Lowongan Kerja PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (PT KCI)



Lowongan Kerja PT KCI

About PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (PT KCI)

PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia – PT KCI – PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek since September 19, 2017 has been renamed PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia is one of the subsidiaries within PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) which manages the Jabodetabek Commuter Railway and its surroundings. KCJ was established according to Presidential Instruction No. 5 of 2008 and Letter of the Minister of State Owned Enterprise. S-653 / MBU / 2008 dated August 12, 2008. The change of name to KCI is contained in the minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders on September 7, 2017 which has also been approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia on the Amendment of Articles of Association of Limited Liability by Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No.AHU-0019228.AH.01.02.Tahun 2017 dated September 19, 2017.


The establishment of this subsidiary begins with the desire of its stakeholders to focus more on providing quality services and become part of the solution of increasingly complex urban transportation problems. The Company is officially a subsidiary of PT KERETA API INDONESIA (Persero) from September 15, 2008.

The presence of KCI in the Commuter rail transport service industry is not a sudden presence, but it is a long process of thought and preparation. Started with the establishment of the Urban Transport Division of Jabotabek by PT KAI (Persero), which is separated from PT KAI (Persero) Daop 1 Jakarta.

After this separation, KRL service in Jabotabek area is under PT KAI (Persero) Jabotabek Urban Transport Division while long-distance rail service that operates in Jabodetabek area is under PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta.

And finally PT KAI (Persero) Jabotabek Urban Transport Division turned into a limited liability company, PT KCJ. After becoming a limited liability company, the company obtained business license No. KP 51 Year 2009 and operational license of operator of railway facility no. KP 53 Year 2009 which all issued by the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.

The main task of this new company is to organize the business of commuter rail transportation services using Railway Railway facilities in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) and surrounding areas and also business in non passenger transport business.

KCI Starts modernizing KRL transport in 2011 by simplifying existing routes into five major routes, deleting express KRLs, applying women-only trains, and changing the name of an AC-economy KRL into a Commuter Line train. The project is followed by renovation, rearrangement, and sterilization of facilities and infrastructure including railway lines and railway stations with PT KAI (Persero) and the Government.

On July 1, 2013. KCI began to apply electronic ticketing system (E-Ticketing) and progressive tariff system. The implementation of these two policies is the next step in modernizing Jabodetabek KRL.

As of August 2017, KCI already has 758 KRL units, and will continue to grow. Throughout the year 2016, KCI has increased its fleet by 60 trains. This is to meet the growing demand of passengers from time to time.

As of August 2017, the average number of KRL users per day reached 993,804 users on weekdays, with the record for the largest number of users served in a single day at 1,065,522. As a means operator, the Commuter Line train operated by KCI currently serves 75 stations throughout Jabodetabek, Banten and Cikarang with route reach 418.5 km.

By carrying the spirit and motto of Best Choice for Urban Transport, KCI is currently working hard to meet the target of serving 1.2 million passengers per day with the power of KRL fleet up to 1,450 units by 2019.

Contact PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia
Stasiun Juanda, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda I – Jakarta Pusat 10120 Indonesia
Telepon: 021-3453535
Call Center: 121/021-121
Email : kci@krl.co.id

Jobs Available

PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:

  • IT Specialist

Job Description

Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Informatics Engineering Department.
  • Graduated from a reputable university with accreditation “A” (PTS) or “B” (PTB) with a minimum GPA of 2.95.
  • Male / Female, minimum age of 28 years and maximum 45 old at the time of this announcement
  • Possess certification in Oracle (specifically JAVA, MySQL, Oracle DB), or EnterpriseDB (Especially PostgreSQL), or
  • Have a minimum of 5 years ofexperience in the same field as a Permanent Employee.

Sites Reference

  1. www.krl.co.id

Submit Application

Please register and sign in to PT KCI e-recruitment website with link as follow :

Notes :

  • Closing date 28 December 2018.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Info Lowongan Kerja PT KCI brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com