Lowongan Kerja Program Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (PAMSIMAS) Jatim



Lowongan Fasilitator Pamsimas

About Program Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (PAMSIMAS)

Indonesia has a very strong commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) , which is decreasing the number of people who do not have access to drinking water and basic sanitation by 50 % by 2015 . Based on Law No.32/2004 on Regional Government and Law No.33/2004 on Fiscal Balance between the Central Government and local government; fully responsible local governments to provide basic services to the people in their respective regions , including drinking water and sanitation services . However , for regions with relatively large rural areas , has a population of relatively poor high and low fiscal capacity has , in general, their capabilities are very limited , thus requiring financial support to fund the required investment in order to improve its service to the community , good for investment in the form of physical infrastructure , as well as non – physical investments are comprised of management , technical and human resource development .

WSLIC-3/PAMSIMAS program is one of the real action programs and government ( central and local ) with the support of the World Bank , to improve drinking water supply , sanitation , and improve public health , especially in reducing diarrheal diseases and other diseases that are transmitted through the water and the environment .

The scope of activities WSLIC-III/PAMSIMAS program includes five (5) components of the project are:

  1. Community Empowerment and Local Institutional Development ;
  2. Increased Health and Behavior Hygiene and Sanitation ;
  3. Provision of Water Supply and Sanitation ;
  4. Incentives for Rural / Urban and District / City and
  5. Implementation Support and Project Management .

A program of drinking water supply , sanitation , and health will be effective and sustainable if based on community involvement through the whole of society ( women , men , rich and poor ) and conducted through an approach that is responsive to community needs ( demand responsive approach ) . That is responsive to the needs of the project means that the project provides facilities and activities that people want, are willing to contribute and finance , and to manage and maintain that form a sense of belonging ( sense of ownership ) of the activities carried out and manages voluntary . It is necessary for a community empowerment , that people actively participate in preparing , implementing , operationalize and maintain the facilities that have been built , as well as continuing health improvement activities in the community and school environment .

To be able to implement the program PAMSIMAS at the community level, it is necessary to guide the implementation of the perpetrators / implementing a program called ” Guidelines for PAMSIMAS at Community Level ” .


The purpose of the program is to increase access Pamsimas drinking water and sanitation services for the poor rural communities , especially in rural villages and communities in the suburbs ( peri – urban ) . In more detail Pamsimas program aims to :

  1. Improving the practice of clean and healthy living in the community ;
  2. Increase the number of people who have access to drinking water and sani – tation sustainable ;
  3. Increasing the capacity of communities and local institutions (local government and community ) in the implementation of water and sanitation services -based society ;
  4. Improve the effectiveness and long-term sustainability of infrastructure development for water and sanitation based society ;

This program targets the poor in rural and peri-urban ( peri – urban ) which has a prevalence of water -related diseases are high and do not get access to drinking water and sanitation services .

Contact Pamsimas

Kantor Pengembangan Air Minum
Ditjen Cipta Karya
Jl. PAM Baru I/1 Pejompongan
Jakarta Pusat 10210
No tlp. 021-57853268 dan 021-5742254
No Fax. 021-5742254

Jobs Available

Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Republik Indonesia through Program Pamsimas II Prov Jawa Timur 2014 invites the best candidates to join as following positions :

  1. Fasilitator Masyarakat Bidang Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi (FM-WSS)
  2. Fasilitator Masyarakat Bidang Pemberdayaan (FM-CD)

Jobs Description

Fasilitator Masyarakat Bidang Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi (FM-WSS)


  • Diploma III (D3), preferably Bachelor’s Degree (S1) majoring in Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture
  • Max age 35 years old
  • Familiar with MS Office (Word, Excel) and Internet
  • Have a high self-initiative and able to work independently as well as team
  • Willing to be stationed in all area of Pamsimas II program in East Java

Fasilitator Masyarakat Bidang Pemberdayaan (FM-CD)


  • Diploma III (D3), preferably Bachelor’s Degree (S1) all majors
  • Max age 35 years old
  • Familiar with MS Office (Word, Excel) and Internet
  • Have a high self-initiative and able to work independently as well as team
  • Willing to be stationed in all area of Pamsimas II program in East Java

Documents required

  1. Application letter
  2. Curriculum Viate (CV)
  3. Copy of latest education certificate
  4. Copy of ID Card
  5. Copy of NPWP,
  6. Recent photograph 4×6 (4 pieces)
  7. Statement letter : not under contract with another program

Sites Reference

  1. http://pamsimas.org

Submit Application

Candidates with qualifications as mentioned above, are welcome to apply for the position.

Please submit your complete documents above to :

Kantor Satker PKPAM Prov Jatim
Jl Raya Menganti Wiyung PO BOX 89/SB – KR Surabaya 60228, phone (031) 7523721, fax (031) 7523266,
email : ki_jatim@yahoo.com


  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Sumber

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