Lowongan Kerja Politeknik Caltex Riau



Lowongan Dosen Politeknik Caltex Riau

About Politeknik Caltex Riau

Politeknik Caltex Riau – PCR is a private university in Pekanbaru. Polytechnic Caltex Riau – PCR was set up jointly by PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia, which was then named PT. Caltex Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI), BP Migas and the Government of Riau Province on the basis of a strong commitment to improving the quality of human resources in the field of applied technology reliable, knowledgeable and have high integrity in meeting the needs of the industry continues to grow and develop in Riau province, nationally and globally.

PCR started academic activities on August 31, 2001 with three (3) Study Program (Prodi) D-III level. After One Decade to function as Institutions of Higher Education in Earth Melayu Riau Province, currently PCR has eight (8) study program consisting of five (5) Prodi D-III level and three (3) Study Prodi D-IV have all been accredited . PCR offers a balanced character and integrated learning between the concept of quality academic education, employment prospects are broad and synergistic social and cultural life.

Alumni PCR expected to become Associate Expert (A.Md.) or Bachelor of Applied Science (SST) which is tough in the field of applied technology which has the competencies (knowledge, skills and character) with the ability to compete globally. The results seen with the appreciation of the industrial world in the form of implementation of PCR graduate recruitment on campus PCR by many companies including Multinational Company. In addition, the quality of teaching was also seen with PCR student achievement is quite encouraging at the regional and national levels. While the ability of institutions seen by appointment PCR as The Competency Test (TUK) Field of Telematics by the National Professional Certification (BNSP) and the Testing Center Tekonologi field information by Pearson VUE.

In an effort to realize the vision Recognized as Superior Polytechnic are able to compete globally, PCR is always ready to make changes in order to adapt to the conditions and situations that are very dynamic and implement continuous improvement in the ability to produce human resources, products and services that can meet the or exceed the needs of customers and other stakeholders. Thus, the presence of PCR still perceived and expected by society and can contribute to the achievement of Riau Vision 2020, the National Education Vision 2025 and National Development Vision Indonesia from 2005 to 2025.

Contact Politeknik Caltex Riau

Poltek Caltex Riau

Jl. Umban Sari (Patin) No. 1 Rumbai Pekanbaru-Riau 28265
(0761) -53939 atau 0811 758 0101
(0761) – 554224
pcr@pcr.ac.id www.pcr.ac.id

Jobs Available

Politeknik Caltex Riau are seeking the best candidates to join as :

  1. Dosen Program Studi D4 Teknik Elektronika Telekomunikasi
  2. Dosen Program Studi D3 Akuntansi
  3. Dosen Program Studi D3 Teknik Elektronika
  4. Dosen Program Studi D4 Teknik Informatika

Jobs Description

Dosen Program Studi D4 Teknik Elektronika Telekomunikasi


  • Min. S2 Telecommunications Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering
  • Have a diploma linear S1-S2
  • The maximum age of 30 years (S2) and 35 years (S3)
  • GPA of at least 3.00
  • Having a professional certificate are preferred

Dosen Program Studi D3 Akuntansi


  • Min. S2 Accounting
  • Have a diploma linear S1-S2
  • The maximum age of 30 years (S2) and 35 years (S3)
  • GPA of at least 3.00
  • Having a professional certificate are preferred

Dosen Program Studi D3 Teknik Elektronika


  • Min. S2 Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering (Concentration Weak Flow / Control)
  • Have a diploma linear S1-S2
  • The maximum age of 30 years (S2) and 35 years (S3)
  • GPA of at least 3.00
  • Having a professional certificate are preferred

Dosen Program Studi D4 Teknik Informatika


  • Min. S2 Informatics / Computer Science / Information Management / Electrical Engineering (Computer Networks Concentration / Computer Systems / Software Engineering).
  • Have a diploma linear S1-S2
  • The maximum age of 30 years (S2) and 35 years (S3)
  • GPA of at least 3.00
  • Having a professional certificate are preferred

Sites Reference

  1. www.pcr.ac.id

Submit Application

Kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran Anda ke email :



  • Application will be treated strictly confidential
  • Only short-listed candidates will receive responses.
  • Source

Lowongan Dosen Politeknik Caltex Riau brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com