
Lowongan Kerja Pelaksana Program KIAT Guru
Teachers’ Performance and Accountability (KIAT Guru) is a TNP2K initiative to improve education service in remote areas through several approaches, including community participation in education, improved mechanisms and transparency in teacher allowances, and allowance payments based on teacher attendance and quality of service provided.

Increased education budget and improved teacher’s welfare. Since 2009, education has made up 20% of the state budget. Half of this is allocated for teacher salaries and allowances, which have continues to increase in the past three years. Teacher welfare has improved. Professional allowances for certified teachers can equal their base salary. For teachers who work in special areas (including remote areas) and receive special allowance, their combined income can equal up to three times their base salary.
Student learning outcomes and achievements, particularly in remote areas, have not improved Despite increasing teacher welfare, the learning outcomes of students in Indonesia have not improved. Indonesia’s grade 8 student performances in maths, Bahasa Indonesia and natural sciences in TIMSS and PIRLS tests was lower in 2011, compared with 2007. Similarly, the performance of Indonesia’s 15-year-old student in PISA tests decreased in 2012, compared to 2009. There continues to be a significant gap between the quality of education service and learning outcomes between urban and rural areas. More than 50% of 15-year-old and above in rural/remote areas had only just or not yet graduated elementary school, compared to 30% in urban areas (BPS, 2012).
Absenteeism among teachers in remote areas is relatively higher. A survey conducted by SMERU in 2010 showed a higher rate of teacher absenteeism in remote areas (24.4%) than the average national rate (15%). Even more unfortunate is that the rate of absenteeism among recipients of special allowances (31.5%) was much higher than that of non-recipients (25.4%). A similar survey by ACDP in 2014 indicated improvements, although the rate in remote schools (19.3%) remains double the national rate (9.4%).
TNP2K acknowledges the importance of effective and accountable budgetary spending on teachers to help improve education services and learning outcomes, particularly in marginalised and remote communities. The vice president hopes that, as the ‘spearhead’ of education, increasing teacher’s income through the provision of special allowance will boost the motivation, innovation and performance of teachers. Therefore, TNP2K in collaboration with BAPPENAS, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Finance and several regional governments mapped out several main issues that have resulted from the KIAT Guru pilot.
Contact Secretariat of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction
Grand Kebon Sirih Lt.4,
Jl.Kebon Sirih Raya No.35,
Jakarta Pusat, 10110
Jobs Available
Program KIAT Guru is seeking for individuals who are qualified, dedicated and willing to be placed in remote locations to fill the position – the position as follows:
- Koordinator Lapangan (KL) – 4 position
- Pelaksana Lapangan (PL) – 8 position
- Fasilitator Masyarakat (FM) – 40 position
- Asisten Administrasi & Keuangan (AAK) – 4 position
Jobs Description
Requirements :
- Minimum education graduates S1 (1,2,4)
- Minimum education or a university graduate SMA / SMK / MA with relevant work experience of at least 3 years (3)
- Maximum age 30 years (3)
- Minimum 5 years experience working in linkgup advocacy, governance, and community empowerment, experience leading and managing work teams (1)
- Minimum 3 years experience working within the scope of community development, mainly assisting and facilitating the community. Able to demonstrate ability, supervising and leading a team of field (2)
- Minimum 3 years experience in dealing with financial administration. Especially those who have experience dealing with financial administration Regional Government (4)
- Placement region: West Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, please send your complete application to:
- Closing date : 16 August 2016Please write the position code on the subject of the email with the format: “… (code the position) ….’… (province selected) …’… (applicant name) …”
- Maximum email size of 250 KB.
- Recruitment Executive Master TIP is free of charge.
- Source
Lowongan Pelaksana KIAT Guru TNP2K Kemendikbud brought to you by