Lowongan Kerja Bank NTT
About PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Nusa Tenggara TimurĀ (Bank NTT)
Bank Pembangunan Nusa Tenggara Timur – Bank NTT is the bank’s East Nusa Tenggara Province Government and the City / County around East Nusa Tenggara. Establishment of this bank is based on the idea of the elders of East Nusa Tenggara Province, among others, namely WJLalamentik (first Governor of NTT), Frans Seda, and JL D.Paikun Indradewa.
Based on the idea of ??elders – elders at the top, then on October 18, 1961 Stephen Ndun as a representative of Local Government and Wilhelmus Adrianus Tomodok Local Government Finance Staff of East Nusa Tenggara, to Vice Notary While CMK Amalo to formally approve the Establishment juridical Development Bank of East Nusa Tenggara. Further on the legal basis CMKAmalo Deputy Notary Notary Act No. 12 The Date October 18, 1961 stood a Financial Institution in East Nusa Tenggara with the name of PT Bank Nusa Tenggara Regional Development.
Regional Development Bank of East Nusa Tenggara began operating as a bank on July 17, 1962 pursuant to Decree of the Minister of Finance and Central Bank No: BOOM 9-1-13/II On February 5, 1962 on the Granting of license to PT Bank Nusa Tenggara Regional Development east, to the position of the place of business in Kupang, capital of East Nusa Tenggara Province.
Company Contact

PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Nusa Tengara Timur
Jl. W.J. Lalamentik 102
Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur 85000 Indonesia
Telp : +62 380 840555
Fax : +62 380 840567
Jobs Available
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:
- Calon Pegawai Bank NTT
Jobs Description
General Requirements
- Male/Female.
- Have a Bachelor Degree (S1), except D3 for Economics Taxation, Secretary and English (minimum TOEFL 450).
- Graduated from accredited university (PTN/PTS).
- Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.60 (on a 4-point scale).
- Maximum age of 28 years old.
- Minimum height of 160 cm (Male) and 150 cm (Female) with weight proportional.
- Good looking, possess excellent communication skills.
- Single/not married and has no children outside marriage as evidenced by Privacy Statement stamped Rp 6,000, and certificate from Village.
- Preferably for applicants who having working experience in the field of financial services, banking, construction, taxation.
- Preferably fluent in English and able to operate a computer at least Microsoft Office.
- Willing to be placed in all working area of Bank NTT.
- Education major :
- Perikanan / Kelautan
- Pertanian
- Peternakan
- Ekonomi Akuntansi / Manajemen / Bisnis
- Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan
- Ekonomi Perpajakan Min D3
- Ekonomi Perbankan
- Manajemen SDM
- Administrasi Negara
- Hukum
- Psikologi
- Komputer / Teknik Informatika
- Teknik Industri / Mesin
- Teknik Sipil / Arsitektur
- Bahas Inggris (TOEFL Min. 450), Min D3
- Sekretaris (Khusus) Min D3
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Required documents
- Application letter (hand written and stamped Rp 6,000), addressed to Tim Penerimaan Pegawai Bank NTT (Please mention the position applied at your application letter).
- Curiculum Vitae (CV), please write your parents name (mother and father).
- Legalized copies of Degree certifications or temporary degree verification statements (SKL) and transcripts
- Copy of ID Card.
- Recent color photograph 4×6 (4 pieces).
- Medical certificate.
- Copy of Family Card (KK)
- Job Seekers Identity Card (Kartu Kuning) from Depnakertrans.
- Police Records (SKCK)
- Working reference (for experienced applicants).
Interested and qualified candidates can apply and submit all documents above directly to :
Panitia Bank NTT Kantor Pusat
Jl. WJ Lalamentik No 102 Kupang (for applicants who live in Kupang city and regency)
or submit to the nearest branches of Bank NTT (for applicants who live in outside Kupang).
- Closing date 31 October 2014.
- Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process.
- Source
Lowongan Kerja Bank NTT provided by