Lowongan Kerja PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan DKI Jakarta



Lowongan PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan DKI Jakarta

About Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri (PNPM) Perkotaan

Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri (PNPM) Perkotaan – PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan is the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) Mandiri of Indonesia. The Program is the community empowerment program for Community Empowerment to alleviation the poverty in Indonesia. The Program was launched by the President of Republic of Indonesia in 2007 at Palu – Central Sulawesi. PNPM Mandiri also recognized as the largest community-based poverty reduction programs in the world, which was implemented in approximately 60,000 villages across Indonesia. Since 1998, PNPM Mandiri has been implemented in more than 58% of villages across Indonesia. Until 2008, PNPM Mandiri is to reach 42,319 of the poorest villages in Indonesia.

Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Perkotaan – P2KP is a government program that seeks to substantially reduce poverty through empowering concepts and other local development actors , including local governments and local care group , so it can be awakened ” independence movements poverty reduction and sustainable development ” , which is based on noble values ??and principles universal principles . [ Quoted from : General Handbook P2KP – 3 , October 2005 Issue ]

The problem of poverty in Indonesia is very urgent to be addressed . Particularly in urban areas , one common characteristic of the physical condition of the poor is not having access to basic infrastructure and facilities adequate environment , the quality of housing and settlements far below industry standards , as well as the livelihood of uncertainty .

It is recognized that for many people over look the problems of poverty only at the level of symptoms that may be seen from the outside or on the surface level , which includes a multi-dimensional , either political, social , economic , and other assets . In everyday life dimensions of poverty such symptoms appear in various forms , such as , among others :

  1. Political dimension , often appears in the form of its container is not an organization that is able to promote the aspirations and needs of the poor , so they are completely knocked out of important decision-making processes that concern them . As a result , they also do not have adequate access to a variety of key resources needed to adequately organize their lives , including access to information ;
  2. Social dimension not often appear in the form of the integration of the poor into the existing social institutions , culture of poverty terinternalisasikannya destructive human qualities and their work ethic , as well as the fading values ??of social capital ;
  3. Environmental dimensions often appear in the form of attitudes , behaviors , and perspectives that are not oriented toward sustainable development that tends to decide and carry out activities that are less preservation and protection of the environment and settlement ;
  4. Economic dimension appears in the form of low income and is unable to meet their basic needs to the extent feasible , and
  5. Assets dimensions , characterized by low ownership of the poor to the various things that can be the capital of their lives , including the asset quality of human resources (human capital ) , equipment , capital funds , shelter or housing , and so on .

Characteristics as mentioned above poverty and economic crisis has alerted all concerned that the approach and the way chosen in poverty reduction during this needs to be fixed , ie in the direction of strengthening community institutions . Empowerment of community institutions is needed in order to build a civil society organization that really struggle to become a place for the poor , are independent and sustainable in voicing their needs and aspirations as well as able to influence the decision-making process related to public policy at the local level , both the social aspects , economics and the environment , including housing and settlements .

Institutional strengthening society is also primarily focused on strengthening its role as a driving force in the ‘ institutionalized ‘ and ‘ civilize ‘ re human values ??and society ( the values ??and principles in P2KP ) , as the core values ??that underlie activity alleviation of poverty by the local community . Through these community institutions is no longer expected people still trapped in the cycle of poverty , which in its turn is also expected to create a residential neighborhood with the city more livable in the settlements are more responsive , and the social systems that carry out more independent the principles of sustainable development .

To the institutional community built by and for the people , then be trusted to manage the endowment fund P2KP participatory , transparent , and accountable . The funds are used by communities to finance poverty reduction activities , which is decided by the people themselves through rembug citizens , either in the form of revolving loans and waqf funds for the stimulant self supporting for activities that directly benefit the community , such as improvement of infrastructure and basic facilities housing and settlements .

The model is expected to contribute to the resolution of issues that poverty is multi- dimensional and structural , in particular related to the dimensions of the political , social , and economic , as well as in the long run be able to provide better asset for the poor to increase their income , improve quality housing and settlements meraka and voice their aspirations in the decision-making process . To achieve these things , then the process of community empowerment , ie, with intensive mentoring activities in each target village .

Approach through community institutions and providing grants directly to targeted urban communities , P2KP enough to encourage and strengthen the participation of local communities and care organized in poverty reduction . That is, the potential poverty alleviation programs as ” social movement ” , namely: of , by and for the community .


Jl. Penjernihan I No 19 F1 Lantai II, Pejompongan Jakarta Pusat
Telp 021-5743693, Fax. 021-5743692

Jobs Available

PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan Propinsi DKI Jakarta invites the best candidates to join as :

Koordinator Kota
To fill the void in the region Jakarta Pusat

Jobs Description


  • Min S1 from various disciplines
  • Minimum 5 years experience of empowerment
  • Experience independent askot / askot specialist / expert in the PNPM Urban
  • Proficiently operate computer minimal microsoft office
  • Able to organize teams and facilitators askot
  • able to participate in the selection (written, participatory and individual interviews, presentations)

Sites Reference

  1. www.p2kp.org

Submit Application

Applications include CV and References / Description ekrja addressed to:

KMW DKI Jakarta
Email : kmwoc3jktadhicipta@yahoo.com


  • Closaing date Auguts 31, 2013
  • Source

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