Lowongan Fasilitator Pamsimas
About Program Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (PAMSIMAS)
Indonesia has a very strong commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) , which is decreasing the number of people who do not have access to drinking water and basic sanitation by 50 % by 2015 . Based on Law No.32/2004 on Regional Government and Law No.33/2004 on Fiscal Balance between the Central Government and local government; fully responsible local governments to provide basic services to the people in their respective regions , including drinking water and sanitation services . However , for regions with relatively large rural areas , has a population of relatively poor high and low fiscal capacity has , in general, their capabilities are very limited , thus requiring financial support to fund the required investment in order to improve its service to the community , good for investment in the form of physical infrastructure , as well as non – physical investments are comprised of management , technical and human resource development .
WSLIC-3/PAMSIMAS program is one of the real action programs and government ( central and local ) with the support of the World Bank , to improve drinking water supply , sanitation , and improve public health , especially in reducing diarrheal diseases and other diseases that are transmitted through the water and the environment .
The scope of activities WSLIC-III/PAMSIMAS program includes five (5) components of the project are:
- Community Empowerment and Local Institutional Development ;
- Increased Health and Behavior Hygiene and Sanitation ;
- Provision of Water Supply and Sanitation ;
- Incentives for Rural / Urban and District / City and
- Implementation Support and Project Management .
A program of drinking water supply , sanitation , and health will be effective and sustainable if based on community involvement through the whole of society ( women , men , rich and poor ) and conducted through an approach that is responsive to community needs ( demand responsive approach ) . That is responsive to the needs of the project means that the project provides facilities and activities that people want, are willing to contribute and finance , and to manage and maintain that form a sense of belonging ( sense of ownership ) of the activities carried out and manages voluntary . It is necessary for a community empowerment , that people actively participate in preparing , implementing , operationalize and maintain the facilities that have been built , as well as continuing health improvement activities in the community and school environment .
To be able to implement the program PAMSIMAS at the community level, it is necessary to guide the implementation of the perpetrators / implementing a program called ” Guidelines for PAMSIMAS at Community Level ” .
The purpose of the program is to increase access Pamsimas drinking water and sanitation services for the poor rural communities , especially in rural villages and communities in the suburbs ( peri – urban ) . In more detail Pamsimas program aims to :
- Improving the practice of clean and healthy living in the community ;
- Increase the number of people who have access to drinking water and sani – tation sustainable ;
- Increasing the capacity of communities and local institutions (local government and community ) in the implementation of water and sanitation services -based society ;
- Improve the effectiveness and long-term sustainability of infrastructure development for water and sanitation based society ;
This program targets the poor in rural and peri-urban ( peri – urban ) which has a prevalence of water -related diseases are high and do not get access to drinking water and sanitation services .
Contact Pamsimas
Kantor Pengembangan Air Minum
Ditjen Cipta Karya
Jl. PAM Baru I/1 Pejompongan
Jakarta Pusat 10210
No tlp. 021-57853268 dan 021-5742254
No Fax. 021-5742254
Jobs Available
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Republik Indonesia through Program Pamsimas II Prov Jawa Timur 2014 invites the best candidates to join as following positions :
- Fasilitator Masyarakat Bidang Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi (FM-WSS)
- Fasilitator Masyarakat Bidang Pemberdayaan (FM-CD)
Jobs Description
Fasilitator Masyarakat Bidang Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi (FM-WSS)
- Diploma III (D3), preferably Bachelor’s Degree (S1) majoring in Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture
- Max age 35 years old
- Familiar with MS Office (Word, Excel) and Internet
- Have a high self-initiative and able to work independently as well as team
- Willing to be stationed in all area of Pamsimas II program in East Java
Fasilitator Masyarakat Bidang Pemberdayaan (FM-CD)
- Diploma III (D3), preferably Bachelor’s Degree (S1) all majors
- Max age 35 years old
- Familiar with MS Office (Word, Excel) and Internet
- Have a high self-initiative and able to work independently as well as team
- Willing to be stationed in all area of Pamsimas II program in East Java
Documents required
- Application letter
- Curriculum Viate (CV)
- Copy of latest education certificate
- Copy of ID Card
- Copy of NPWP,
- Recent photograph 4×6 (4 pieces)
- Statement letter : not under contract with another program
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Candidates with qualifications as mentioned above, are welcome to apply for the position.
Please submit your complete documents above to :
Kantor Satker PKPAM Prov Jatim
Jl Raya Menganti Wiyung PO BOX 89/SB – KR Surabaya 60228, phone (031) 7523721, fax (031) 7523266,
email :
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Sumber
Lowongan Fasilitator Pamsimas brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn