fields of economics and national development in general and plantation sub- sector in particular . This is all intended to engage in the agribusiness and agro-industries , as well as optimizing the use of resources of the Company to produce goods and / or services of high quality and strong competitive to get / pursuit of profit in order to increase the value of the Company through the principles of limited liability companies.
Company Contact
Alamat Kantor Pusat :
Jl.Teuku umar no.300 Bandar Lampung – 35141 Provinsi Lampung – Indonesia
Telp : 0721-702233 (Hunting) Fax: 0721-702775
Website :
Kantor Perwakilan / LO :
Jl.Darmawangsa X Kav.2 Kebayoran baru
Jakarta selatan -12150 Indonesia
Telp. 021-7237224
Fax. 021-7244140
E-mail .
Kantor Distrik Bengkulu/Bengkulu District Office
Jl. Pangeran Natadirja Km. 7 No. 65, Bengkulu 38225, Provinsi Bengkulu
Telepon : 0736 – 21302
Fax : 0736 – 21302
Kantor Distrik Banyuasin/Banyuasin District Office
Jl. Kol. H. Barlin Km. 9,5 Palembang 30152, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Telepon : 0711 – 411418
Fax : 0711 – 410237
Kantor Distrik Muara Enim/Muara Enim District Office
Jl. Inovasi, Desa Panangjaya,Kecamatan Gunung Megang, Kabupaten Muara Enim,
Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Telepon : 082881484438
Fax : 073 – 4422100
Kantor Distrik Way Sekampung/Way Sekampung District Office
Jl. Pramuka No. 11/24, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung 35144, Provinsi Lampung
Telepon : 0721 – 705546
Fax : 0721 – 705546
Kantor Distrik Way Seputih/Way Seputih District Office
Jl. Negara 62, Yukum Jaya, Bandar Jaya 34163, Provinsi Lampung
Telepon : 0725 – 26510
Fax : 0725 – 26510
Jobs Available
PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (Persero) now is seeking the candidates who are interested to learn and gaining hands-on experience in agriculture business :
- Bidang Tanaman
- Bidang Teknik
- Bidang Pengolahan
- Bidang Keuangan
- Bidang SDM & Umum
Jobs Description
Bidang Tanaman
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Male
- Minimal D IV or S1 from Agriculture Faculty, majoring in Agronomy or Soil Science
- Min GPA of 2.75 for PTN and 3.00 for PTS
- Max age 30 years old on 31 December 2013
- Willing to be placed in the working area of PTPN VII (Persero) which covers the province of Lampung, South Sumatra and Bengkulu
Bidang Teknik
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Male
- Minimal D IV or S1 from Engineering Faculty, majoring in Electro/Electricity Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Civil Engineering
- Min GPA of 2.75 for PTN and 3.00 for PTS
- Max age 30 years old on 31 December 2013
- Willing to be placed in the working area of PTPN VII (Persero) which covers the province of Lampung, South Sumatra and Bengkulu
Bidang Pengolahan
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Male
- Minimal D IV or S1 from Agricultural Technology Faculty majoring in Food Technology or Agricultural Technology
- Min GPA of 2.75 for PTN and 3.00 for PTS
- Max age 30 years old on 31 December 2013
- Willing to be placed in the working area of PTPN VII (Persero) which covers the province of Lampung, South Sumatra and Bengkulu
Bidang Keuangan
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Male
- Minimal D IV or S1 from Economics Faculty, majoring in Accounting and Management
- Min GPA of 2.75 for PTN and 3.00 for PTS
- Max age 30 years old on 31 December 2013
- Willing to be placed in the working area of PTPN VII (Persero) which covers the province of Lampung, South Sumatra and Bengkulu
Bidang SDM & Umum
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Male
- Min S1 from Law Faculty, Majoring in Law Science, or S1 and or S2 Psychology (for those who work as Psychologist)
- Min GPA of 2.75 for PTN and 3.00 for PTS
- Max age 30 years old on 31 December 2013
- Willing to be placed in the working area of PTPN VII (Persero) which covers the province of Lampung, South Sumatra and Bengkulu.
Documents required
- Application letter signed by the applicant and stamped
- Legalized copy of the latest diploma
- Legalized copy of transcripts
- Copy of Birth Certificate (Akte or Surat Keterangan Lahir Lahir)
- Clopy of valid ID card
- Crriculum Vitae (CV).
- Valid Police Notes (SKCK)
- Clor photograph of 3 x 4 cm (2 pieces)
- Copy of working reference for those who have experience
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please submit your applications above directly to :
PTPN 7’s booth at BUMN Career Days 2013 that will held on 5 – 7 December 2013 (09.00 – 18.00 WIB) at Istora Senayan Jakarta.
- Applications received after these dates will not be considered.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
Lowongan Kerja PTPN VII brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn