
Lowongan PT GMF AeroAsia Via UGM
About PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia (GMF AeroAsia)
PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia – PT GMF AeroAsia is a subsidiary of PT Garuda Indonesia, which focuses on Maintenance & Repair Organization (MRO) business. It is located in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Cengkareng. The facilities, established in 1984, covers an area of 115 Ha, that can support complete repairs and overhaul services of aircraft, engine and component.

The company is recognized as world class quality and services, it is reflected by approval/certificate granted to the organization, such as Indonesian DGCA, EASA, FAA, CAAS and many other authorities. Our customers come from many different businesses and countries.
PT GMF AeroAsia was established in 1984 as Garuda Maintenance Facilities Support Center. In seven years, funded entirely by the Indonesian government, it had spent US$200 million, of which 63% was used to import hi-tech machinery and equipment. In 1996, it became a SBU changing its name to Garuda Maintenance Facilities AeroAsia, or GMF AeroAsia in short.
In August 2002, it split off from PT Garuda Indonesia.
In January 2007, PT Garuda Indonesia announced it would sell a minority stake of GMF AeroAsia in April 2007. Other subsidiaries, PT Aerowisata, PT Abacus Distribution System and PT Gapura Angkasa would be sold completely as Garuda Indonesia does not consider them as “core business”.[6] GMF AeroAsia has recently concluded a restructuring as part of the company’s strategic development visions embodied in ‘The Global Challenge’, a fifteen-year ‘voyage’ plan.
Currently, it is certified in many countries and serves many airlines. It has three partners; KLM Engineering & Maintenance, Swiss Air and Global Aviation USA
In September 2008 KLM attempted to buy shares in GMF, but were turned down. The intention is to release the shares publicly and KLM were told they were free to buy shares at that point.[11] GMF AeroAsia’s biggest clients are parent Garuda followed by Lion Air, but Lion hopes to eventually take maintenance upon itself.
With over 60 years of experience, Indonesia-based GMF AeroAsia has emerged today as the largest aircraft maintenance in Indonesia as well as the MRO provider of choice.
GMF AeroAsia started out in 1949 as the technical division of Garuda Indonesia Airlines, acting as Garuda’s sole aircraft maintenance provider. As we grew and evolved, Garuda Indonesia transformed our division into the Garuda Maintenance Facility Support Center in 1984 to maximize our role and contribution.
Subsequently, the support center developed into a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) called SBU-GMF. It was still under Garuda but had autonomy to manage its financial and human resources.
Its spin-off from Garuda Indonesia in April 2002 honed GMF AeroAsia’s competitive edge. Today, with a new identity and our passion as fuel for expansion, GMF AeroAsia is better able to service its clients and is recognized as operating one of the best and biggest aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities in Southeast Asia.
Company Contact
GMF AeroAsia
Department of Sales & Marketing
Soekarno Hatta International Airport
Cengkareng – Indonesia
PO. BOX 1303 BUSH 19100
Phone : +62 21 550 8609
Fax : +62 21 550 2489
Email :
website :
Jobs Available
PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions :
- Technician/PTE
- Sales & Marketing/SSM
- Purchaser/PCS
- Planner/PPL
- Engineer/PEN
Jobs Description
General Requirements:
- Education Background
- Diploma Degree (D3) in Mechanical Engineering, Electro Engineering (PTE).
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Mechanical Engineering, Electro Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics Engineering (SSM).
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics Engineering (PCS).
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics Engineering (PPL).
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Mechanical Engineering, Electro Engineering (PEN).
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Male/Female (SSM).
- Preferably Male (PTE, PCS, PPL, PEN).
- Not older than 23 years (for D3) or 25 years (for S1) of age.
- Minimum height 160 cm.
- Physically and mentally.
- Not color blind and maximum minus 2 for those who wear glasses.
- Drug free.
- Fluent in English both oral and written (TOEIC Score 475 for D3 or 525 for S1).
- Work experience is not required.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Interested candidates need to register online to :
- Closing date for these applications is 11 March 2016.
- Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses.
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