Lowongan kerja BNI Syariah Bogor
About PT Bank BNI Syariah
PT Bank BNI Syariah is one of the Indonesian-based sharia financial institution. The Company engaged in Sharia banking sector and based in Jakarta. The Bank established on June 19, 2010 and as a subsidiary of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, a state-owned banking company in Indonesia. The Company supported by 59 branch offices across Indonesia. Based on BNI Syariah Annual Report 2010, the Company recorded a nett profit of Rp36.5 billion from the target Rp7.181 billion. It was achieved because BNI Syariah successfully managed third party funds and earning asstes appropriately.
Forging of the 1997 financial crisis proved the toughness of the Islamic banking system. Sharia by 3 (three) pillars, namely fair, transparent and able to answer the needs of beneficiaries in the banking system more equitable. With based on the Law No.10 of 1998, on the date dated 29 April 2000 established Sharia (UUS) BNI with five branch offices in Jakarta, Malang, Pekalongan, Jepara and Banjarmasin. Furthermore UUS BNI continues to grow to 28 branches and 31 branch offices.
Besides, customers can also enjoy the services of sharia in BNI Branch Conventional (office channeling) with approximately 750 outlets spread across Indonesia. In the execution of banking operations, taking into account the BNI Syariah compliance with aspects of sharia. With the Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) which is currently chaired by KH.Ma ‘ruf Amin, BNI Syariah all products has passed the testing of the DPS that meets the rules of Sharia.
In the Corporate Plan in 2000 UUS BNI established that UUS temporary status and will be a spin off in 2009. The plan was implemented on June 19, 2010 by the operation of the Commercial Bank BNI Syariah Sharia (BUS). Realization of the spin off in June 2010 can not be separated from the external factors of a conducive regulatory aspects, namely the issuance of Law 19 of 2008 on State Sharia Securities (SBSN) and Act 21 of 2008 on Islamic Banking. In addition, the Government’s commitment to the development of increasingly powerful Islamic banking and awareness of the advantages of Islamic banking products have also increased.
- Being a selection of Islamic Banking community that excels in service and performance.
- Make a positive contribution to society and care about environmental sustainability.
- Provide solutions for the community to the needs of Islamic banking services.
- Optimal investment value for investors.
- Create the best avenue to work as a place of pride and achievement for the staff as the embodiment of worship.
- A reference to the mandate of corporate governance. Ref :
Company Contact
PT Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Bogor
Jl. Pajajaran No. 27 A-B, telp 0251-8337828,8337620 Bogor
Jobs Available
PT Bank BNI Syariah now is seeking the candidates who are interested to learn and gaining hands-on experience in Sharia Banking as :
Asisten Pemasaran
Jobs Description
- Physical and Spiritual Health
- Male / Female, with max. age 26 years old on May 1, 2013
- Not Married
- Ability to work in a target
- Able to ride a motor vehicle and have SIM C
- Education Min D3 any majors (Min GPA 3.00 for PTS and 2.75 for PTN)
- Placements : Area Bogor (Cibinong, Citeureup, Cileungsi, Depok, Bogor PGB Grosir and Bogor-Kedung Badak)
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please submit complete applications with CV, recent color photograph, copy of ID Card, copy of academic certificate and transcripts to :
Closing date
- May 5, 2013
- The entire selection process is free of charge. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential.
- Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment.
- Source
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