Lowongan Kerja PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero)


Pelindo I

Lowongan Kerja PT Pelindo I

About PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) established by Government Regulation no. 56, 1991 by deed of Notary Imas SH. 1 dated December 1, 1992 was set forth in Supplement No. Rl. 8612 Year in 1994, and its recent changes, as already announced in the Supplement dated January 2, 1999 Rl No. A.

The full name of the company is PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I shortened the Port Indonesia PT. I harbor, headquartered in Ujung Jalan No. Krakatau. 20 241 100 Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

In the Dutch colonial period the company was named Haven Badrift. Furthermore, after independence in 1945 Rl sd 1950 the company status as the Port Bureau. In 1960 s.d. 1969 Port of service turned into state-owned company with the status of the Port State Port abbreviated as PN.

In the period 1969 s.d. PN 1983 Port of the Port Authority changed to the Institute by the name of the Agency for Concession Port abbreviated BPP.

In 1983 based on Government Regulation no. Agency for Concession 11 in 1983 converted into a Public Corporation Port of Port I shortened Perumpel I.

Based on Government Reg ulation no. 56 In 1991 Perumpel I changed the status of a PT (Persero) Port of Indonesia I domiciled and headquartered in Medan. Based on Government Regulation no. 64 yrs 2001 position, duties and authority of the Minister of Finance as shareholder in the Corporation / Perseroan Terbatas transferred to the Minister of SOEs.

Technical operational guidance in the hands of the Department of Transportation and conducted by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation.

Company Contact

Pelindo I

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero)

Kantor Pusat

Jl.Krakatau Ujung No.100 Medan Sumatera Utara
Telp : (061) 6610220, 6611330, 661630
Telex : 51992, Fax : (061) 6610906
Email : pelabuhan1@pelindo1.co.id

Jobs Available

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) invites the best candidates to join as position below :

  • Officer / Teknisi

Jobs Description

Requirements :

  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI), Male/Female with age limit
    • Bachelor Degree (S1) : maximum births 1991 and thereafter.
    • Diploma Degree (D3) : maximum births 1993 and thereafter.
  • Education background (minimum GPA of 3.00 out from 4.00 scale).
    • Bachelor degree (S1) graduated from campus Universitas Indonesia and Institut Teknologi Bandung, majoring in Electro Engineerng, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architectural, Informatics Engineering/Computer Science (Programmer/Networking).
    • Bachelor degree (S1) graduated from campus Universitas Gadjah Mada and Universitas Padjajaran, majoring in Law (International Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, Economics Law), Accounting, Management, International Relation, and Statistics.
    • Diploma Degree (D3) graduated from campus Politeknik Negeri Jakarta and Politeknik Negeri Bandung, majoring in Civil Engineering, Electro Engineering.
  • Have TOEFL Score or equivalent (evidenced by valid certificate from Trusted Institution), with minimum score
    • TOEFL-Like, ITP TOEFL, Paper-based test TOEFL (PBT): 500
    • Computer-based test TOEFL (CBT): 180
    • Internet-based test TOEFL (IBT): 61
    • IELTS: 6
  • Not Married and willing not to get married during become the Candidate Employee (stated in Certificate Not Married from Village)
  • Have a good health and not using drugs stated by a health certificate issued by the Hospital / Doctor.
  • Not color blind.
  • Good Behavior (stated in SKCK).
  • Have never been sentenced to imprisonment or confinement based on a court decision that already has a permanent legal force for committing a criminal offense that has to do with the position.
  • Never dismissed with disrespect as an agency employee.
  • Willing to be placed in all working areas of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Sites Reference

  1. www.angkasapura1.co.id

Submit Application

Please register and sign in to PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) e-recruitment website with link as follow :

Notes :

  • Closing date 12 February 2018.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.

Info Lowongan Kerja PT Pelindo I provided by lokercpnsbumn.com