Lowongan Kerja Inhutani I
About PT Inhutani I
PT Inhutani I is a state-owned company that oversees forestry primary Natural Forest and Plantation Forest Development and Industrial Unit. Inhutani I stood in 1973 (PP No. 21 of 1972), a continuation of the PN Perhutani East Kalimantan. Concessions covering 2.2 million hectares with a concession period of 20 years (first period) from 1973 until 1993. In 2006, PT INHUTANI I obtain an extension of the principle of the concession period of the second period which is valid until 2038.
PT. Forest Exploitation & Industry (PT.INHUTANI I) was established under Government Regulation No. 21 of 1972 in order to continue the activities of PN Perhutani East Kalimantan to manage forests in East Kalimantan province.
Articles of Association of Notary Soeleman Ardjasasmita, SH with the Deed No. 5 dated December 8, 1973 and has been published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia dated July 30, 1974 No. 62.
Along with the development of the Company’s business, the Articles of Association has undertaken a change, and was last updated based on Decision of Shareholders of the Company (Persero) PT INHUTANI I outside the AGM on amendments of the Company (Persero) PT INHUTANI I Number: KEP-08 / S .MBU / 2010 – KEP-01 / D4.MBU / 2010 and confirmed by the Notary Reni Rohaini, SH, MBA No. 23 dated March 10, 2010 seta has been recorded in the data base administration system Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the numbers: AHU-0029974.AH.01.09 Year 2010 April 21, 2010.
Field of core business (core business) of the Company is the management of forests and forest production with production assets in the form of 8 (eight) Permit Utilization of Wood Forest Nature (IUPHHKHA) covering + 616 532 hectares and the potential for timber production of +350,000 m3 per year , 3 (three) Business license Utilization of Wood Forest Plants (IUPHHK-HT) measuring + 73 316 hectares, and three (3) Wood Processing Industry with woodworking main product that is capable of producing output as much +17,500 m3 per year.
In addition to managing production assets mentioned above, the Company also has a stake in a joint venture with the business of each: two (2) companies field industry plywood, 3 (three) areas of natural forest management, and 15 (fifteen) companies field HTI.
In an effort to improve business performance, the Company is also implementing the optimization of assets owned by conducting tapping of pine resin and rubber, as well as conducting business travel services woods.
Contact PT Inhutani
Kantor Pusat Direksi PT INHUTANI I
Jalan K.H Ahmad Dahlan 69
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
T. (+6221) 7243788
F. (+6221) 72795106
PT INHUTANI I Balikpapan
Jl. Jend. Sudirman N0. 27
Balikpapan, Indonesia
Telp : 0542 – 736066 Fax 0542 – 422640
Jl. Nusa Indah RT 45 Peningki Baru
Tarakan, Indonesia
Telp : 0551 – 21040 Fax 0551 – 21044
Jl. Kapten Darmosugondo XXII Gresik
Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Telp : 031 – 3976099 Fax 031- 3976099
PT INHUTANI I Sulawesi Selatan dan Barat
Jl. Agus Salim No. 12 Sungguminasa
Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Telp : 0411 – 868160 Fax 0411 – 867758
Jobs Available
PT Inhutani I is seeking the qualified candidate to fill the position by following :
- Rekrutmen PT Inhutani I Tahun 2017
Job Description
General requirement :
- Indonesian citizen (citizen)
- Male Female
- Placement in the working area Inhutani I
Requirements Level High School or equivalent (preferably SMKA)
- Minimum age 17 years and maximum 20 years
- The average value of at least 7.00 (scale of 1-10)
Requirements Level S1
- S1 Forestry, Agriculture and Plantation
- S1 Economic Accounting precedence
- S1 civil law takes precedence Programs
- Maximum age 25 years
- A minimum GPA of 2.75 (scale of 4)
Terms attached document:
- Letter of application must be signed by the applicant
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Diploma and transcripts legalized
- Recent photograph size 3×4 sheets of 2
- Photocopy of ID card
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, then please document application shall be sent and addressed to:
Direksi PT Inhutani I C.q Kepala Divisi Umum
d/a Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan No.69, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan – Jakarta 12120
E-mail : dengan subyek : Rekrutmen2017
- Closing date : 03 February 2017.
- All applications will be treated in strict confidential and only use for the purpose of selection.
- Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
- Source
Info Lowongan Kerja PT Inhutani I brought to you by