Lowongan Kerja Bank BPD Bali
About PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bali (Bank BPD Bali)
Bank BPD Bali – History of Establishment (1962)
Bali Regional Development Bank was established on June 5, 1962 by Ida Bagus Ketut Rurus Deed No. 131. With the enactment of Law Number 13 Year 1962 concerning Basic Regional Development Bank Bali then the deed is canceled and further based on Regional Regulation Number 6/DPR.DGR/1965 On February 9, 1965 Bali Regional Development Bank was established with the legal form of regional enterprises.
Changes in the Company Law Board (2004)
Changes in legal form the Regional Development Bank Bali to a Limited Liability Company (PT) based on the Deed of Establishment No. 7 dated May 12, 2004 made in front of Ida Bagus Alit Sudiatmika, SH, Notary in Denpasar which has received authorization from the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia by virtue of a No decision. 12858HT.01.01.TH C-2004 dated May 21, 2004, Supplement to State Gazette of RI No. 50 dated June 22, 2004, and has been adapted by Act No. 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Liability Company by Deed. 25 dated August 8, 2008 made by I Made Widiada, SH, Notary in Denpasar authorized the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia based on Decree No. AHU-63398.AH.01.02. Year 2008 September 15, 2008, Supplement to State Gazette of RI No. 81 dated October 7, 2008; and has undergone changes with the latest Act No. 19 of the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of Regional Development Bank of Bali on May 8, 2012 made by I Made Widiada, Bachelor of Law, Notary in Denpasar.
Increased Activity (2004)
In 2004 the activity of PT. Regional Development Bank Bali to be upgraded from a Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Foreign Exchange under the approval of the Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia Number 6/32/KEP.DGS/2004 dated 11 November 2004.
Capital Improvement Company
To enhance the business activities of PT. Regional Development Bank Bali’s capital base is the beginning of establishment Rp., 00 increased to Rp. 250,000,000,000.00.
In the year 2008 based on the Deed No. 25 dated August 8, 2008 regarding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on May 25, 2010 set the authorized capital of the Company amounted to Rp., 00 (one trillion rupiah).
Company Contact
PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bali
Jalan Raya Puputan Niti Mandala Denpasar 80235 Bali Indonesia
Telepon . +62 361 223301 – 5.
Faksimile +62 361 237691
email :
website :
Jobs Available
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bali invites the best candidates to join as following positions below :
- General Supporting (Code : GS)
- Analis Kredit (Code : CA)
Jobs Description
General Supporting (Code : GS)
- Male / Female with mximum age 26 years on the date of 31 January 2014;
- Not married and willing to not get married for 2 years;
- Physically and mentally healthy, good looking, polite and friendly and able to communicate well;
- Have never been involved in unlawful acts;
- Minimum education S1 graduates from disciplines: Economics (Management / Accounting / Development) Agricultural Economics, Civil Engineering, Architect Engineering, Informatics Engineering and Law with a GPA of at least 2.75 (PTN) and 3.00 (PTS);
- Computer literate minimum MS Office (Word & Excel);
- Willing to work hard and able to work in teams;
- Willing to be placed throughout the working area of Bank BPD Bali.
- Preferably for those who have experience in the field of IT, Audit, and Banking;
- For those who are experienced at least 2 years in the field of Audit, IT, Construction is allowed married, with a maximum age of 30 years old
Analis Kredit (Code : CA)
- Male / Female with mximum age 26 years on the date of 31 January 2014;
- Not married and willing to not get married for 2 years;
- Physically and mentally healthy, good looking, polite and friendly and able to communicate well;
- Have never been involved in unlawful acts;
- Minimum education S1 graduates from disciplines: Economics (Management / Accounting / Economic Development), Agricultural Economics, Civil Engineering, and Law with a GPA of at least 2.75 (PTN) and 3.00 (PTS);
- Familiar with MS Office (Word & Excel);
- Willing to work hard and able to work in teams;
- Willing to be placed throughout the working area of Bank BPD Bali.
Qualifications :
- Male / female , not married and willing to not get married for 2 years ;
- Maximum age 26 years on the date of January 31, 2014 ;
- Physically and mentally healthy , attractive , polite and friendly and able to communicate well ;
- Have never been involved in unlawful acts ;
- Minimum education S1 graduates from disciplines : Economics ( Management / Accounting / Development ) Agricultural Economics , Civil Engineering , Architect Engineering , Information Technology and Law with a GPA of at least 2.75 and the state universities of PTS at least 3.00 ;
- Computer literate minimum MS Office ( Word & Excel ) ;
- Preference will be given to applicants with experience in the field of IT , Audit , and Banking .
- Willing to work hard and able to work in teams ;
- Willing to be placed throughout the working area of Bank BPD Bali .
- For those who are experienced in working in the field of Audit , IT , construction is allowed a minimum of 2 years is already married , with a maximum age of 30 years
Qualifications :
- Male / female , not married and willing to not get married for 2 years ;
- Maximum age 26 years on the date of January 31, 2014 ;
- Physically and mentally healthy , attractive , polite and friendly and able to communicate well ;
- Have never been involved in unlawful acts ;
- Education minimallulusan S1 of disciplines : Economics ( Management / Accounting / Economic Development ) , Agricultural Economics , Civil Engineering , and Law with a GPA of at least 2.75 from State and Private Universities of at least 3.00 ;
- Computer literate minimum MS Office ( Word & Excel ) ;
- Willing to work hard and able to work in teams ;
- Willing to be placed throughout the working area of Bank BPD Bali
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please submit your application by online through :
- Online registration closed on 9 January 2014.
- Applications received after these dates will not be considered.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process
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