
Lowongan Kerja Politeknik Batam
About Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam)
Politeknik Negeri Batam – Polibatam or Batam State Polytechnic (Polibatam) It is the only State College (PTN) Students in the area of trade and the free port of Batam, Bintan, and Karimun Islands province of Riau. Located in one of the central national economic growth, Polibatam is also located in the outermost regions and leading the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia that is directly adjacent to international waters. Polibatam was originally a Private College Education Foundation under the Batam Batam Authority members, Institute Of Technology Bandung, The Government Of Batam City, and the University of Riau. Along with the development of performance and accomplishments that have been achieved for a decade, on the date of 18 October 2010, The Government through the regulation of the Minister of national education No. 26 Year 2010 set Polibatam to be officially named State Polytechnic UNIVERSITIES for Batam. Thus began the academic year 2011/2012, the status of students and graduates is Polibatam students and college graduates or college Government Affairs.

As a College-oriented vokasional line on strengthening the ability of practice and its student skills, the educational process Polibatam supported infrastructure sufficient building. The smoke free building, standing above the land 12,5 Ha in Central Batam, Batam Center. The main building is the Centre of activity management, Lecturer and academic activities carried out process. Digedung facilities include 20 class room, 29 laboratory, Library, Space Administration, and information services as well as various public facilities such as mosques, the cafeteria, and a pretty spacious auditroium with a capacity of approximately 1000 people.
State Polytechnic Batam have also attempted to reproduce both the academic achievement scholarship program as well as non-academic as well as help financing courses so as to increase the motivation of the prospective students or students in the studied and honed his skills as a really really attend the learning process. The scholarship is offered to new students as well as active students start year 2011 among other things : Scholarships For Mission, PMDK Scholarship, Scholarship UMPN, Local Examination Scholarships, Bridging Scholarships CMS, Academic Achievement Scholarship, Learning Support Scholarships, Achievement Scholarship interests and Talents, and scholarships from industry/local government.
Batam State Polytechnic in its development experience some times change status, at the beginning of its establishment in the year 2000, Batam authority as an institution that gave birth to Batam Polytechnic together 3 the institution of, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), The Government Of Batam City (Pemko Batam), and the University of Riau (UNRI). The basic establishment of Batam Polytechnic with a Notary deed of Establishment of Gautama Soehendro, SH, Dd 30 May 2000 No. 115 Education Foundation Batam Batam Polytechnic then set up. The first building is still in the building in Batu Ampar Pertamina Tongkang.
Year 2001 The Inauguration Of The & The signing of the Batam Polytechnic Inscription by Mendiknas Dr.. Yahya Muhaimin. In The Year 2003 recently started the establishment of the Polytechnic building Batam in Batam Centre. On establishment of laying the first stone building of Polibatam done by the father of Minister of national education (Mendiknas) Mr Prof.. Malik Fajar. The first graduation Polibatam also in 2003.
In the year 2004 all three courses of Informatics Engineering, Accounting, and electronics engineering accredited by B. Accreditation 3 Program Of Study, the entire study program accreditation B (007/Ban-PT/Ak-Dipl-IV/III/VII/2004).
Since the year 2005 teaching and learning activities begin to Move in the building of the new campus of the Polytechnic University of Batam in Batam Center. and in 2006 Batam Polytechnic building was officially inaugurated by the President of INDONESIA Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Polibatam Campus ISO 9001:2000 in the year 2006 does the application of quality management system and ISO 9001:2000.
Gedung Utama, lantai 1 Politeknik Negeri Batam
Parkway Batam Center, Batam, 29461
Phone +62-778-469856 – 469 860 ext. 1017
Fax +62-778-463620
Jobs Available
Politeknik Negeri Batam invites the best candidates to join as positions below :
- Tenaga Pendidik (Calon Dosen / Dosen)
- Tenaga Kependidikan (Staf)
Jobs Description
Tenaga Pendidik (Calon Dosen / Dosen)
General Requirements:
- Male / female
- Maximum age 35 years
- Preferably from PTN / abroad in good standing
- Willing to stay in Batam
- Able to communicate well in Indonesian and English
- Have good interpersonal
- Having high dedication to the world of education, research and community service
- Able to work independently and as a team
Tenaga Kependidikan (Staf)
General Requirements:
- Male – Male / female
- GPA of at least 3:00
- Maximum age 28 years
- Preferably from PTN / abroad in good standing
- Willing to stay in Batam
- Able to communicate well
- Have good interpersonal
- Able to work independently and as a team
Sites Rerence
Submit Application
For those interested, please send your application letter with CV, diplomas scan, scan transcripts and other supporting documents addressed to:
Bagian Kepegawaian Politeknik Negeri Batam
Jl. Ahmad Yani, Kecamatan Batam Kota, Batam 29461
Email :
Notes :
- Closing date : 26 February 2016
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers processed.
Lowongan Kerja Politeknik Batam brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn