Lowongan Kerja Perum Pengangkutan Penumpang Djakarta – PPD



Lowongan Kerja Perum PPD

About Perusahaan Umum Pengangkutan Penumpang Djakarta (Perum PPD)

Perum PPD atau Perusahaan Pengangkutan Penumpang Djakarta is one of the state-owned company engaged in the field of transport, especially land transportation in Jakarta and surrounding areas.

Perum PPD Established since 1920. Public Company Passenger Transportation Djakarta or Perum PPD is one of the state-owned enterprise under the Ministry of Transportation that accompanies the formation history of the struggle of this nation.

The forerunner of Perum PPD legalized form of legal entity the Public Company (Perum) in 1981 in accordance with Government Regulation No. 24 in 1981 and refined into the Government Regulation No.32 of 1984 is the incorporation of transport belonging to Nederlansch Indische Maatschappij with Bataviach Elektrische Tram Tram Maatschappij ahead in 1925 in accordance with the advice Burgemeester City of Batavia who was held by Ir. Voorneman be Bataviache Verkeers Maatchappij (BVMNV).

However, since the Japanese occupation of Indonesia from 1942 to 1945 BVMNV converted into Shinden Djakarta Jakarta Tram which only operate tram city alone. City buses ex Japan BVMNV used for other purposes.

However, a day after the nation of Indonesia proclaimed its independence, a number of employees Djakarta sponsored Shinden Menteng 31 Youth urged the Japanese authorities immediately handed tram on youth. Since August 20, 1945, tram submitted to the Government of Indonesia and managed tram railroad section.

To give priority to the public interest, BVMNV then dinasionalkan and controlled by the Ministry of Transportation based Emergency Law 10 of 1954.

As a follow-up to the nationalization, by deed of notary Mr. Raden Kelvin No. 76 dated June 30, 1954 and # 82 dated December 21, 1954, BVMNV changed its legal form into a Limited Liability Company (PT) with the name “Djakarta Transportation Company”.

Perum PPD 2

Perum PPD Contact

Jl. Mayjen D.I. Panjaitan No.1
Cawang Jakarta Timur Indonesia 13410
Telp: +6221 8591 2547
Fax: +6221 850 1047
E-mail: info@perumppd.co.id

Jobs Available

Perusahaan Umum Pengangkutan Penumpang Djakarta is looking for qualified personnel with high motivation, initiative and integrity to fill in the following positions:

  1. Pramudi
  2. Asisten Pramudi

Jobs Description

1. Pramudi


  • Male / Female, 23-25 years old
  • A minimum of a junior high school education
  • SIM has at least B1 General
  • well behaved
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Willing to follow the training for 6 weeks in Kampus PKTJ Tegal

2. Asisten Pramudi


  • Male / Female
  • Min high school education or equivalent
  • Max age 35 years (men), max 27 years (women)
  • Min height 157 cm (women)
  • Attractive
  • good behavior
  • healthy
  • Single (Female)

Documents required :

  1. CV / Curriculum vitae
  2. A copy of the last diploma
  3. Copy of ID card
  4. 4 × 6 photographs, the red background (3 pieces)
  5. Copy SIM
  6. Copy of Family Card
  7. SKCK
  8. Health Certificate from the RS Government
  9. SK Domicile
  10. Phone number / HP which can be contacted

Sites Reference

  1. www.perumppd.co.id

Submit Application

Letter of application and the completeness of the file inserted into the envelope, by stating “Pramudi” or “ASSISTANT Pramudi” on the left side of the envelope.

Please send it directly to:

Kantor Pusat Perum PPD
Jl. Mayjen D.I. Pandjaitan No.1
Cawang Jakarta Timur 13410


  • Closing date immedietly after enough applicants.
  • Please be careful against all forms of fraud.
  • Perum PPD recruitment is free of charge.
  • It is also expected to always be honest and orderly.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja Perum PPD brought to you by lokercpnsbumn.com