Lowongan Meratus Jaya Iron Steel
About PT Meratus Jaya Iron and Steel
PT Meratus Jaya Iron and Steel – MJIS is a rapidly growing sponge steel manufacturing company in Indonesia and performing business in iron ore processing business. The Company was formed in 2008 and started its commercial operation in 2012. PT Meratus Jaya Iron and Steel is a joint venture company between PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk and PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk -a leading state-owned steel manufacturing- holds 66% shares and PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk -a leading state-owned mining company- with 34% shares. The Company is based in Jakarta with production facility in Batulicin Tanah Bumbu South Kalimantan. The Company’s plant installed production capacity of 315,000 tons annualy.
PT Krakatau Steel (Persero), a state owned enterprise very reputable in iron and steel manufacturing, but developing steel industry in South Kalimantan needs another competence, mining, so the company then partnering with PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk (ANTAM), a state owned enterprise widely known in mining competence and expertise, to achieve the great misssion of developing steel industry in the area. The two big companies founded a joint venture company named PT Meratus Jaya Iron & Steel (MJIS).
An iron and steel industry project, Kalimantan Ironmaking Project, is developed by MJIS in Batulicin, Tanah Bumbu Regency of South Kalimantan province. The project is the first iron and steel plant making use of lateritic iron ore types abundantly found in in Kalimantan. It is located in the KAPET (Integrated Economic Development Area), on a land of about 117 hectares formerly South Kalimantan Province’ asset which later is put as participation capital in the company’s equity.
The Kalimantan Ironmaking Project is realized in stages. Starting with the development of a Rotary Kiln technology based ironmaking of an installed capacity 315.000 tonnes/year. A further upstream expansion will be directed to own and operate iron and coal minings to assure main raw materials supply. Meanwhile, increasing the production capacity and building new steelmaking will be the focus on downstream expansion.
Company Contact
PT. Meratus Jaya Iron & Steel Jakarta Office.
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 54
Krakatau Steel Building Lt. 2, South Jakarta.
Telepone : (021) 5221270 – Ext Direct Btl
(021) 5210072 – Ext Direct Btl
PT. Meratus Jaya Iron & Steel Site Office.
Jl.KODECO Km.10, Sari Gadung Village, Subdistrict. Simpang Empat, Tanah Bumbu – South Kalimantan.
Jobs Available
PT Meratus Jaya Iron and Steel invites the best candidates to join as following positions below :
- Profesional Document Control
- Mechanical Engineer (Designer)
- Iron Making Dev. Lead Engineer
- Infrastructure Development Engineer
- Engineer Safety, Health& Enviroument (SHE)
- Superintendent Cost Accounting
Jobs Description
Profesional Document Control
- Pria / Wanita
- Pendidikan Minimal SLTA / Sederajat
- Pengalaman minimal 7 tahun Menangani Package Document & Document Hand over EPCC Project
- Bersedia ditempatkan di site, Batulicin Kalimantan Selatan
Mechanical Engineer (Designer)
- Pendidikan: Minimal pendidikan D3 Bidang Technik
- Pengalaman : Minimal berpengalaman 5 tahun
- Kompetensi :
- Memahami Design
- Material Handling (steel strcture, Vessel and conveying system )
- Familiar design dgn OUTO-CAD
- Bersedia ditempatkan di site, Batulicin Kalimantan Selatan
Iron Making Dev. Lead Engineer
- Pendidikan: S-1 Technik Kimia atau S-1 Technic Pertambangan ( Logam )
- Pengalaman: Minimal 7 tahun
- Kompetensi : Ahli Proses Iron Making &, Peleburan Logam, Bersedia ditempatkan di site, Batulicin Kalimantan Selatan
Infrastructure Development Engineer
- Pendidikan:
- S-1 Arsitektur atau
- S-1 Civil-Steel Structure
- Berpengalaman 5 tahun
- Kompetensi : Ahli Tataruang & Design Civil Umum
- Familiar design dgn OUTO-CAD
- Bersedia ditempatkan di site, Batulicin Kalimantan Selatan
Engineer Safety, Health& Enviroument (SHE)
- S1/D3 TeknikLingkungan/Kesehatan, usia maksimum 30 th, pengalaman: S1 3 th / D3 5 th
- Persyaratan umum : Berpengalaman pada industri sejenis (pabrik kimia atau semen)
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Batulicin, Kalimantan Selatan
Superintendent Cost Accounting
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
- Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
- At least 4 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Finance – General/Cost Accounting or equivalent.
- Full-Time position(s) available.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and posses the above required qualifications, please submit your applications through :
- Your application will be kept as strictly confidential.
- Only short-listed candidates will be invited for selection and interview
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