Lowongan Kerja Kordinator Lapangan PKH Kemsos
About Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia (Kemsos)
Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia – Kemensos or The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia is The Indonesian government ministries in charge of social affairs. The main duty of Kemensos is assist the President of Indonesia in performing government duties in social affairs. Kemensos is based in Jakarta and its principal office is located in Jl Salemba Raya No. 28 Jakarta 10430. The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia is headed by a Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) that since 22 October 2009 held by Salim Assegaf Al Jufri. Kemensos supported 1 Secretariat General, 1 Inspectorate General, 1 Agency and 3 directorates.
Program Keluarga Sehat – PKH is a program of social protection through cash transfers to the Family Very Poor ( KSM ) , for the family to meet its obligations .
PKH geared to help the very poor in meeting the needs of education and health , in addition to providing the ability for families to increase consumer spending .
CCT is expected to change the behavior to check their Family Very Poor maternal / Ruling / toddler to a health facility , and sending children to school and educational facilities .
In the long term , CCT is expected to break the inter-generational transmission of poverty .
- Law No. 40 Year 2004 on National Social Security System .
- Law No. 13 Year 2011 regarding the handling of the Poor .
- Presidential Regulation Number 15 Year 2010 on the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction .
- Instruction No. 3 of 2010 on Equitable Development Program attachment points to 1 on the Implementation Completion PKH.
- Presidential Decree No. 1 of 2013 on the Prevention and Combating of Corruption attachment points to 46 on the Implementation of the Transparency Distribution of conditional cash transfers , Family Very Poor ( KSM ) As a Participant Family Hope Program ( PKH ) .
- Decree of the Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare as chairman of the Coordinating Team for Poverty Reduction , No: 31/KEP/MENKO/-KESRA/IX/2007 about ” Team Family Hope Program Control ” dated 21 September 2007
- Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. . 02A/HUK/2008 about ” Executive Team Family Hope Program ( PKH ) Year 2008 ” dated January 8, 2008 .
- Governor’s decision on ” Technical Coordination Team Family Hope Program ( PKH ) Provincial / TKPKD ” .
- Decree of the Regent / Mayor on ” Technical Coordination Team Family Hope Program ( PKH ) District / City / TKPKD ” .
- Letter of Agreement to Participate in Regent PKH.
- Received cash assistance as per the requirements
- Health services in the health care providers ( health centers, IHC , Polindes , etc. )
- Received educational services for children compulsory education age 9 years and children aged 15-18 years who have not completed primary education , through formal education programs , informal and non-formal
- CCT Participants included on other social assistance programs (Assurance , BSM , Raskin , Kube , BLSM )
- Mother or adult women who take care of children in the families
- If there is no mother , who is the sister of adults receiving
- Are entitled to take payment is the name listed on the card and not vice PKH
Jobs Available
In order to improve the performance of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia invites the best Indonesian citizen to join as positions below :
- Koordinator Lapangan (KORLAP) Pendataan Resertifikasi PKH 2015
Jobs Description
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from all disciplines.
- At least 5 years of experience in household surveys.
- Minimum 1 year of experience as field coordinator on household surveys.
- Accustomed to working with minimum supervision.
- Strong leadership skill.
- Good team work, like fieldwork and hard workers.
- Willing to work full-field.
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia.
- 13 positions available.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
To find out where you fit in, please visit the career menu of PKH Program on :
- Please note that applications may not be reviewed if received after 17 September 2015.
- Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses.
- Late submissions will not be considered and phone inquiries will not be accepted.
- Source
Lowongan Kerja Kordinator Lapangan PKH Kemsos brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn