
Lowongan Kerja Jamkrindo
About Perusahaan Umum Jaminan Kredit Indonesia (PERUM JAMKRINDO)
Perusahaan Umum Jaminan Kredit Indonesia (PERUM JAMKRINDO) is a state-owned enterprises engaged in the business credit insurance / financing bank and non bank
Departing from the real condition of the cooperative development that is still quite behind compared with the two other economic actors (state and private), the Government established the Cooperative Credit Guarantee Agency (LJKK) in 1970 which in its development changed to the Public Enterprise Development Finance Cooperative (Housing PKK) through regulation Regulation No. 51 dated December 23, 1981, which was then revised by Government Regulation. 27 dated May 31, 1985.
As time went on and related to the successful implementation of the functions and tasks in developing co-operative Housing PKK through Credit Guarantee, the Government extend the range of services Perum PKK, to be not only limited to the cooperative, but also includes Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises through PP. 95 dated 7 November 2000 and also change the name of the PKK a Public Corporation Housing (Housing) Enterprise Development Facility (SPU).
Later in the month of May 2008, through the Government Regulation no. 41 dated May 19, 2008 Public Enterprises (Housing) Means Business Development Company again changed its name to General (Housing) Credit Guarantee Indonesia (Perum Jamkrindo). Corporate name change was related to changes in the company’s business that no longer make loans directly to UMKMK through a revenue sharing scheme, but only focused on the credit guarantee business UMKMK. In 2008 also, the government issued Presidential Regulation. 2 dated January 26, 2008 on Guarantee Agency. To implement the Presidential Decree, the Government in this case the Ministry of Finance, issued a Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) No.. 222/PMK.010/2008 dated December 16, 2008 on Credit Guarantee Company and Repeat Credit Guarantee Company. With the regulation referred to the Housing Jamkrindo must have a business license as the Credit Guarantee Company. Following up on PMK, the Minister of Finance issued Decree No. KEP-77/KM.10/2009 April 22, 2009 which establishes a business license as a company Jamkrindo Housing Credit Guarantee.
Company Contact

Gedung Jamkrindo, Jl. Angkasa Blok B-9 Kavling 6
Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat 10610 Indonsia
Telp. (62-21)-6540335
Fax. (62-21)-6540344,6540348
Website :
Jl. Taman Marga Satwa No. 26 Kav. B, Ragunan
Jakarta Selatan 12550, Telp 021-7812335
Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km 12 No. 722, Gedebage
Bandung – 40294, Telp 022-7816267, 7802234
Jl. Pamularsih No.68A–Semarang 50148, Telp 024-761413
Jl. Raya Bandara Juanda Km. 2-3, Surabaya 60292, Telp 031-8673827, 8673828
Jl. Hang Tuah No. 76, Denpasar – Bali 80228, Telp 0361-286854, Fax. 0361-286709
Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 140, Makassar 90125, Telp 0411-873031
Jl. Suwondo Parman, Komplek Mall Lembuswana Blok C-6, Samarinda 75123, Telp 0541-747608
Jl. Tengku Umar Blok B/24 Komplek Perkantoran Pontianak Mall Pontianak 78117, Telp 0561-749095
Jl. Residen A. Rojak. 188/189, Kelurahan Kalidoni, Palembang 30114, Telp 0711-7826393
Komplek Perkantoran Sudirman Raya Blok D9 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Simpang Tiga, Pekanbaru 28282, Telp 0761-854311
Jl. Sei Serayu No. 40 Medan 20121 Telp. 061 – 4155767, 4152827, Fax. 061 – 4156775
Jobs Available
Perum Jamkrindo have following positions to offer for the right person that can grow together as :
- Staf Akuntansi
- Staf Hukum dan Kepatuhan
Jobs Description
Staf Akuntansi
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
- Single (Never married).
- Willing to be placed in all working units of Perum Jamkrindo.
- Minimum requirement of Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting from a well-qualified universities (state and private universities), with a minimum final GPA of 3.00 within 4.00 scales.
- Fresh graduate. Preference is given to applicants with at least 2 years working experience in the field of accounting.
- Willing to work overtime.
- Maximum age of 29 years old for S1 and 31 years old for S2.
- Have a good health and free from drugs.
- Never sentenced to prison.
- Never dishonorably discharged from an institution.
- Not having family ties with employees of Perum Jamkrindo.
Staf Hukum dan Kepatuhan
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
- Willing to be placed in all working units of Perum Jamkrindo.
- Minimum requirement of Bachelor Degree (S1) in Law from a well-qualified universities (state and private universities), with a minimum final GPA of 3.00 within 4.00 scales.
- Fresh graduate. The candidate with prior experience in banking legal and / or experience as a lawyer / have worked in the Law firm is preferred.
- Maximum age of 29 years old for S1 and 31 years old for S2.
- Have a good health and free from drugs.
- Never sentenced to prison.
- Never dishonorably discharged from an institution.
- Not having family ties with employees of Perum Jamkrindo.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
If you are interest and meet the requirement that needed, please download and fill-in application form here and then send the application form follow with application letter and scanned copies of diploma and transcripts to :
- Please write LAMARAN (space) NAME (space) STAF AKUNTANSI or STAF HUKUM in your subject line.
- Closing date 4 March 2016.
- Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process.
- Source
Lowongan Kerja Jamkrindo brought to you by