Lowongan Kerja Polsuska PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)



Lowongan Kerja Polsuska PT KAI

About PT Kereta Api (Persero)

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) – PT KAI – PJKA is a state owned enterprise in charge of the Indonesian railway transport services. Rail service Indonesia PT (Persero) covering passenger and freight transport. At the end of March 2007, confirms the revision of Law No. DPR. 13/1992 which stressed that local governments and private investors are given the opportunity to organizing railway transport services in Indonesia. On 14 August 2008 Railway PT Indonesia (Persero) to do the separation of the PT division Jabotabek Jabotabek Commuter Rail (KCJ) to manage the train commuters in the greater Jakarta area. for the year 2008 the number of passengers exceeds 197 million.

The presence of a train in Indonesia marked the first hoeing in a village road development Kemijen KA, Friday the 17th of June 1864 by Governor General of Dutch East Indies, Mr.. Baron van den L.A.J Sloet Beele. Development initiated by the “Naamlooze Venootschap Spoorweg Nederlandsch Indische Maatschappij” (NV. NISM) led by Ir. JP de Bordes from Kemijen towards the village of Liability (26 km) with a width of 1435 mm gauge. This road section is open for public transport on Saturday, 10 August 1867.

Private success, NV. NISM development of roads between Kemijen KA – Liability, which later on February 10, 1870 will connect the city of Semarang – Surakarta (110 km), ultimately led to the development of roads investor interest in other regions KA. Not surprisingly, if the growth of rail road length between 1864 – 1900 did the rapid growth. If the new 25 km in 1867, the year 1870 to be 110 km, in 1880 reached 405 km, 1427 km in 1890 and became in 1900 a 3338 Km.

In addition to Java, KA road development is also done in Aceh (1874), North Sumatra (1886), West Sumatra (1891), South Sumatra (1914), even in 1922 in Sulawasi has developed over the 47 km road between KA Makasar – Takalar, the operation has to be the 1st of July 1923, the rest Ujungpandang – Maros did not get resolved. While in Kalimantan, although have not developed, study the way KA Pontianak – Sambas (220 km) has been completed. Similarly, on the island of Bali and Lombok, has done studies KA road development.

Until the year 1939, a long way in Indonesia KA 6811 km. But, in 1950 reduced to 5910 km in length, less exceeding 901 km raib, which is expected since demolished during the Japanese occupation and transported to the Burmese for KA road development there.

KA rail road type in Indonesia again to distinguish broad-gauge 1067 mm 750 mm (in Aceh) and 600 mm in some cross-branch and the city tram. The dismantled railway during the Japanese occupation (1942 – 1943) over 473 km, whereas the KA road, built during the Japanese occupation is 83 km between BAYAH – Cikara and 220 km between the Floating Market – Pekanbaru. Ironically, the technology is, the way KA Floating – Pekanbaru programmed completion of the development for 15 months which employs 27,500 people, 25,000 of them are Romusha. Road that crosses the marshes, hills, and the furious river rapids, a lot of tomb sacrifices swallow scattered throughout the Floating-Pekanbaru.

Following the independence of Indonesia diproklamir-state on 17 August 1945, employees who joined the EC, “The Railway Moeda” (Amka) took over the railroad’s kekuasa from the Japanese. The historic event occurred on 28 September 1945. Attitude by reading a statement and a member Amka Ismangil others, asserting that the starting date of 28 September 1945 railroad power in the hands of the Indonesian nation. Japanese people are not allowed to intervene again perkeretaapi’s business in Indonesia. This spirit is what sets 28 September 1945 as the Day of Railway in Indonesia, and dibentuknya “Railway Djawatan Republic of Indonesia” (DKARI). Ref: www.free-api.co.id


  • Be the best railroad service providers that focus on customer service and meet the expectations of stakeholders


  • Maintenance of railroad business, and business efforts penunjangnya, through business practices and organizational models best to provide high value added for stakeholders and the sustainability of the environment based on four main pillars: safety, timeliness, service and comfort

Company Contact

Kantor Pusat PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
Alamat Kantor : Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 1 Bandung 40117
Telepon Kantor : (022) 4230031, 4230039, 4230054
Teleks Kantor : 28263, 28358
Fax Kantor : (022) 4203342, Toka 10039
Kotak Pos : PO Box 1163 Bandung 40000
Website : www.kereta-api.co.id
Email : kontak_pelanggan@kereta-api.co.id

Jobs Available

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals to join as :

Polsuska (Polisi Khusus Kereta API)

Jobs Description


  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
  • Have a good health (physically and mentally) and not color blind and not wearing glasses
  • Well-behaved
  • Min high school (SMA IPA / IPS, SMK) with min average of NEM at least 6.5
  • Max age 25 years old per 31 July 2013
  • Height / Weight:
    • Male : at least 167 cm / weight balanced / normal
    • Female: at least 162 cm / weight balanced / normal
  • Not married
  • Good looking
  • Never engage Drugs and Psychotropic
  • Not tattooed and pierced
  • Preferably have a good martial arts skill, as evidenced by martial arts certificate
  • Passed in selection process held by PT Kereta Api (Persero) in 2013

Working Areas

  1. DAOP 1 Jakarta
  2. DAOP 2 Bandung
  3. DAOP 3 Cirebon
  4. DAOP 4 Semarang
  5. DAOP 5 Purwokerto
  6. DAOP 6 Yogyakarta
  7. DAOP 7 Madiun
  8. DAOP 8 Surabaya
  9. DAOP 9 Jember
  10. SUBDIVRE 3.1 Kertapati

Sites Reference

  1. www.kereta-api.co.id

Submit Application

To apply this jobs, please register through :

Closing date

  • July 19, 2013


  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja Polsuska PT KAI brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn