
Lowongan Kerja Pelindo Daya Sejahtera
About PT Pelindo Daya Sejahtera
PT Pelindo Daya Sejahtera – PDS is a part subsidiary company of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) or Pelindo 3, a leading state-owned port operator with operational area covers 7 provinces, consist of East Java, Central Java, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara.
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III not only raising expansion of physical infrastructure , but also serious to build human resource ( HR ) which is actually the main drivers of port services .

Preparation of competitive human resources is done by building a system of continuous improvement of employee capabilities , continuous performance assessment , as well as give an appreciation of outstanding employee performance .
Director General Personnel and IPC A. Edy Hidayat N. III outlines demands greater preparation professionals . The reason , the company has continued to develop the business by establishing a new subsidiary .
Initially , he continued , the company has a subsidiary, PT Surabaya Container Terminal ( SMT ) , PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia ( BJTI ) , and Hospital Primastya Husada Image ( PHC ) then expansionary established PT IPC Marine Services ( PMS ) , PT Terminal Gulf Lamong ( TTL ) , and IPC Power PT Sejahtera ( PDS ) .
Company Contact
Jl. Perak Timur 480 Surabaya
Telp : (031) 51166384
Fax : (031) 51166386
Website :
Jobs Available
PT Pelindo Daya Sejahtera is seeking highly qualified professional candidates who are willing to work in a team and challenging environtment for following positions :
- Auditor Bidang SDM, Umum, Keuangan, dan Hukum (Kode : SPIK-00)
- Auditor Bidang Operasional & Kesisteman (Kode : SPIO-00)
- Staf Komersial (Kode : KMR-00)
- Operator RTG ( KODE : ORG-03 )
- Anggota Sekuriti ( KODE : PS-03 )
Jobs Description
Auditor Bidang SDM, Umum, Keuangan, dan Hukum (Kode : SPIK-00)
- Male Female
- Age Max. 35 Th per December 1, 2016
- S1 Economic Education
- Experience in Public Accountant Auditor min. 2th
- Ability to work in team
- Willing to work Overtime
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Application letter
Auditor Bidang Operasional & Kesisteman (Kode : SPIO-00)
- Male Female
- Age Max. 35 Th per December 1, 2016
- S1 All Programs
- Certified AK3
- Work experience in the field of systemic (SMK3)
- Ability to work in team
- Willing to work Overtime
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Cover Letters Letters AK3 Certificate Work Experience
Staf Komersial (Kode : KMR-00)
- Male Female
- Max. 27 years per December 1, 2016
- Recently Minimal education D3 Economics / Administration
- Ms. mengusai Office
- Experience in the field of Marketing & Sales At least 3 years
- Ready to Work Hard, Research and Responsible
- Letter of application Letter work experience
Operator RTG ( KODE : ORG-03 )
- Male
- Age Max. 35 Th per December 1, 2016
- Education Min. High School / equivalent
- Not Afraid Height and Color Blind
- SIM has a minimum of B1
- Preferred has SIO
- Preferably have experience in the field of Heavy Equipment Operator
- Preferred Putra Kalimantan
- Recruitment and selection process was conducted in Banjarmasin
- Application Letter Copy Copy SIO SIM B1
Anggota Sekuriti ( KODE : PS-03 )
- Male
- Age Max. 30 Th As of December 1, 2016
- Last Education Min SMA / equal
- Height Min. 166 cm Weight Proportional
- Physically and mentally healthy, not pierced, no tattoos, no glasses / softlense
- Preferably Have a Certificate of Gada Pratama
- Preferably have experience in the field of Security
- Preferred Putra Kalimantan
- Recruitment and selection process was conducted in Banjarmasin
- Application Letter Copy of diploma Gada Pratama, Sports Performance, and ISPS Code (if any)
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please register online via the official website of PT PDS following:
- Closing date : 24 December 2016
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
Lowongan Kerja Pelindo Daya Sejahtera brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn